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This is looking very cropped. I can deal with a pic thats a little dark and fuzzy like this one, but when your missing half the screen we might as well be reading the book.
I still appreciate the hell out of any release, So Thanks.
Let's wait for a better one !
The quality of this release would have been ok for a romantic comedy movie or something similar, not for an action movie.
I'll wait for a better one, like maven maybe, if not I'll wait for the DVD release !
Watched a just part of the movie. Nice movie !
7/7/9 - for a complete release
6/6/9 - for the one that has parts missing.
Don't go by the sample on this one guys. It looks much better than the final result.
Video is overly washed and fuzzy (post filter blending?), and from multiple sources with (spanish?) subtitles appering in certian scenes across the entire screen throughout the movie. Its a horrible mess, definitly a splice job between several sources.. And yet still missing a scene or two near the end. Worthy of a 2 for the hack job it is.
Audio is passable and audible enough but see others posts for proper gripes. 5
Movie itself is ambitious, different, and fairly original, it deserves to do better at the box office. Will definitly be looking into a DVD for this. 9
IMO don't waste your bandwidth.
I watched the Hydro version and that was 2 hours and 9 minutes, this one is 2 hours and 5 minutes, so it's not 20 minutes missing like some people have been saying.
Originally posted by FATTY BOOM STIX
7/7/7………watched the Whole movie.
this is my 1st movie rating.
(been here ages but never signed up till now).
has always amazed me how many post ratings after only viewing a tiny sample.
imo (for what it's worth,no disrespect to mods) ppl shouldn't be allowed to post ratings purely on a (ie)30 sec sample.
(taking it as a given no-one rates jpegs)
reasoning is anyone can DL a (ie)25mb sample.
u, me & my grannie has the sample of X movie the day X movie is released.
if everyone was to post a rating after only viewing a miniscule sample the end result can be extremely unhelpfull &/or plain wrong.
samples can be unreliable &/or prejudice.
i've found this out the hard way (many times) after taking notice of sample-ratings off VCDQ.
it often takes the person(s) who watch(es) the whole movie before one finds out a movie has (serious) issues(or not) & then all the sample ratings are made null&void.
am i alone on this or is giving ratings on audio+video+opinion-of-movie via a sample the done thing?
i won't raise this subject again as i don't want to appear argumentative.
i just had to ask coz myself & the majority of ppl i know who religiously come here for quality-guidance wade thru the sample-ratings to find posts from members who've given ratings on the whole-movie.
thx for ur time &/or opinion & thx to the powers that be for such a top-shelf site.
I watched about 10 minutes of CD1 and I think I'll wait for a better release. If this was just a comedy it would be fine, but for an blockbuster action movie I need better quality.
Video looks pretty cropped judging by how much of the credits are missing from the sides of the screen.
nice but not the best
best release yet so 7/6
Originally posted by realdeal2004
Just watched it.
The sound works if it wasent for the hissing noise.
Video seems to be from multiple sources, subs keep coming in the middle of the picture sometimes.
Also noticed what seems to be a missing scene in the end, could be more that i didn´t noticed.
If I knew what I know now I would have waited for a TC.
Great upload though.
I have to agree with the 2 guys who posted above, ratings should not be given on samples.
I think it should be at least the first disc.
Take this release for example 2.2gb is not a small file. I came here yesterday, viwed the jpeg, read the first few comments then downloaded it. When i checked it i found all the problems everyone else did ( 24 hrs later ! ) what a waste of my time downloading.
Ive been a member of VCDQ for 3 years and have been coming here to check ratings longer than that. I used to respect this sites opinion on quality but now it seems full of over zealous pre teens who want to make the first post.
For what its worth heres my scores on the doors.
A 3
V 6 (subs onscreen)
? Not watching till better quality
I too must concur that all too often people are posting comments based on the sample, in this day and age of the likes of batman et al where releases are coming out like hack-jobs off a cutting room floor, people should be taking more time to consider the bigger picture (no pun intended ) so we spend less time downloading stuff we later find out to be a complete shambles.
::EDIT:: As a site we could never satisfy everybody. If people didn't rate based on samples, people would complain about the delay in getting feedback on the quality - NS::
crap cam for a crap movie
just glad i didn't waste $8.50 at the theater to see this
You folks had to download the sample/movie to know this version was eye-bleedingly cack? Just click on TheEnd's "name" on the front page, see the woeful fuckups they've released... At least they're consistent
Did you honestly expect this to be anything other than a dump of cunt?
pretty bad folks.....
NICE movie though
Same shit....Different Day........
What do I get for not researching a GRP before aquiring a release?
Wasted BW and a craptastic waste of disk. Ack.
A~6 "passable", heard worse I guess.
V~3 cropped, chopped, mixed garbage.
Rumor has it that it is releasing in Russia soon (tomorrow?), so I am expecting a TS/TC soon....
watched a bout 30 min worth couldn't take to much more, 6/7/7 also just checked on what ns said, and 5 of seven releases by this group were nuked,looks like a red flag to me
I have one that says [WNS] in the beginning of the name with no group seemed a bit clearer but then I noticed that it was basically a nuke...and it was missing the last 3 minutes. I know it was the last 3 minutes because I used the one that had an ending (i think the one with the spanish across it) and I edited the film to add only the last 2 minutes so I could see the entire film.
I think its an awesome plot and was eye candy but with this cant feel the full effect.
I agree also you shouldnt comment on the sample especially if parts are can you rate something that is not complete...
1st some folks on VcdQ are saying this is the original Burger release and it's missing footage....It is NOT!
Second It does start the same way and has the same tilt and the credits are cut off so you can't tell but the ending is there.
If it is the same source someone did a great job on the encoding because there is much less motion blur in the action scenes than in the previous other releases.
And the sound is not bad at all a little hiss but overall ok
Update 2:
Okay watched the release and....
This release has better audio and video than any previous releases..nice smooth action scenes!!
Once in a while maybe 3-5 times during the movie spanish subtitles come up but other than that I enjoyed this release
IT IS COMPLETE and best yet in my opinion!!
Note: Audio was great I didn't hear any hissing, hehe
A: 8
V: 8
M: 8
Not bad at all, esp compared to prior releases of this one!
Audio has a very slight hiss..but not bad at all!
Video is descent..
And the movie was better than I thought it would be..
There are some massive lamers here bad mouthing this release group, Why? Is it free? Did you spend the time to en-code - re-encode anything? Did you risk anything or are you risking anything to help out all of us? To me this release/group deserves more credit than what was given here along with all the other groups out there risking their butts to make others happy!
Reguardless of what some of these rude folks say
::EDIT:: I agree with and appreciate what you're saying but why release something that is so obviously "broken". It's not this site that makes or breaks a groups reputation, that's up to the group itself Hopefully after their next release (if there is one) I'll have to eat my own words! - NS::
not bad just dark as fuck...I had to do alot of tmpgenc adjustments..and its still dark but the colors and clarity are clearer..
Thx TheEnd for at least releasing a watchable copy and good sound could have had more rumble and bass....and no its not incomplete I saw it in theaters and its all here...
6/8/9....until a telecine....
Reality Is Only A State Of Mind...
a tad dark,cropped, a slight hiss and a little blurry. apart from that its still watchable. decent movie aswell.
Lets praise all the groups out there who make this scene for what it's worth because if we didn't then we'd all be spending a fortune at the pics.Remember to practice SAFE SEX (as illistrated in the pic).
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