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Posted by ntscuser on 02-24-2006 01:57 PM:

Originally posted by thefkclub
I can't burn or watch it on my computer.
Does someone know what format is?
Thanks a lot :-)

That's amazing. You knew enough to be able to download the file which is quite complicated, but not enough to be able to play or burn it which is relatively simple?

What format it's in would depend on where you got it from and we're not alowed to discuss that subject here. Mine was in archive format and needed to be unarchived to .img before it could be mounted or burned.

Posted by Filthy_Rich on 02-26-2006 10:44 PM:

video 8, looks great on my 32inch tv for low bitrate
audio 10, dts rox
movie 8, very good movie

Posted by Kleenx on 03-05-2006 11:17 PM:


Anyone dl this rip of the DVD??
I was just wondering how it comparred...
they claim to have kept DD5.1 ENG and 2.0 ESP CCE 9 pass 3814kbps (almost 800 kbps more than the XPDVD rip)

Posted by dodgy368 on 03-10-2006 01:35 AM:

Only d/l'ed this for a friend but finally got round to watching some of it, wow, can't wait to sit down and watch it from start to finish with the missus, video looks ok to me and the dts audio is absolutely awesome!

v 8
a 10(and some more!)
m 8

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