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-- Team America World Police - SCREENER - Wastedtime (
Watched this full last night very good picture and the audio was pretty nifty aswell. The movie itself, hmmm, some parts were very funny and some sucked. Def not a P.C. movie though hehe
Anybody else notice the strings (yes I know it was on purpose)
Rating: 8/8/7
Hullo Hullo, We Are The Rangers Boys!
watched cd1 quality is good and no screener messages (or i didnt notice them, which is either way a good thing)
i loved the movie but i didnt finish watching it
saw the TS 4 times
This seems like something we've all been waiting for...but i hated this flick. It was overrated, overdone..and just plain crap!
The picture is pretty good on the pc monitor and very good when sent to the TV.
I saw this on the big screen and liked it, now i can watch it again.
Average VHS VCD Screener, so it looks like crap, as most do, but no worse than other VCD Screeners.
This is the best screener I've seen in a long time. Great pic, very good sound, consistent quality ALL the way through the movie.
And...I'm really starting to wonder about some of the folks who frequent here. Yeah, I'm a noobie and I suck, I know....but why do some of you folks supposedly give a movie ratings, then say you didn't watch it because it sucked? Does that make sense to anyone? Why would you download a movie that you think sucks?
perectly watchable rls again from WT
video 8
audio 7
movie 10 lol
GLOck on
Been waiting to see this forever. It's a funny movie with great quality
a little bit of SoUth PArK...
8/8/7 good movie if you like those crazy guys from 'South Park' tv show. They use some of the same crazy "your breaking my balls" humor, plus you can hear some of the charactors from South park too
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