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-- Catwoman *READ NFO* *SVCD* - TELESYNC - POT (
Video is crap, but the audio is good.
nice rls good picture nice color...good audio. way to go guys
Hmm, Don't think the vid source deserved svcd (and yes i read the nfo and sifted through the bs)... Anyways, it just looked blurry in general to me... audio was very nice though. Movie looks like crap to me but heh
lol @ the groups they mentioned not givin a sh!t....
best copy out..
7.1 video
7.6 audio
6.2 movie
Anyone with any complaints, contact:
[email protected]
Movie From Maven Priceless!!
*Broadband internet not included...
This release was a shout out to big Mystic the slippers.Overall great outfit by Halle Barry, Im sure big mystic agrees.The film was a penis. Ill give it a penisey 10/10/6?? ? ? With the Shenenigans of big mystic of course
Wow .. love the audio, picture aint bad at all. Movie wasn't that great, but wasn't that bad - still sucked though
well judging from sample svcd def didnt help quality at all.
6/8/why bother
POT you bunch of cry babies
"may be our last" oh boo hoo...
picture is ish is alright was fuckin terrible 3 - the worst movie of 2004 by far.
most of the time its like watching spiderman in a dominatrix outfit with crappy effects
Cry Babys? How would you like it if you were in a group, and another group went around started telling everyone they could who you were.
So STFU asshole
pretty nice, good colors, good tunes and watchable.
Originally posted by Fire_Sokar
Cry Babys? How would you like it if you were in a group, and another group went around started telling everyone they could who you were.
Originally posted by Fire_Sokar
So STFU asshole
Looks like shit
videocd , centropy please we are w8ing
I dont see what there doing that can be associated to acting childish would you mind pointing it out? All I see is them trying to make less tension for themselves, There doing this for FUN and obviously this new groups is getting all hostile about the releaseing, aww boohoo POT wont let us steal there audio boohoo lets go tell everyone and there damn step mommy who they are.
BTW: childish is them leaking other grps nicknames to kill the comp - not childish is worried about going to court over doing something for fun which a childish grp gets their precious site axx
Keep up the good work!!
Video 6
Sound 7.5
Movie 3
Great release from pot picture is very poor i will give it a 5 but audio 7
will download the centropy rls
know what you guys shut the fU$$ up, they do this shit for free, and everyoone bitch's at em, go pay for the damn movie like they say, you say we dont need em "Laugh" dont you remeber videocd was geting so pissed off at u btchs that they took there rls's off vcdquality for awhile!
Good job pot, keep it up, you need a dts decoder give meh a holla
video - 6 "not bad, not great"
audio - 71/2 pretty good
movie - shes' hott but movie suxs
First off Movie is OK vid/audio but film is so-so. I liked it better when i watched the big sharon stone/halle berry fight scene with no sound and porno music instead. So 7/8/3
Now i gotta say some stuff about the nfo. First off props to POT for being the first with a rls of Fahrenheit 911, even if they didnt release the whole film (missing about 10 minutes towards the 1hr 15min mark) But about the people saying there releases were crap. They shouldnt take it seriously. People slam CAM's constantly, not realizing that Hey, this is a CAM not a DVDRIP. Alot of these people who complain still watch the cam and download some of the other releases of the same movie, I know, ive been guilty of downloading and burning between 3 and 4 diff versions of some releases. And the fact that POT is now rlsing TS movies is good for the scene. So Props to POT may you live to times indefinate
"It Could Be Worse ..... You Could Be On Fire."
video is alright
sound is great
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