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Posted by Cruxshad0w on 06-10-2007 11:14 AM:

Wow, This is an amazing release. Download this one for sure.

video: 9
audio: 9
movie: haven't watched it yet.

Posted by PleXo on 06-10-2007 12:33 PM:

Originally posted by dragon26
this is a laugh, how pukka state they did the work for the first few minutes to protect their source, when in fact the whole video source is from a german source and nothin to do with them.

and the german source evn nicked the first couple mins from the camera source from n00x

m- have yet to watcxh all the way thoughr


just because the germans have nothing to do with pukka(so you think ) doesnt actually mean they dont wanna protect them

the first 5mins could be because it showed footage of what the cinema looks like, or the cammers face... somehow if you have any respect for what these people do i think you wouldnt actually keep the first 5 minutes, in cd2 around 3 minute mark it does same thing im guessing its just to hide the camera.

also they didnt steal off n00x, camera actually bought the silvers, n00x stole off *thinkofwhere mvs gets theres *

im guessing pukka bought the silver aswell cus its slightly less pixelated

v 8 its pretty good except silver source parts
a 7 hiss tends to be a lil annoying
m no idea

Posted by me-self on 06-10-2007 01:13 PM:

The reason the video is no there and had to be replaced because it was watermarked, should think if they could get the ori copy and blur it out it would be fine unless is more complicated then that

Posted by lletaif on 06-10-2007 01:37 PM:

the first 5 minutes, in cd2 around 3 minute this terrible CAM. Another, the quality Pukka is notabily.

M:5 (terrible)

Posted by Filthy_Rich on 06-10-2007 02:03 PM:

nice quick release

V 8
A 7
M 7 not as good as 11, but better than the 12 imo

Posted by kenny_logical on 06-10-2007 03:01 PM:

nice copy so early which is also good, shame the first few mins of cd1 and cd2 are cam but if if that is what needed for protection rather them do that then no release.

V: 7 (Bit dark)
A: 8
M: 8 (Not as good as the first one)

Posted by swimj on 06-10-2007 05:04 PM:

anyways the quality of this release excluding the silver footage is amazing.

After almost a 6 year hiatus I'm back!

Back for the 2k7 Holla! <3 all the old mods and the former mod VCDz who got banned!

Posted by braver on 06-10-2007 05:42 PM:

Very nice and fast release of PUKKA
Only to bad from the cam scenes.

v: 8
a: 7.5
m: ?

Posted by alkamist on 06-10-2007 07:06 PM:

the first6 minutes, in cd2 around 3 minute this terrible CAM. Real dark in alot of places... Pictures wasnt that bad, will pass with this one thought.. Will wait for a better release!


Posted by cyanid on 06-10-2007 07:10 PM:

:: Mod Edit: Stop posting the same shit, it's not going to be posted. :: ~L


Posted by Rock4HYM on 06-10-2007 08:48 PM:

:: ModEdit: Enough of this. Keep your posts according to the rules or you will soon be banned. Last Warning ::

Posted by carolinawolf on 06-10-2007 09:16 PM:

worked for me.
v 8
a 8
m 8

Posted by billbass on 06-10-2007 09:52 PM:

Not bad

A 7
V 7
M 7

Posted by bernash on 06-11-2007 12:14 AM:

first 7 minutes are crap, However, it goes into the german source, Very sharp color and video. The audio is pretty good throughout, but a slight hiss that's all.

v: 8
a: 9
m: 7

Posted by cmotdibbler on 06-11-2007 11:59 AM:

I was a little disappointed with the start of this film. Yeah I know I should have checked the forum, before d/ling it, but after the first six or so minutes the quality really is excellent. Thanks to all the groups involved.

Posted by Zagger on 06-11-2007 04:32 PM:

V: 8 for TS
A: 7

Posted by spamno on 06-11-2007 06:57 PM:

v 6
a 9

even the better video wasnt up to much,actually tured it off 3/4s of the way through..will wait for a better copy

Posted by 1892spinthemi on 06-11-2007 07:01 PM:

gonnas rate this in to parts
the ts part is as good as u can get !! strong colours clear pic ..
the cam part is unwatchable !
2 parts of totally out of place cam
granted theyve done good job piecing it in but to be fair for all that effort it still stands out like a sore thumb
shame really had it been watchable cam sliced into it then this would be well class !!!!
im gonna hav to wait the film is far to big for me to waste my time with 11 mins of blurry viewing
the ts - v-9 a-9 m-?
the cam parts v-4 a-(cant rate as its ts ans pic that bad cant see if its synced etc etc m-?
yet to watch but skip thru shows me enough months wait for r5 all being well
good effort but cam part to blurry pixels etc etc

keep the scene alive please !

Posted by talon6909 on 06-11-2007 09:53 PM:

v: 7
a: 8
m: 6

As others have mentioned, the first couple of minutes on both cd's has an unwatchable source. Thereafter however the video is crisp, with amazing audio. Well done Pukka.

Posted by colehughes on 06-12-2007 01:55 AM:


alot of people on here have seriously over rated the quality of this, esp for a (TS).

v: 7
a: 7
m: 7

not the best ive seen from pukka but none the less thanks for the work.

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