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Posted by bcool2k on 05-17-2004 09:16 AM:

NukeD Unable to Unpack CD2 .....Download the Repack End of Subject

Posted by Dary on 05-17-2004 11:49 AM:

nice camrip, but the pic goes brighter sometimes, thats because of the cam and the auto-contrast mode =/

But nice Pic and its Watchable, from the beginning only credits are missing, I saw it in cinema, I don't watch the whole film again ^^

Posted by firefighter on 05-17-2004 12:29 PM:

Originally posted by warhead1999
come on vcdquality your getting a little slow of the mark with release these days

1) Most places dont take CAMS
2) This spread super super slow

From what i have seen in the past vcdquality only posts movies that are well spread. Mabey they waited till they seen it pop up more then 1 place

All the excitement of a trip to hell with none of the negitive side affects!

Posted by Rubberbandman on 05-17-2004 04:21 PM:

This movie has a great picture and clear and decent audio but.... Motion blurs are unbearable. The whole movie is ib slow motion almost not good for an action movie. Also several times the cam is blocked for more than a minute, I mean the whole screen. Think I will wait on the TS.

Video - 3
Sound - 5
Movie - 9

Posted by MTV on 05-17-2004 10:42 PM:

yep. its pritty ok for a cam, yes sound a bit hollow, bit of motion blure , it was slow to spread , cd2 bad - wont unpack...etc etc etc .. i can live with all this... i just wish some 1 had told the twat to move his head out the way !!!!!!

me waits for Shrek2.

Posted by Mik__018 on 05-18-2004 12:47 AM:

well since almost 20 min. are missing il wait for a complete and better realese
not that im not apriciate the work of you guys but...

Posted by ibdevil on 05-18-2004 11:31 PM:

I have found that most are right pls!!!! check it yourself before releasing it on the net ...and it wouldn,t hurt if some of the GROUPS that are relesing stuff put a recovery rar in the package that would help everyone it is real simple and only takes a extra sec to do..everytime that i send stuff rared up I put in the recovery record just incase...

From old schooling the new ones,,but mistakes are made keeep up the good work FEZ*****

Posted by cherwilco on 05-20-2004 11:04 AM:

excellent movie if ya ask me (although no one did and as far as the quality goes on this release I would say the majority of the video was pretty damn good for a cam so props for that, but I really wish the dude with the camera woulda turned off the autofocus, got the camera straight, and kept his arm outta the way (at least I think that was his arm blockin the whole screen a couplea times) anyways 7/6/9

im not gonna down the movie cuz of the release the flick still rocked and I hope fezvcd gets enough constructive critisism to keep up the good work and keep releasing great flicks!

Throw me out of the bar now and I shall return more drunk than you could possibly imagine!

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