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-- World Trade Center *XViD* - TELESYNC - maVenssupplieR (

Posted by XtremeDutch on 10-01-2006 02:31 PM:

Pretty nice TS, not a TC for sure.

Camera is a bit shakey in the first couple of minutes, there's quite a flicker during the whole movie in the light scenes, and the dark scenes are just a bit too dark. Very crisp colors though.

Audio is average for a TS.

V: 8
A: 7

Thanks maVensupllieR.

Posted by XtremeDutch on 10-07-2006 07:07 PM:

After watching the full movie I noticed there's one scene missing, right at 1 hour at 26,30 minutes it just starts off with "I need a medic here", but there's a whole minut before that, and that's missing in maVensupllieR's TS.

Also the last part where is told what happens to everyone after this is missing.

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