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Posted by Madhatta on 04-10-2005 03:46 AM:

The quality on this release is horrible. The sound is quiet and somewhat muffled. The video is blurry. Overall its watchable if need be but you might want to wait and see if something better comes along.



Posted by devnullusr on 04-10-2005 03:49 AM:

Nuked for .. watched a few rars including the same and you can tell the picture is out of focus or something is amis .. should be a good movie when they get it right .. nice try STN ::: next :::

Posted by Surfsnake2 on 04-10-2005 03:52 AM:

yes, i agree, looks quite out of foucs, although i must say they are *starting* to get better, but still not a good rls
it is watchable to some degree, but probably best to just wait


Posted by fi3nd on 04-10-2005 03:57 AM:

nuked for nuked for hopefully another version will come out soon good try though wanna watch the movie pic was watchable though just lil junked up


Posted by vcdking24 on 04-10-2005 04:37 AM:

Fuzzy/blurry pic lots of video noise. Sound isnt terrible but not that great either, sounds direct, not hollow like a straight cam


Posted by mph1971uk on 04-10-2005 04:59 AM:

From sample i thought this was a fairly good 1st release effort we know there will be much better to follow,but this is watchable so good try.

Posted by bigbug41 on 04-10-2005 05:15 AM:

Not so Bad

Simply by the book :

Ive seen a lot of cams worse than this there are sound issues.

These guys definitely can do better but overall pretty watchable

v = 5.5
s = 6 in most places although 4 in a few places
m = 7 pretty good will definitely watch again when i get a little better quality

Posted by IRC_Moviefan on 04-10-2005 05:22 AM:

Colors are extremly washed , out of focus as mentioned, looks like it was filmed in a snowstorm and blurry. Both the top & the bottom of the screen are cut and missing part of the screen. Noticeable background noise also to this. Thanks for keeping VCD TS , STN.

As Mentioned there have been alot of worst TS's in the past. I personaly, am in no rush to see this and can wait for another copy. Being spoilt latley by Centropy & SAOSiN , makes Silver grps & STN look horrible when 2 months ago thats all we had.

As a VCD TS:

Posted by Dodgy Del on 04-10-2005 07:48 AM:

Thumbs down AVOID!!!

trailers look good for this one. pitty the qualitys not upto much ,best passing on this one as its only a matter of time before a good release arrives.

Lets praise all the groups out there who make this scene for what it's worth because if we didn't then we'd all be spending a fortune at the pics.Remember to practice SAFE SEX (as illistrated in the pic).

Posted by farcus on 04-10-2005 10:00 AM:

holy crap, how many stn releases have to be nuked before they get there sh*t together
wow there're the first group to release it, too bad it's crap and nuked. don't stn have any freaking pride.

Posted by moby008 on 04-10-2005 01:28 PM:

sound and video are really horrible
I hear very loud background noises all the time, and the colors are washed , and are very blurry, it gave me a headache


Posted by ddb on 04-10-2005 02:14 PM:

what the fuck has stn no pride this pos doesn't even deserve a rating.


Posted by VCDz on 04-10-2005 02:36 PM:

WTF are you guys talking about? This release is watchable. Trust me, I've seen MUCH worse! Lets not forget SHiNA or NEWFXP, their releases were not watchable LOL. IMO the release is watchable, yea it's not Centropy or SAOSiN perfect TS Quality, but it is first release, and not too bad.

Like IRC_Moviefan said... a few months ago this is all we had, so if you don't want it, don't download it...simple as that.

VCDz = Xilf .

Originally posted by viv
Hi! i�m new...aand i�ve a question:
What means a TEG-vcd
do i need a special codec to watch "teg-vcd�s"?

Posted by immun3 on 04-10-2005 03:05 PM:

A deserved NUKE but in my opinion is still watcable if you really want to see this film.

Video - the sample of this release allows you to see the flaws of this film such as the out of focus camera coupled with the bluriness.......but viewing the early .rar's exposes the full extent of the picture issues. It is very dark in this early scene, bascially you are unable to make out what is going on.......crop top, bottom and sides. Also has a slight tilt from right to left.
However it is perhaps watchble as despite the bluriness the lighter scenes are viewable and even have some decent color.

Audio - not all that bad, not the best but way off the worst.

Movie - will wait hopefully for a good SVCD TS


Posted by amitramati on 04-10-2005 03:50 PM:

Bad rls!
Video is very bad, pic is very blury and the colors are'nt that good.

Audio - not as bad as tey say u can stiil understand what they saying but u can not say it's good.

Movie - wating for a better rls (i hope from SAOSIN).


Posted by IRC_Moviefan on 04-10-2005 04:28 PM:

Originally posted by VCDz
Lets not forget SHiNA or NEWFXP, their releases were not watchable LOL. IMO the release is watchable

Curious watched a bit more and i would have to say this is on the verge of "unwatchable" , as 1 person said you can watch it but it gave them a headache. Only difference between this and some of UMS's TS's/CAM's was theirs was SUBBED !!!

Originally posted by VCDz
Like IRC_Moviefan said... a few months ago this is all we had, so if you don't want it, don't download it...simple as that.

Few months ago when all we had was STN & Silver grps i waited untill a TELECiNE or Screener before watching the movie ... unless a SVCD TS drops , ill prob do the same with this.

Posted by mally on 04-10-2005 04:48 PM:


i had a feeling this would be nuked because stn releases usually are with good reason. however because their last release was fairly good i thought id have a look anyway to see if they had indeed improved,and to strengthen my suspicion that fever pitch was indeed a silver.
video on this is pretty blurred but watchable and better than previous stn releases however there are missing scenes( @ 25.26 on cd1 is worse case) which im sure if nukers had watched full release woulda been the nuke reason.the background noise is a problem but no worse that noise on saosins hostage ts that wasnt nuked.
vid 3( probly woulda been higher but for missing scenes)
audio. 4 backgound noise but dialogue is understandable but missing scenes
movie 7 not bad but not as good as hyped.
when i watched the sample my first impression was this aint bad
had i not watched full release i wouldnt have noticed missing scenes and background noises so wouldnt have been able to give a true rating.

Posted by crapper on 04-10-2005 07:10 PM:

picture .. 4 very fuzzy very poor...not the best ever but watchable.. well if u are desperate..

sound 5 i dont think its a direct source..

movie donno..

they should have labled it cam.. cuase the sound isnt direkt..

for a cam this one is nice
for a ts well not that amazing

Posted by lozman on 04-10-2005 08:18 PM:

get Sahara.iNTERNAL.CAM-POT decent cam

Posted by razorbladex90 on 04-10-2005 09:41 PM:

Realistically, when there's groups around like saosin or centropy doing high quality releases, what is the point of doing a release like this? Yeah its watchable, but the quality is pretty bad. STN seem to get their releases out quickly, and all due respect to them for it, but surely it'd be better to take a bit more time over it and do a really good quality release?

Video - 5
Audio - 4
Movie - Only saw the first 15 mins. I'm holding out to see if saosin release a better copy!

Yo, She-Bitch..... Let's Go!

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