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Posted by AZiZ on 01-21-2002 09:50 PM:

not the best though, but ok

well the SVCD is MUCH MUCH Better

Posted by vorfeed on 01-22-2002 05:01 AM:

omfg, haha, svcd->vcd conversion, still 4 cd's, so very gay, hahahahaha

TCF svcd 0wned my standalone, the SVCD scene is big enough that VCD dupes are no longer needed

what's next ? i gonna start seeing DALnet vcd->divx conversions on here ?

Posted by Outrage_Display on 01-22-2002 05:05 AM:


Props to you for the conversion, for those who are not as fortunate as others. Could have merged and recut the movie into 3 cds

Posted by 31337-d00d on 01-22-2002 07:19 AM:

th1$ i$ 14M3 $h17 !

Posted by dumwaldo on 01-22-2002 12:37 PM:

i just looked over the forum at isonews and i would like to recind my previous statements. apparently they were right when they said "Due to the fact that all you noobies and leeches have no idea how to view a SVCD properly.".

i am sorry for casting aspursions on your fine group as i can now see that a pound of ignorance is easier to find than an ounce of knowledge. keep on hand holding for the masses, its a much better option that expecting people to be able to do things for themself.

but still shame on you for trying to claim it was from the same source when it obviously is just a re-encode of the SVCD.

apparently yes all you have to do is re-encode SVCD's and you are a group. maybe we should both grab the new tupak SVCD and re-encode it so we can have a race to see who's "group" is better... ROTFLOL

what the hell do i know, i watch my movies on a 2.2" screen.

"pho est wonderful!" "pho est wonderful!" really, he is

Posted by Memnock on 01-22-2002 12:43 PM:

VCD release is good

There are some stand alone DVD players that will play VCD but not SVCD, my friend has a Sony model that is like that. I tried playing a SVCD on it and it would not play it so I had to convert it to regular VCD for him and then it played it perfectly.

So please don't say that there's no need for this release. Some people don't know how to convert SVCD to regular VCD that might need to. It's a lengthy process (expecially for 4 CDs) so I say the release is welcome.

And that's all I gotta say about that.

Posted by NeoCverA on 01-22-2002 02:22 PM:

uhh testing

just trying to see what people are saying of the DUPE

Posted by justinmaurer on 01-23-2002 07:32 AM:


These boys just want attention thats all...

Man if i wanted attention too I would reencode a LOTR...haha

waste of time for them if ya ask me...but if your too lazy to download the svcd and reecode your own I guess its a good bet.

This group only did two things right. Reencode the file, and distribute it to lazy ppl.
Therefore I rate this a 2 since tcf did all the work.

Posted by bret on 01-23-2002 09:11 AM:

and still no one has said how to reencode the flick, all you've done is either bitch that it was reencoded and released, or called the folks who don't know how to reencode it stupid. I guess that how you all became "1337"?

Posted by xpitxbullx on 01-23-2002 09:22 AM:

I made it a 3 CD VCD by taking running vcdgear v3 and and choosing mpeg>mpeg (I copied it from the cd's I burned of the SVCD) then I used TMPEGEnc and ran the mpeg tools. De-multiplixed (extracted just the audio). Then Changed the settings to Video CD NTSC. Loaded the mpeg for the video. Loaded the mp2 for the audio and re-encoded.

It may have been the long way but the job got done and I was left with a damnn good VCD Screener rip from the SVCD.

Posted by dumwaldo on 01-23-2002 09:23 AM:

i guess you missed this...

Originally posted by dumwaldo
anybody with a half of a brain has the ability to find and convert the SVCD themself.

if you want to live to be 1337 years old the first thing you need to do is read before you speak. if thats not enough help perhaps you should just go download the WVF copy.

what the hell do i know, i watch my movies on a 2.2" screen.

"pho est wonderful!" "pho est wonderful!" really, he is

Posted by bret on 01-23-2002 09:56 AM:

Originally posted by xpitxbullx
I made it a 3 CD VCD by taking running vcdgear v3 and and choosing mpeg>mpeg (I copied it from the cd's I burned of the SVCD) then I used TMPEGEnc and ran the mpeg tools. De-multiplixed (extracted just the audio). Then Changed the settings to Video CD NTSC. Loaded the mpeg for the video. Loaded the mp2 for the audio and re-encoded.

It may have been the long way but the job got done and I was left with a damnn good VCD Screener rip from the SVCD.

THANK YOU! Sincerely, from the bottom of every n00b's heart. This is a fantastic start, at the very least. You'll get a la-z-boy in the afterlife for this . . .

Posted by bret on 01-23-2002 10:04 AM:

Originally posted by dumwaldo
i guess you missed this...
if you want to live to be 1337 years old the first thing you need to do is read before you speak. if thats not enough help perhaps you should just go download the WVF copy.

I did. vcdhelp is a great source of information. My complaint is that people are bashing this so much without offering up direct solutions, aside from ambiguous links to websites.
Example: versus,. That doesn't make any sense to me. At least xpitxbullx was willing to shed some info on what he did to convert it.

I don't want to sound like an idiot or an asshole with this, really. I would have liked to see someone say "Hey, this release is lame, all you need to do if you stand alone won't play svcd is get x program and do this."

I don't think it would have violated any rules regarding the forum, and it probably would have cut the amount of posts in half. Also, it could have shown people how to play around with various encoding programs. For example, TMPEGenc. "Hey, I converted LotR to vcd using this, maybe I can convert a DivX flick with this. . .
It would have just been a better way, I think. . .I could be wrong of course. . .

Posted by justinmaurer on 01-24-2002 01:20 AM:


If you are that clueless on making vcds you should be posting in a forum at say maybe???

If you are really that lazy and not able to search and look it up for yourself on how to do it thats just pathetic..

This is just the place for comments about the movie not about how to reecode the movie.

Read at the top where it says VCD Comments

Posted by tOny_bOgs on 01-24-2002 08:17 AM:


can ne1 get cd1 to extract???? all the others r fine but cd1 wont extract in help would be appreciated..

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