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VCDQuality Forums (http://www.vcdhq.com/forum/index.php)
- VCD (http://www.vcdhq.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?forumid=19)
-- My Big Fat Greek Wedding *SVCD* - DVD SCR - KSiVCD (http://www.vcdhq.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=11843)
I dont give a darn
Must be a lot of babies here since everybody complains.
You can all sit and watch a telesynch without crying but then when it comes a dvd scr or rip in svcd you all cry like a 1 year old.
When the audio is not in the right format(224).
It cant be that many players who cant handle 192 or other off bitrate or hz audio.
So if a group wants to do it in 192 or whatever its their choice.
You choice is to download or not and not act like a 2 year old who screams in a supermarket when you dont get any candy.
saw some person posted they're putting up a repack. will they have space on the disks to fit in the extra bits or will they have to encode it all over again? Seems like a waste of time if they have to re-encode.
quote:it'll have to be re-encoded.
Originally posted by vorbis
saw some person posted they're putting up a repack. will they have space on the disks to fit in the extra bits or will they have to encode it all over again? Seems like a waste of time if they have to re-encode.
Originally posted by sickdick
that's stupid
because if that's teh case, its hte players fault, because SVCD allows 32-320kbit audio, and 192kbit is legit.
I just don't see any difference between 192 and 224 quality wise... i mean, ac3 is 192 for 2ch on all dvd's so what's the big deal...
Well enough of all of this bickering which is stupid anyways, 90% of the users on this forum don't even know about scene standards but all of your prayers of this movie have been answered:
Download My.Big.Fat.Greek.Wedding.DVD.SCREENER.SVCD-KSiVCD (5 pass VBR) if you player can handle 192kbit mpeg audio.
Download My.Big.Fat.Greek.Wedding.PROPER.DVD.SCREENER.SVCD-TCF (3 pass VBR) for a fully complaint rip (available a few hours after)
OR Download My.Big.Fat.Greek.Wedding.DVD.SCREENER.SVCD.REPACK-KSiVCD (4 pass VBR [dupe, why lower the amount of passes if you had all the time in the world to repack after a proper was available]) for a fully compliant rip (available an hour ago)
All rips look identical, non action film at 2100+ video bitrate so the amount of passes don't really improve quality that much, each pass is like a motion detection filter to reduce pixelation and blocks... less motion, less improvement even with more passes (this movie isn't worth 3 rips imo, hope someone doesn't do a 5pass proper repack lol)
For those that don't know, if I can remember correctly the scene standards are:
480x480 res (NTSC) 480x576 (PAL)
224kbit audio
2+ passes VBR (anything over 5-6 passes can not be detected with the human eye, unless you're superman)
max bitrate shouldn't exceed 2520, total bitrate should be below 2700/2800 or something.
118-120mins on 2CD
must be bin/cue
if you don't know now you know, if releasing anything below 224kbit is ok than all groups should release films at 128-192kbit to save more bitrate for video, just my 2 cents.
that repack is a waste of time IMO. some places nuked the first for 192kbit audio, and places will probably nuke the repack for being a dupe of TCF. I don't see many people wasting their time with it.
Actually... they were both nukes, ksi's because of audio and tcf's because only 3 passes. So the repack is the only one that follows the "scene's" standards. And again... we will get the next one right! :-)
Here are the Scene Guidlines in case any one is interested
³ The SVCD Releasing Standards 2002 ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ - No previous releases may be propered based on audio or video bitrate. ³
³ - Propers will be allowed in the case of technical problems, bad aspect ³
³ ratio, sync problems, skipping/freezing, interlaced, bad ivtc, etc ³
³ ³
³ VIDEO: ³
³ ³
³ - Must be at least 1750kbit average, with a maximum of 2450kbit. ³
³ - TMPGENC: 2 pass minimum ³
³ - CCE: 4 pass minimum ³
³ - Menus allowed. (see notes) ³
³ - Subtitles allowed (and encouraged for foreign releases) ³
³ ³
³ AUDIO: ³
³ ³
³ - Minimum 224kbit @ 44.1khz (regardless of source) ³
³ - Secondary tracks shall be 224 or LESS ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ - All releases must be BIN/CUE. (remove path from cue files) ³
³ - Must be packed with RAR, compression is NOT ALLOWED ³
³ and broken into 15 or 20 MB volumes ³
³ - Recovery record recommended. ³
³ - Must have SFV ³
³ - Must have NFO ³
³ Group name ³
³ Title ³
³ Actual SVCD release date ³
³ DVD release date ³
³ US theater release date ³
³ Audio bitrate ³
³ Video minimum/average/maximum bitrate ³
³ Movie runtime/length ³
³ IMDB/adultdvdempire link ³
³ Number of rars per cd (eg. 44x15MB) ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ - Minimum 30 seconds, maximum 1 full minute in length and in separate ³
³ folder marked 'SAMPLE'. ³
³ - MUST be taken from the movie - NOT encoded separately. ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ - Directory names shall NOT exceed 64 characters. ³
³ - All releases are to include production year. ³
³ - DO NOT indicate Ripping method (CBR/VBR/CCE/TMPGENC and so on), ³
³ WS (widescreen), DVD/SVCD release DATE, GENRE or anything else ³
³ in the directory name (ONLY within the NFO). ³
³ - Acceptable characters in naming a directory include (NO spaces or ³
³ double dots - single dots or underscores ONLY): ³
³ ³
Z ³
³ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
z ³
³ 0123456789 . -_ ³
³ ³
³ - All Release directories, regardless of year, shall be named ³
³ according to Movie.Name.Year.Source.Codec-Group ³
³ (i.e. Movie.Name.Year.DVDRip.SVCD-Group) ³
³ ³
³ - Releases that are more than 1 CD will follow these specs: ³
³ - MUST be named CD1, CD2, CD3 and so on. ('disc1', etc will NOT ³
³ be allowed). ³
³ - There MUST be a SFV included for each CD. ³
i dont believe the guidelines above are enforced, but are just one of a few guidelines that have been published. to be honest, for a guidelines set, thats very lacking in detail. the other set are from the SVCD Council, and again is not enforced.. but they go into more detail. that just seems a copy of TDX that took 10 mins to write.
<Dwaggy> i caught you a delicious Bass
<The404> This is because you are an idiot
TCF's was 3 pass, but doesn't say if they used TMpeg or CCE, and they normally used TMPeg, don't they? I'm not sure... is there something like EncSpot for mpgs?
why isn't the info on KSi rls of an XviD DVD SCR of this movie up?
just wondering...
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