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Posted by your name her on 05-28-2003 07:27 AM:

attack of the svcd ts' it jus me or is vcd encoding being tottaly forgotten

nice pic sound is ok


Originally posted by deftones6

How are you rating the video and audio without actually having the movie????

Posted by SneakySix on 05-28-2003 07:32 AM:

awsome video, sound is a lil hollow

/me shrugs

Posted by demarco5 on 05-28-2003 07:35 AM:

picture is good and def watchable, but sound is brutal

Posted by me_know4 on 05-28-2003 07:52 AM:

Somebody is doing something right!

Somebody is doing something right! WOW! I have a habit of looking for the Centropy & VCDCENTRAL SVCD's. If I see em, I know that it's worth the download. Video is one of the best I have ever seen. For a min. I thought they were taking a much better source and telling everone it was a TS. But I see for sure it's a TS on this release.

Hey VCDCENTRAL you guys keep doing what your doing making all of us watch these great SVCD's of yours!



Posted by hamsterboi on 05-28-2003 08:03 AM:

nice ts svcd, vcdcentral. gj and props for commending ctp on their ts svcd movement

Video not bad, sound okay, a bit hollow

Posted by MoNoXiDe on 05-28-2003 08:05 AM:

Looks like it wasn't just a one time thing... Nice rls... Get that audio down and your tops... Great homemade TS... 7.5/6/?



Posted by Butch on 05-28-2003 08:21 AM:

attack of the svcd ts's

Don't complain my good man.If this is the new standard of first releases then I'm certainly a happy bunny.
I got the sample to the cam that was floating about aometime last week and it was probably the worst cam ever.Someone sat in the backrow and zoomed out as far as possible,the sound was about 15 seconds out of sync.So i am gllad to see this little beauty.
Video - 8 (check out the clarity but a little dark)
audio - 7 hollow but audible (cam?)
Film - ? Probably the biggest load of trash ever made I HATE MUSICAL'S.
CTP - You still rule the roost with SVCD telesync's,but VCDcentral are catching up! *Props to VCDCentral*


Posted by Mystic Slippe on 05-28-2003 08:25 AM:

Originally posted by Butch
...I got the sample to the cam that was floating about aometime last week and it was probably the worst cam ever.Someone sat in the backrow and zoomed out as far as possible,the sound was about 15 seconds out of sync.

Yeah, that was released by everybody's favourite group SHiNA/UMS. LOL.

Posted by temp0 on 05-28-2003 08:36 AM:

VCDCentral SVCDs continue to impress.


Gah, the girlfriend made me go to this one... what a terrible nightmare.

Posted by n0th1ng on 05-28-2003 08:49 AM:

6(cause you can see fisheye effect a little)
7(decent sound)

Posted by EccoDomi on 05-28-2003 10:09 AM:

Yes. WTF is with SVCD encodes now? I say there oughta be a rule. If you cant do it as good as centropy, then dont do it at all! All other TS's besides centropy are too crappy to waste the extra HDD and bitrate on.

On to this movie. it looks decent. supposed to be very good from the critics. I dunno. Sample is pixelated audio a tad messed up.

Stick to vcds VCD Central...



Posted by parasiticgann on 05-28-2003 12:25 PM:

Originally posted by Mystic Slippers

Yeah, that was released by everybody's favourite group SHiNA/UMS. LOL.

So this wasn't the first rls? I havn't seen another rls of this movie at all. Its been out for what 2 weeks now? or close to it. anyone know if the movie is good?

Sample looks aight, good picture, decent colors, sound is hollow but not much, so its tolerable. havn't seen this movie yet.

C'mon M$ Shita rocks. lol.

Posted by flex0r on 05-28-2003 12:31 PM:


well this does look very nice, why the hell would you complain about this kind of svcd's -> vcd sucks man it's like stoneage encoding, look what happens when you have a rolling camera, only fucking motion blur...
well i'm definately happy with this one, my sister will love it
good job VCDCentral, next time try to fix up the audio a little less hollow


Posted by Krad on 05-28-2003 01:19 PM:

Re: Somebody is doing something right!

