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-- Johnny English *SVCD* - TELECINE - XP0S (
just seen sample..not bad..not good
I've seen better telecines but this one is absolutely watchable i give it 8/7/x
pics a little dark, sound is hollow, but on the upside the colors are pretty vivid
<kalvaitis> You named your dick "the marine monster"?
<kalvaitis> What the hell? Do you dress it in a sailor suit?
Johnny English
Props for the release but why encode to SVCD it does nothing for the picture and the sound is horrible.
SiTE ADMiN - Newsgroup Search
Ironically enough i was home sick yesterday and went through all my movies for anything i hadnt watched yet and came up with VCDCentral's telesync of this which came out in april, and the quality wasnt all that, a day later this highly acceptable release comes out..o well what can you do
8/7/5 (definitely not atkinson's best work)
Saving the world from danger with a piece of shit on my head.
never heard of this group before. first release? perfectly watchable anyway.
film is a piece of crap. crap crap crap.
did u guys watch the same sample as me? if so you are absolutely blind..the colors r horrible, possibly the worst encode i have ever seen and the sound seems hollow...5/5/x
RoLL That Shit
Smoke That Shit
Pass That Shit
*From Sample*
don't complain.The cam of this sucked big time and this t/c looks dark but far far better.Film may have been the worst film i have ever seen.
*from Sample*as telecine's go .....
Nasty colours and very dark. Nice audio though. I'm not even sure this is a TC, but hmm, oh well.
I'll wait a bit longer i think.
dont go near it..
no color
no good encoding work (which mean BLOCKS!)
way to bright and the again to dark aswell..
sound not amazing
crappy and all over nuked release..
bad bad bad work.. if u would ask me what it was i'd say a cammy
not a ts but a damm cammy
very bad tc.. a dv cam could have done this better
sorry to say so
It Mite be bad but its the best release out cause i did not like the sound on the vcdquality release at all this does'nt seem all that bad as the film was'nt anythin too big anyway.
from sample 6/6/5
this is a new group rite?
not very watchable i guess
good try
Originally posted by TReX_Vanquish
i did not like the sound on the vcdquality release at all ?
<Dwaggy> i caught you a delicious Bass
<The404> This is because you are an idiot
I guess he meant vcd central...
from sample as a telecine i would only give it a 7/7/8 however compared to the rest it's a massive improvement!
Better rls out of the two, although not that much of improvement. Audio a tad better. Welcome to the scene fellas, just keep outdoing yourselves and you'll be alright...
Last release was better, no need for this one
Sorry bout the typo i had my mind on other things
dont ask what i was smokin wen i wrote it lol
telecine oh my gawd hahahhahahahha
any respectable person who knows anything about vcd releases can see this is a cam (correction ,hear this is a cam)
and not only they released this crap but they also claim to have used a telecine machine themselfs hahaha
can anyone say dvdsilver :P (yes i know cos ive had it for a month now)
someone needs to give this group a few samples of real telecines
and also of cams see which they think comes closest with this release :P
normaly i wouldnt bitch n moan but they rubbed salt into the wounds by claiming to have spent money to have the use of a telecine machine , im hurt and so should u all be to think we would fall for something so lame :P
altho some of u on this thread seem to have done just that so guess it works sometimes :P
indeed, the nfo smelt of utter bullshit, as they made it sound that they encoded it straight from the reels to svcd. also, telecine machine usage is hardly cheap, so why bother for a movie like johnny english way after the release. smells more like a pdvd than something with "PDVD" written on it in marker pen.
<Dwaggy> i caught you a delicious Bass
<The404> This is because you are an idiot
Or not.
Terrible picture, the bright parts are WAY too bright, the dark parts are WAY too dark and you can hear the audience laughing (kids) throughout the movie.
Terrible release....
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