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Posted by OzZyOz on 07-15-2002 11:51 PM:

Just read the NFO and just wanted to say UTI great job and SVCD!

Posted by Grimfull on 07-15-2002 11:54 PM:

UTI Great Job, keep it up. Im glad its not internal. These guys r doing good....they released a good Mr.Deeds and Windtalkers and now another on thats the best of them all.

Posted by barney on 07-16-2002 12:03 AM:

good qual the sound is kinnda low but not a problem and for every1 who just wants to say "nice to c the rls" who cares...

the people that usually say that are the 1s without the movie.

watch then post !!!

Posted by Hitman47 on 07-16-2002 12:30 AM:

nice little treat for Hitman... about a Hitman.... intresting.. ANYWAY... looks sweet, UTi 0wnz j00 and m3!

Posted by WeeMan on 07-16-2002 12:37 AM:

Definately SVCD

I think as long as you can keep it to 2 CD's (Not because Im too cheap for 3 CD's, because I think 3CD movies dont fit well in my book, heh) then go with SVCD. The smallest bit of extra quality is worth the extra size. Well, maybe the people who have to get shit from DALnet might not agree, but I say SVCD.....

Posted by napalmfuzz on 07-16-2002 01:07 AM:

nice release UTi..... FUCK SVCD.. SVCD TS is completely retarded and the only reason it was done by centropy is to show everyone that they can do whatever the fuck they want and people will still chocke on their balls.. KEEP TS VCD PLEASE


"Nothing says OBEY ME like a severed head on a fence post,"

Posted by PizzaTheHut on 07-16-2002 01:27 AM:

Originally posted by napalmfuzz
nice release UTi..... FUCK SVCD.. SVCD TS is completely retarded and the only reason it was done by centropy is to show everyone that they can do whatever the fuck they want and people will still chocke on their balls.. KEEP TS VCD PLEASE

your exatly right. Its like these people are brain washed into thinking they are actualy getting better quality. truth is it got ctp more credits when they spread the release and they knew that they could do it cause no matter what they did like you said people where on thier cocks.

on another note i love how people have some special insight as to how certain people get thier releases. last time i checked no one was in my computer room with me looking over my shoulder. so untill you people know me or know the people you talk shit on please keep your coments to your self. some of these "shit talkers" are the ones that ruin the scene and the public boards.

Posted by brr8760 on 07-16-2002 01:36 AM:

W-O-W. I've never seen such a positive thread in all the months I've been coming here. Nary a flame.


2 CD ---> svcd, definitely
3 CD ---> vcd

Most of CTP's complaints were based on the fact their releases had 3 CD's (Unfaithful, etc.) when they could have fit it on 2 CD's. But if the release can stay at 2 CD's, I'd much prefer SVCD.

November 2, 2004. America shoots itself in foot, re-elects Bush. Recovery to take decades. Stay tuned.

Posted by wowsa on 07-16-2002 01:45 AM:

Hahaha legion u are funny .. but i have to agree on this one.. this oppertunity that Uti has given us shouldnt be wasted ...

Posted by y2flyy on 07-16-2002 01:48 AM:

uti great rls
pic quality is top notch for a ts
sound is also pretty good
if you guys are trying to decide between staying strictly vcd and svcd
ill would rather see svcds
quality imo is much much better than vcd
forget all the complaints just do your thing and do your best
and if we not satisfied fuck us all to hell!!!!
but i would like to recommend you guys try something landmarking
if you guys encode to cvcd instead of svcd now that would be amazing
in my brief experimenting with cvcd the quality is much better than svcd and some how its much more easier to encode
goto for more info
i have fell in love with cvcd over vcd and svcd
just try it once and see the great feedback you guys get
props for the rls and given us the op to make a difference now i feel more than just a lame leecher

Posted by DarkBeatz on 07-16-2002 02:00 AM:

this is actually a telecine version from asia, you can tell me its not but it is!

Don't believe? Compare the screenshots from the pirate dvd with the ones on vcdquality here

Posted by ebeats on 07-16-2002 02:44 AM:

If it fits on 2cd's, why the hell not. i got an apex1200 player for $69 that plays ALL svcd's i have thrown at it (no xsvcd tho), and who doesn't have at least a 1.5mbps line now? I mean even if it increases the picture by only 5% , it's still worth it. Theres no reason to keep to old formats Why not bump it up?

I managed to get SVCD copy and it looks alright, I will have to compare the 2 releases and report back on my non-biased opinion if it is any better at all


Posted by ensain on 07-16-2002 02:59 AM:

Originally posted by DarkBeatz
this is actually a telecine version from asia, you can tell me its not but it is!

OK - Its not.

Believe me, TC production in Asia has ground to a halt, and everyone who sells the Pirate DVDs is mislabelling them still. If you think this is a TC then you really ought to check the sample. Im sorry, it would be nice, but its just not true.

What is true is, that this is a great little release. Audio isn't perfect, but Telesync sound can vary so much, at least its clear enough when pumped through a decent sound system, so im not complaining.

SVCD tomorrow, I'm interested myself to see what the people decide for. Altho I know one small fact people aren't going to like about it (apart from the fact its internal) ...

Posted by PaulAAtreides on 07-16-2002 05:42 AM:

Thumbs down

Guess no one bothered to mention the about 20 fucking audio glitches in first 4 minutes of film?

Do you all judge by sample? GEEZE!!!!

Posted by KnoxRose on 07-16-2002 06:32 AM:

So UTI's are as good as CTP's?

I have not seen a Centropy SVCD release in weeks and I am really getting ticked off at the ftf and such, sound is choppy and they have been cutting scenes in some of the propers and internals I mean why bother, even if they are free? What I am wondering I have not downloaded a UTI release yet, are they as good as the CTP's? Are they all VCD format? I viewed the VCD of Road and the sound was chopped up so bad in the openning where he said what year it was I was left clueless.


Posted by killfxp on 07-16-2002 06:38 AM:

You're on crack bro

Posted by toohey on 07-16-2002 07:28 AM:

this version is same source as the VCDistro since all the sound problem were on exact same location but the picture has been majorly cleaned up...much nicer pics but too bad for the first 5 min of audio...only 5 min so who cares

Posted by killfxp on 07-16-2002 07:56 AM:

What do you poeple smoke???? You seem to be on crack too.

Posted by Natural on 07-16-2002 08:07 AM:

Thumbs up

very nice. hope we see more of em

Posted by VCDguy on 07-16-2002 08:09 AM:


I LOVED THIS MOVIE IN THE THEATERS OFMG watch this if your into drama tom hanks was great!

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