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-- Racing Stripes *SVCD* - TELECINE - KEG (
Very nice TC, love the flow of these TCs, everyone keep em coming.
crisp clean telecine wot more can i say
Very nice love these great work guys
m- great kids movie
From Sample: 7/9/don't care
Video looks pretty good; Fairly sharp colors & brightness is spot on. (It may not be the best i've seen, but it's certainly not the worst)....Audio sounds very nice (although you can't really tell if there are sync issues from the sample as the only character with a line is a rooster!)
Overall a nice quality release from KEG (unless there are sync issues, in which case this is utter tripe!)
"Fuck it, Dude.....Let's go bowling."
ok well nice to see another friend bringing us fine TC rls's... this is a great tc from sample, not usual i only watch on pc and vote so i think that maybe the reason i only give this a 7.5 on video, even tho i never went full scr, it seemed like it would get pixely, but it did look wonderful, sound comments are barely ever needed so i wont make one
this is nice well worth passing the other releases to wait for a tc, and my kids loved it
well the quality is what you should expect from a telecine, sound is good to. but the movie is not for me (but my kids loved it)
a 7.5? na that seems a bit low for the video, maybe you see something i dont.
I would like to give props to KEG though, never thought I'd see a group come to the scene with such great quality rls especially considering how long they have been around. Keep up the good work.
Maybe they can offer some Telecine competition. Keep em comin guys
cant see why the low score..... this gets imo...
One Day The Dead Shall Walk The Earth.
Nice TC, good to see a steady flow of quality.
Video - Crisp and clear, colors are good. Little blur or pixellation. Doesnt seem to be any cropping from what i have seen
Audio - Nice, in sync. no problems.
well done 2 you guys been waiting on this for a while
XVID version
This is a dvd screener as i have the dvdr release of this and is also released by keg.
The dvdr has trailers including the new keanu reeves film but no root menu and it also states at the very start that this widescreen dvdscreener is for promotional etc.
I was never caught!
PROPS on a nice surprise SVCD TC. This one is definitely for the little ones and lovers of horses. Nice pre all around Stellar pic and sound. ENJOY!!
just to clear...
i really meant what i said with the rating, i always, and i mean always watch everything in full on usually multiple tv sets b4 i rate, but this sample was on my friends pc... and as ppls say that makes a difference, and it must've been 4 me, believe me i will edit my 1st, when i burn it all, and watch on tv but for now from pc i stand where i stood
ps-if it is a dvdscr, its still a TC, u can see cig burns and dust everywhere
nice for a tc.
audio 7.0
video 7.0
movie 9.0 if your under 10 years old, otherwise, 5.0
Colours and brightness were right on and audio was excellent. Quality, in my opinion was as good, if not better than some vhs screeners as of late.
Great quality kids loved it...
9, 9, 9(from kids)
Originally posted by DocVW
Colours and brightness were right on and audio was excellent. Quality, in my opinion was as good, if not better than some vhs screeners as of late.
Great rls. any TC will do just fine for me as i have not found one yet that inst worth the download. maybe Keg is gonna give Chankra some competition on the TC sceen who knows....
But to what someone said earlier, how can this be a DVD Screener if its a Telecine?? arent they two totally different things? .
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