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-- XXX State of the Union *PROPER* *SVCD* - TELECINE - TUN (

Posted by crapper on 05-06-2005 03:20 AM:


Posted by dstrac99d on 05-06-2005 04:08 AM:

both copies are fine by me,so i'll just stick to rating this one..

Posted by swimj on 05-06-2005 04:34 AM:

decent release movie sucked a fat one so imma pass on this shit

After almost a 6 year hiatus I'm back!

Back for the 2k7 Holla! <3 all the old mods and the former mod VCDz who got banned!

Posted by conagra100 on 05-06-2005 06:41 AM:

ok v-9 a-9 overall it sucked

Posted by virtualpal on 05-06-2005 07:16 AM:

Have any of you guys converted the saosin release of this movie to DVD and watched it, I just have and its missing 10 mins, it jumps from 40mins to 50min, this only happens when you convert it , but if watched with VLC media player, it just looks like a little blip and keeps on playing (very irratically though)

Props to TUN for this proper as it WAS needed.


Posted by nakid on 05-06-2005 07:28 AM:

I saw a .000000007ms glitch in SAOSiN version.. but bearly noiticed it, if u got theirs keep it if not get TUNS, so you dont blink your eyes and miss their reason for a proper. .LOL

either way both groups own the scene atm.. now stop bullshittin guys and hook up Star War's :P


v 9
a 9
m 7 -- didn't like Vin Weasel much so i'm glad cube had his shot... !! maybe they should keep changing XXX till they find someone thats not so lame.. maybe 3 might have someone good.. well sequels do suck. :P

Posted by DEMENTA on 05-06-2005 08:40 AM:

Hmm. I am not gonna get bent out of shape but i REALLY don't think it needed a proper but o well. Looks fair enough though.

As an independent release

Video - 9
Audio - 9
Movie - meh

I Do Not Exist Therefore I Am Above All!!

Posted by stezo2k on 05-06-2005 10:45 AM:

Dunno why all the bad ratings, this is equally/better than the saosin release


Posted by Mr_Grinch on 05-06-2005 10:59 AM:

Better than Saosin release which, on my really really really shit second dvd player I use in my bedroom (which is on it's way out) paused at the glitch on cd 1 and wouldn't go any further.

Invalid proper? T'is not mine to wonder.

Posted by Neversoft on 05-06-2005 01:51 PM:

Please review the release and quit bitching or some of you are likely to end up banned!

Statistically... 9 out of 10 people actually enjoy gang rape.

Posted by Bullet on 05-06-2005 01:58 PM:

I must say i always like IRC_Moviefan comments and wanna encourage him to stay replying. I always trust his judgement

as for the movie:

My dvd player hanged on that glitch. Couldnt see 10 mins of the film.
Movie was ok;...just simple action. Nothing to remember but nice if ure a diehard action lover

But i found the audio a bit annoying. Had to pump up the volume to hear it decently


Posted by moby008 on 05-06-2005 03:53 PM:

good release, both video and audio


Posted by sp|ke on 05-06-2005 04:52 PM:

Originally posted by IRC_Moviefan
So i was letting the users know if their copys they had already didnt *freeze* at the 40 minute mark , why download another , as its useless . Also i mentioned about PowerDVD cause its the only Computer Media Player which causes to freeze , use something else like WinDVD , VLC etc.

Almost - the saosin release, when played with Media Player Classic does indeed freeze at 40:19 on CD1. I could give two shits personally, but the saosin release does cause MPC to bork.

Posted by BLUE-NEO on 05-06-2005 05:21 PM:

Well needed proper...cd1 was more than a glitch when using any version of tmpgenc to convert to dvdmpeg2 it cut off 8 mins of the film...right where it glitched up in svcd. The video is the same...just seems to be better and stronger audio. Overall its good to have a second option for the people who had problems converting the Saosin...only flaw to the Tun release is they removed the end credits....and it wouldn't be a proper telecine unless they left them intact......Tun....why cut them off...

8/9/8 movie was good just too damn short. dumb ass story, great action.

Reality Is Only A State Of Mind...

Posted by Crunk Prod on 05-06-2005 05:28 PM:

I fealt like my saosin release was missing something. I converted this to dvd. It went from ice cube in the house with that white chick to him on the ship hitting her finding his peeps.

So this proper is valid to me. Thanks TUN.

I hade no sync issues with soasin though.


Posted by Neversoft on 05-06-2005 06:44 PM:

Well, you fucked this thread up didn't you bitches? Thread closed, looks like we'll have to start posting the warning at the top of each comment thread again if you're going to act like fucking kids.

Statistically... 9 out of 10 people actually enjoy gang rape.

Posted by 404notfound on 05-06-2005 09:51 PM:

Ok, i've cleaned this thread up best i can. I'm going to open it again but if it starts turning into a mess I WILL start banning people.

Stick to the rules. Post on the quality of the release


Posted by N_LiGHTNiNG on 05-07-2005 01:07 AM:

dident like the extra black bars top n bottom of the SAOSiN rls does this rls have those ??

Posted by E-A on 05-07-2005 03:28 AM:

hehe - I grabbed this to see if it was miles better than the sas one -
on my PC and tv - I cant see a shed load of difference tbh - and I never noticed any probs with the sas one on my standalone player - I did burn it as cd's though as Im to bone idle lazy to convert to dvd


*Disclamer - I only d/l shit cos they wont let me smoke in the local flix and have no affil to topsites/groups any more - I grab stuff to enjoy - and I did enjoy this in a no brainer way - I realy dont see the point in biatching if all your doing is leeching/shareing and not releaseing - its like biatching that blair/bush are wanker$ and not voteing

Just my 2p's worth :P

Posted by uksparky on 05-07-2005 07:56 AM:

XXX State of the Union

nice all round


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