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-- Gangs Of New York - SCREENER - TcS (
nice 1
video rocks. cool release
hail to the king baby.
nice pic.nice sound.
perfect for a friday night.. seems like a good movie..
great TcS...
WOW! Its a shame that the oscar season will be over soon, its not like I can complain though, thanks to everyone releasing all these great quality flicks!
Very nice release, way to go tcs. Picture is ok , not the best ever but certainly very watchable. sound is great. I think i will grab this one
just letting you guys know the two towers has been nominated for shit for the academy aways crap so theres a dvd screener made
well not shit lol sorry one nominatoin is for BEST PICTURE
Wise words DJD4566. I'm sure your discovery has caused a great deal of surprise for everyone here.
Or, as they say in spain, no shit Sherlock.
Anyway - back to this. Image looks great but has anyone actually SEEN it yet?
Looks good, and the nfo says: 168min runtime! *nice*
. . . ..........T.H.E.c.H.R.O.N.I.C.S.Q.U.A.D............ . . . .
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Û²ß Gangs Of New York ß²Û
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±Ý SUPPLiER....[ iSONEWS.COM SiZE.....[ cd1:28/15 cd2:49/15 ±
MEDiA.......[ VHS [ cd3:40/15
° RUNTiME.....[ 168 Mins QUALiTY..[ ViDEO: 8 AUDiO: 10 °
ß± FORMAT......[ VCD FiLES....[ tcs-gony-cd*.r** ±Û
²ßÜ iMDB RATiNG.[ 7.6 RLS.DATE.[ 01/03/03 ܲ
²Üß GENRE.......[ Crime/Drama RETAiL...[ ??/??/03 ܲ
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The film starts in 1846 and ends in 1863 with the draft riots.
The setting is New York's five points, the most violent part of
the world at the time. The story is risen out of the conflicts
between the white Anglo-Saxon "natives" and the Irish
immigrants coming into the five points. One boy needs to avenge
the death of his father...
NOTES: Removed all aggravating Property of watermarks enjoy!
° °
± ENJOY! ±
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Ü .NFO MADE BY AyLieN of cRO. 2oo1
nfogen by p?k[bah]
picture is good, but not very good
sound is excellent...
lets go for this one...
Very good quality... I think they should have made it an SVCD, judging by the "if it were svcd" sample.
Originally posted by Wibble
WOW! Its a shame that the oscar season will be over soon, its not like I can complain though, thanks to everyone releasing all these great quality flicks!
Good release
This is a great release from Tcs, I have been waiting for this; but I don't understand why they made it a VCD when there SVCD sample looks even better, why make a sample of a SVCD? O well maybe they will come out with one that is a SVCD DVD Screener.
end of Dec is considered the end of oscar season because thats usually the deadline for contending movies to be released
Well all of the movies have to be watched before we get a winner, so the studios send out DVDScreeners or VHS tapes of the movies to all previous academy award winners so that they can judge the film. I have watched many a good DVD screener from Oscar friends.
Heh I thought they were in late January, woo hoo!
I really want to hold out for a DVD SCR of his movie, but im sure impatience willl get the better of me sooner or later
Two words HOLY SHIT
I think i creamed my pants, I just woke up came to the site noticed this was on here. i can't believe it. I downloaded the sws version, that was unwatchable so i still havn't seen it. thanks tcf for releasing this screener.
LORD OF THE RINGS THE TWO TOWERS Has not been nomiated for an academy award, its been nominated for a golden globe award, two totally different things. well this day has rocked and i just got up, now all i gotta do is get laid, lol. yeah right. like i'm gonna get laid today.
NOTES: Removed all aggravating Property of watermarks enjoy! ...
I hope they didn't crop the release... Not to sound like the most anal fag in the world, but I saw this in the theatres and loved it!... I really want to see it in the true widescreen and proper aspect ratio... I don't care it it says "FOR YOUR CONSIDERAION" 4 times during the movie, better than taking a slice off the bottom.
most of these dvd's aren't for the oscars, but for the golden globe awards...
WHy cant people shut up about TTT
TTT and more TTT
Woah has anyone seen LOTR:TTT i just saw it again, i have seen it so many damn times now, it was like the best movie ever. woah, TTT, TTT, TTT, TTT, woah it rocks, Hello jc100 figured i would give you another reply about TTT. just messing. Actually i don't wanna talk about TTT anymore either, i wanna know when in the hell is Chicago coming out????????????????????????? catherine zeta jones is the best gal ever.
Can't wait to see this release, from what i can see so far (jpegs) it looks really good. i'll give my vote after i see the movie.
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