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Posted by FrAzZmAN on 03-09-2002 10:31 AM:

The quality is average in general but excellent for FTF, the thing that sets them back is the video capturing is probably quiet reasonably well done, the encoding is much to be desired for, seriously now they've got a camera getting a good capture card and some knowledge can't be to much more effort.

Do it properly or not at all

Posted by naked_eye on 03-09-2002 03:46 PM:


I am glad FTF has got their stuff together, the question I have, are there any scenes missing, alot of past FTF releases, are missing the last 30 seconds, or have chopped up scenes, and missing scenes. Is this missing anything?

Posted by HellFire on 03-09-2002 07:31 PM:

[IN THE FIRST CORNER WE HAVE FLAMER #1 (the ding dong dick)]

Posted by Visigoth on 03-09-2002 08:55 PM:

I think it will be cool to get quality like this at the speed that hbo tends to have.


The reason for the pal camera is because when camming a movie pal has less motion blur than ntsc.


Posted by naked_eye on 03-09-2002 09:18 PM:


CD2 starts off about 15 minutes before CD1 ends, not a big deal, but I dont wanna watch 15 minutes I already saw. Quality is not that great, definitley not up to par with Centropy and Teg releases, and with this being the type of movie it is, with special effects and all, I recommend waiting for a better release to download.

Posted by Crispy23 on 03-09-2002 09:26 PM:

OK.. its wack.. decent quality.. but annoying sounds hissing here and there.. what causes that?
Whats with CD2? it starts 17 and a half minutes back into cd1?
is there parts missing due to the overlap?

other than that,, very fast release.. decent video.. some annoying sound.. 6/10

Posted by Fire_Sokar on 03-09-2002 09:53 PM:

Originally posted by HellFire

What are you 6 years old? Did FTF hire you as their man-slave?

shut up idiot

Posted by toohey on 03-10-2002 12:03 AM:

hrm....quick release but the video is dark as hell....i rather have a bit of bluish then dark and i cant barely see anything....i dont know y every1 is proping this release....

Posted by Ren on 03-10-2002 01:59 AM:

it makes no sense, if u dont like the quality dont download it, I mean, what the hell just because FTF is the old HBO dont bitch @ them, there releasing nearly everything 1st and if its a movie u want then its there, better than having 2 wait a few weeks/months b4 a proper TS or screener comes out

props 2 FTF keep releasing movies, dont know what we would do with out ya

Posted by Gnuine on 03-10-2002 04:14 AM:

cd2 problem

hey you guys are right perfect quality for a new flick very much enjoyed i have a ????? does everyones cd2 replay 17 minutes of cd1 or am i the only one other then that thank you for the new cameras.......Ftf Fucking RULEZ.................

Posted by MovieGod on 03-10-2002 07:21 AM:


WHAT???????????? WHATTTTTTTTT????????? WHATTTTTTTTTT?? give FTF a break, they have improved a lot.....they r releases movies first and its FREE!!!!!!!

Re-incarnated as evil overlord..

Posted by westerberg on 03-10-2002 08:06 AM:

uhhhh.... the sound on this was rather mediocre
and i thought the picture quality was rather bad (especially toward the end)....

this is a 4/10 not 7/10

and as someone wrote earlier, what's with the 16 minute (around that) overlap of cd1 onto cd2????

but hey, they were first... so props for that

Posted by Djnemesis on 03-10-2002 08:11 AM:

It isn't a bad release. I just finished watching it, just now had time.

Here is the rundown on the release, i'm not flaming it at all. I'm the type that says, if you don't like it don't download it. So this is not me flaming it, but giving an accurate description of the quality.

Rating: 7/10

Posted by bacon on 03-10-2002 08:31 AM:


Posted by MrBIG on 03-10-2002 01:01 PM:

Thumbs down i think not

[Flame - phucker - bye bye mister birdy]

Posted by jelydonut on 03-10-2002 05:12 PM:

this was a typical hbo shit telesync..

the static and pops were all at the worst parts of the movie to keep track what was going on..

that overlap is just inexcusable... how much of a retard do you hafta be to not release that before releasing..



Posted by rusty2002 on 03-10-2002 06:02 PM:

Guys ftf got a lil better but the qual still sucks
The only good thing about this release is that it was an early one.
The only way ftf will be on top of the scene is if they have early releases like they do now and have as good quality as ctp.

Posted by Lord_Gandalf on 03-10-2002 06:18 PM:

man u guys bitch too much... wheres your effort to the scene?

Spitball Admin

Posted by LuDes on 03-10-2002 07:17 PM:

Constructive critazism

It was to dark, alot of times u couldnt see shite, some of the screen was cut .. the sound hiss then was also popping at an important part in the movie, and lastly was the over lapping thing that also sucked and wasted bw, i gave it a 5/10

Thanks For the FAST releases FTF

Posted by eST0r on 03-10-2002 08:05 PM:

I am going to lock this thread until pHo the admin comes around, no more bashing you hoe's


"Where can I download TheChosenFew version of 8 mile? I dont use irc, its too complicated, i need simplicity" - XeroFightsAlone

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