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LOL!!! Took you long enough, but better late then never is what we say
V: 8
A: 8
M: 10 +
Full screen release, but it's very good quality.
speaking in terms of "screeners":
M-6 (fair at times, laughable for the most part)
i'm biting my lip bigtime here Watch This pls and if u do keep a box of kleenex close by
As for movie. VERY GOOD. Michael Moore you need to do more of these. Your documentaries show the problems society needs to address.
I will see it in theaters. Support this movie. 10 for movie.
5 for quality - interlaced and very bad in spots.
9 for audio
0 for this group stealing it off torrents and claiming it to be their source. Losers.
omg here we go again canalbums get ure own stuff ya scumbags
universal health care for all is how it should be
Its ours as Canadians
heyyyyyy thisss movieeeee
I like pie, just like mr.moore
I Just Want to Be like Radiohead, And do something ingenious.
V: 9
A: 8.5
M: 2. just not my type of thing to watch
Rating this release for what it is and not where it came from:
Its in sync for you guys?... strange
Rated as a DVDSCR:
V:6 - Blocky, looks interlaced
A: 8 (if its in sync.. wasnt for me but with these reviews something is probably wrong on my end)
M: N/A
I had to re encode to get it to work on a standalone. no synch problems
M 10
I have to admit I cried,I laughed and shook my fist. Moore takes us on another emotional rollercoaster.
MODEDIT:<Shit Talking Removed>
v - 8.5
a - 9.0
m - 9.5
MODEDIT:<Shit Talking Removed>
just pretend i said something smart and funny...
incorrect AR, blocky as fuck, interlaced as shit
a proper release would obviously be preferable, but this'll do for me...
(open VLC, set aspect ratio to 16:9, turn on de-interlace filter, plug laptop into my old CRT set, and presto - totally watchable)
v: 5
a: 8
m: 10
agit-prop don't get no better than this, ladies and gents - something to shake your fists at, no matter what your opinion is.
as a dvd scr this was blocky and interlaced but 15 days out before it hits theatres I should not be complaning. a 7 for video, a 8 for audio as a dvd scr, as for the movie it was good, not as good as bowling for columbine, but still good. It had some goofie parts set up by moore, but as a whole I liked it. I live in Canada so seeing how your health care system works blows me away. a quick edit: there was a quick out of sync part but as I remember it only lasted Maybe 20-30 seconds and then it went back in sync.
THE HAND SHOCKER....2 in the pink, one in the stink.
nice release
m:? will watch this tonight
V - 6 (Is there any easy way to permanently fix the interlacing to convert to dvd?)
A - 8
M - 9
Change aspect ratio to 16:9 in VLC and select de-interlace and it looks fine. As stated above. Very watchable
V: 8
A: 8
M: 9
Great doco.
V - 6
A - 8
M - 9
Great film..
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