Originally posted by me_know4
Video is one of the best I have ever seen. For a min. I thought they were taking a much better source and telling everone it was a TS. But I see for sure it's a TS on this release.

... I don't feel like giving ya shit, but first of all, its a mislabled cam, no chance in hell the sound is from a direct source, Secondly your think this is one of the best videos youve seen as far as a cam/ts? What about scooby doo ctp, or just recently matrix reloaded, or bruce almighty, or star wars ep2, or spiderman... list goes on, imo all of those were much better than this one, but this is too bad of a second to ctp if they wouldnt mislabel :P

edit:: Forgot rating, 7/4

Posted by hizb0la on 05-28-2003 01:22 PM:

Girlfriend wanted to see it so we got it. Not the greatest movie, definently worth the the dl. Good sharp qual "maybe I was just really tired but it was on a slight angle". Audio was good. Movie lacked a "oldies feel" to me. But Oh well, what can a guy do.

for a TS 8.8.6

Posted by Butch on 05-28-2003 04:41 PM:

*from film*

Yeah, that was released by everybody's favourite group SHiNA/UMS. LOL.

I know never to grab their stuff ever again.Though i am pretty suspicious on this Mislabeled cam's source.The beggining looks just as shaky as the shina and the sound is out of sync as well.

"Home Brewed" don't quite shake it for me. As you watch this film you will realise that the camera is pretty unstable and the sound is out of sync.Shina Special.
Video 6 - good colour but hand held cam
Audio 6 - Good sound but o.o.s.
film - bound to be crap like Chicago and Moulin Rouge'

overall - *props* for colour - lame attempt at centropy's speciality.


Posted by flipp0r on 05-28-2003 04:50 PM:

Originally posted by EccoDomi
Yes. WTF is with SVCD encodes now? I say there oughta be a rule. If you cant do it as good as centropy, then dont do it at all! All other TS's besides centropy are too crappy to waste the extra HDD and bitrate on.

On to this movie. it looks decent. supposed to be very good from the critics. I dunno. Sample is pixelated audio a tad messed up.

Stick to vcds VCD Central...



God forbid we have healthy competition between a couple of groups. Competition tends to IMPROVE quality. dont whine because u cant handle the extra space. and 'waste of bitrate'? since when it a lower bitrate an admirable quality?

However, I will agree this didn't deserve the SVCD encode, I'm not going to shite myself over it.


They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."

Posted by semaj8686 on 05-28-2003 08:05 PM:

I think that this release is pretty good... watched the sample..... 7/8/?...........crazy enough i was told that this was a re-rip of a Centropy version of that is just crazy aint it??? Well i will still wait to get this one since i dont really like this kinda film, but my girl does..

Posted by LiMPiNg on 05-28-2003 11:55 PM:

OK, well after having watched this, I don't see what everyone's complaints are. I have always stayed away from telesyncs because they never met my high standards for what I watch. That being said, this one is pretty damn good and was good enough for me to watch the whole thing.

There are slight probs, like the sound being a bit hollow and occasionally you could here some laughter very faintly... so not sure what the audio source was. There is bit of jitter of the video at the beginning as though the tripod was slightly bumped or something, but only lasts for a few secs. Also, for the first few mins or so in the bottom right there is someone's shoulder or knee or something blocking the pic... but does not ruin the movie (took me a couple of mins to even notice it!) and does go away after a little bit. Also, cropping or framing seems to be a bit off as the left side of the screen seems to be cut short and is noticable in the split screen scenes of the movie.

All that being said, it is a very nice rip and I like the competition that VCDCentral is giving Centropy. Having watched Centropy's Bruce Almighty yesterday and this one today, these two groups have changed my opinions of telesyncs. Keep up the good work guys.

I give it a 8.5/7/7

P.S. I wish people would watch the whole thing and make informed posts as samples can be misleading too... but I am sure that point has been made countless times before.

Posted by huggy on 05-29-2003 12:42 AM:

Thumbs up

who needs dvd screeners when centropy get them as good as this. once again boys "YOU THE MAN!!!"

your never alone with Schizophrenia

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