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Posted by phatbastard on 09-28-2002 09:23 AM:

you guys are all a bunch of dumbshits, except for a selected few. Just kidding but if A actual coment is made on the qualuty of a flick, feel fre to spilll the beans. greens eggs and HAM

Posted by Redemption on 09-28-2002 09:47 AM:

Oh Charly Charly, Charly, you really have lost it now havn't you, why do u even bother rating, we all know your either full of shit and dont actually have the movie, or you really are a biased FTF fuck, or a ass kissing groupie.

Or it could be hes blind and using a braille keyboard, well he must be deaf too, cause his SL2 rating 10 for sound is a sign hes full of shit or never actually had the release.

6/6/? looks quite funny, but i harldy get time to watch them.

Posted by CharlyTuna on 09-28-2002 10:05 AM:

Originally posted by Redemption
Oh Charly Charly, Charly, you really have lost it now havn't you, why do u even bother rating, we all know your either full of shit and dont actually have the movie, or you really are a biased FTF fuck, or a ass kissing groupie.

Or it could be hes blind and using a braille keyboard, well he must be deaf too, cause his SL2 rating 10 for sound is a sign hes full of shit or never actually had the release.

6/6/? looks quite funny, but i harldy get time to watch them.

when will newbies learn?

want proof?


your a n00b and many of us relize you are. the more quiet you are the better .

funny, wheres your rating? lol, all flaming ,no ratung, due to still waiting for it to get to kazza hahaha

Posted by Redemption on 09-28-2002 11:38 AM:

6/6/? looks quite funny, but i harldy get time to watch them

Theres my rating, and if you mean Stuart Little 2, i couldn't be bothered rating it, but if you want one.

Happy now dickhead, as for me being a "noob", if giving an honest rating means im a "noob" than i am one, everyone knows you dont actually have the films you review, your nothing more than a jpg re-viewer and cant prove otherwise.

As for me being quiet, i think everyone would like you to be quiet, you annoy people with your lies and the fantasy world you live in, and no one really wants your opinon, cause they know its lies.

Posted by Stampers on 09-28-2002 12:04 PM:

I think the problem is that Redemption has a life and therefore can't be commenting on EVERY release.
Whereas CharlyTuna..well you just talk shit 24/7. You seriously have to get a life, 217 posts this month. What makes me laugh though, is you've said in the past that time is VERY valuable to you can "download" more movies in that time? Jesus man, get a job/girlfriend/life or at least stop talking shit.

Posted by DarkBeatz on 09-28-2002 12:52 PM:

Re: Actually

Originally posted by Azrael626

What they say is that all screeners begin as TC. What you all are missing is the very simple point that it is a TC Screener, not a retail screener, which explains the counter from the TC machine. Either way it's still a great copy of a shitty movie.

Damnit, movie companies don't use telcine machines that add counters! It can definately be a real telecine btw without it being a real screener, asian telecines exist to you know

Posted by semaj8686 on 09-28-2002 03:27 PM:

Great release better than all the others thanx for the good work, but ill still wait around for a DVDRIp in a couple months

Posted by djkoolaide on 09-28-2002 03:57 PM:

Originally posted by a1catraz

stop licking ftf's cock already.. DAMN.. THIS VERSION IS BY FAR THE BEST... OO NOO IT HAS A COUNTER.. U DIP SHIT.. THIS VERSION IS THE BEST.............. FTF's VERSION.. THAT SVCD WANNA BE KRAP.. I MEAN COME ON..... A-TEAM WAS WAY BETTER THAN FTFs..MAn.. Get out of ftf's ass already.. fuck.. bias bitch..

actually you little BITCH ASSES...

the ftf version was very good, so stop flaming on charly. he knows much more about the scene than most of you little n00bs do, so STFU about charlytuna/i_drink_247/gallonfreak

Posted by a1catraz on 09-28-2002 05:11 PM:

Originally posted by djkoolaide

actually you little BITCH ASSES...

the ftf version was very good, so stop flaming on charly. he knows much more about the scene than most of you little n00bs do, so STFU about charlytuna/i_drink_247/gallonfreak

wern't u the little fucker that wanted the jpegs?? fucking n00b... go fucking download the SAMPLE at LEAST.. before u flame me.. bitch..

Posted by K-FurY on 09-28-2002 05:44 PM:

Originally posted by Stampers
I think the problem is that Redemption has a life and therefore can't be commenting on EVERY release.
Whereas CharlyTuna..well you just talk shit 24/7. You seriously have to get a life, 217 posts this month. What makes me laugh though, is you've said in the past that time is VERY valuable to you can "download" more movies in that time? Jesus man, get a job/girlfriend/life or at least stop talking shit.

so true

Posted by flipp0r on 09-28-2002 07:37 PM:



Much better rls than the previous ones.
Video was ok at best, and the audio seemed kinda muffled.
I was thinking i need to get me one of those beer holsters
so I can drink from the hip

They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."

Posted by CharlyTuna on 09-28-2002 08:20 PM:

geeez, when will newbies learn?

Posted by OzZyOz on 09-28-2002 08:45 PM:

Umm u dumb fucks FTF's was better than A-Team's lol thats a fucking fact. But this one is by far the best 7/4/5 da sounds hollow and shitty hmmm.

Posted by Cory on 09-28-2002 08:54 PM:

I did a search and just about every one of "CharlyTuna"s post either has "newbie", "newbies", "n00b", or "n00bs" in it. Thats pretty damn funny. Ever try taking up a hobby? Anyways I thought that this was a great release considering the movie has only been out for a week and usually we don't get many releases like this right away. Movies not that great but still a good release. Would have been better without the counter, but doesn't matter to me that its in there with this release.
7/6/4 (I'm not really a big fan of Tom Green, but others are)

Posted by frak on 09-29-2002 12:04 AM:

my god you people fight like little old women about the same shit in every fucking thread.

how about we all just stfu and use these threads for what they are intended, to review the quality of the release.


Posted by CharlyTuna on 09-29-2002 08:45 AM:

the newbies never learn
i guess thats why they remain newbies

Posted by HostileIntent on 09-29-2002 02:21 PM:

Originally posted by CharlyTuna
the newbies never learn
i guess thats why they remain newbies

Why do you call everyone newbs i wonder?
This is a good release by videoCD who cares about the counter 7/7/6

Posted by Asterisk on 09-29-2002 03:29 PM:

Picture quality is nice, sound is a bit distorted. Not the funniest. Maybe It's because Tom Green is a dick.


As for the ticker, if VideoCD added it themselves to disguise a TS as a TC/SCREENER don't you think the original source would get leaked. Adding one would also lose quality. There are 'property of' notices throughout, so the idea is crazy. Just be happy that this version is the best so far and it's one cd.

Posted by MacMall88 on 09-29-2002 05:13 PM:

the sound on this eats cock, but the vid is good and the movie is fuckin awesome

Posted by Adrian on 09-30-2002 02:41 AM:

i think videocd's rel was best so far.......

but im still gonna wait for an even better one, the picture looks a bit crappy, if i dl this id just be WASTING credits, good try VideoCd

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