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Posted by Medievalchimp on 12-09-2002 05:35 AM:

ROFL! Rep just 0wned everyone :P


Posted by Weirdman on 12-10-2002 03:35 AM:

me is confused... what is maddox ?

Fuck You!

Aim: Weirdman

Posted by svenbob on 12-10-2002 04:06 AM:

Originally posted by Weirdman
me is confused... what is maddox ?

I think hes the guy that did all that "terrible. F." shit

One time, my cousin Walter got this cat stuck in his ass. True story. He bought it at our local mall so the whole fiasco wound up on the news, it was embarrassing for my relatives and all, but the next week he did it again, different cat, same results, complete with another trip to the emergency room! So I run into him a week later in the mall and he�s buying another cat and I says to �em "Jesus Walt, what are you doing? You know your just gonna get this cat stuck up your ass too, why don�t you knock it off?" And he says to me "Brodie, how the hell else am I supposed to get the gerbil out?" My cousin was a weird guy....


Posted by Hitman47 on 12-10-2002 04:47 AM:

ok, im a juggalo, and i always will be, you guys can bash us and our group all you want. if you really think we care what you think about the kind of music we listen to, you guys need to grow up. im aware that 94% of the population loves feminem, we dont go and tell you guys to grow up.. so come on guys

p.s. eminem is gay
(just look at the lyrics a bit more careful)

Posted by Hitman47 on 12-10-2002 04:52 AM:

Originally posted by PlasticSpoon

Too bad they were the only 200 buying the album

just thought i'd add one more thing..

when was the last time you've heard of a "gathering of the eminem fans" or a "The gathering of britney spearios" where 500,000 people from all across the world just to do whatever the fuck for 3 days... trust me, if you were as deep as us juggalos are into our music, you'd see shit in a whole new way...

thats all,

(flamers are gayers)

Posted by FatalException on 12-10-2002 02:56 PM:

Originally posted by Rep-
If ICP didn't suck so much, then we wouldn't have to have this arguement. Don't blame it on us "non-juggallo's" (Or whatever it is), blame it on the shitty band! Wait, didn't I call ICP a band? Sorry.

Also, in reponse to the 200 people lining up to get the album. The reason for that is because the "juggalo's" are apparently too fucking retarded and don't know how to download shit, and buy it instead.

I wish I could be a "juggalo." Too bad you have to apparently be fucking retarded and not have passed 3rd grade to be one!

Good one
ICP is a bunch of morons plain and simple

Posted by mobius on 12-10-2002 08:25 PM:

lol to hitman47, go away, nobody likes you or icp, and thats that. hope you pass 7th grade this year... good luck!

Posted by Hitman47 on 12-24-2002 06:11 PM:

eat it bitch

Posted by Muzak on 12-24-2002 07:56 PM:

Originally posted by pHo
/me sets mode: +maddox Weirdman , the best page in the universe for those that dont know.

alright. let me say this. im a big ass fan of ICP. people that say they suck may have only heard a few songs, if any (which is more likely). true that not all appeals to all, but what the fuck is with the hatin? that shits just stupid. ive been down with the clown since riddlebox (cant help it, thats when i first heard em in this backass town i live in). most of their stuff is just good fun. good dark, murderin fun, but still fun. they have serious shit, silly shit, down right great shit. but i can also appreciate others music. those that say "feminem" need to fucking shut up with that shit. same with the people that bash ICP and dont know shit about what they are spouting off about. for the record, ICP still holds the record for the longest consecutive time spent on the top 100, most in the top 30 or so, hip hop/rap record chart (the great milenko). you dont do that with only 200 fans, as was so stupidly eluded to earlier. ICP has a huge, very devoted, fanbase. ive bought every cd, excluding a few of the promo cd's, dog beats, that ilk, including the new one. at the time, i dont happen to have enough to get both versions of this portion of the sixth, so i will d/l the dvd for the other and enjoy it till i have enough to get the other.

i can guarantee that i can pick one or two songs that just about everybody can jam to. people that say they suck just off the cuff are just like the other people that come on here and do a stupid review for a movie without watching it yet. 90% of you that bash them havent even heard them. you just go by what people tell you, which makes you both uninformed and ignorant. you can fix the later, and ignorance is welcome in the clown world, lol. people that dont laugh to the neden game, or bugz on my nuts, man, something is wrong with you. under the moon, halls of illusion, those are some kickass serious type songs. ill even paraphrase eminem right now, "take a minute to listen before you start dissin". both em and ICP have mad respect from me. ive been with ICP lots longer though, but i dont let their "feud" with each other dictate what i like. i bet kid rock dont like tommy lee, but tommy is still a badass on the drums, and ill still rock out to motley on any given day. everybody, form your own opinions instead of letting others dictate your flow.

for those that doubt my loyalty to ICP, lol,, ive been JuggolO there for a minute or two now.

on a side note, is enigma here the same enigma from OF? just curious, he was down wit as well.

Posted by napalmfuzz on 12-24-2002 10:54 PM:

well.. i have seen icp live.. and i can say that they are the biggest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse...they canceled 3 times because their needs werent accomodated.. cause they think their big rockstars or something... guys .. icp is far from underground.. they are very much mainstream.. im not bashing anyone... except for icp themselves.. they are fake ass wannabes.. and their live show.. is HORRIBLE!.. HORRIBLE!.. cant even keep rythym.. which is bad when you dont have enough talent to play an instrument and you decide its a good idea to sing to a boombox.. you may wanna learn to keep proper musical timing with the boombox... christ.. they sucked so fuckin bad.. and the only reason i went was because they opened for Biohazard

and PS.

does it mean nothing to anyone that the only reason that I.C.P. stand for Insane Clown Posse is because they couldnt cut it when they tried to be serious hip hop artists called Inner City Posse and flopped hard and decided they needed a "gimmick" so they can sell albums... fake fake fake.. wannabe musicians


"Nothing says OBEY ME like a severed head on a fence post,"

Posted by Muzak on 12-24-2002 11:47 PM:

come on, please. i agree though that they arent exactly underground, bout everyone has heard of them. but they dont get play, so they arent bombarded at your senses 24/7 (not that id complain, but im just stating a fact). i also have seen them live, and i thought they fucking rocked. ever group has bad days, bad gigs. just a guess, but id bet that you didnt go there being a fan or with a terribly open mind. thats ok though, most people are like that.

those accomodations your talking about is more than likely tied with the use of faygo in their concerts. the juggalos love that shit, and if they cant do it, cant give the whole ICP experience for their fans, then they seek alternative venues. every one of the shows that get cancelled is posted on their website with the reason why, unlike those "rockstars" who just say fuck it, one gig wont kill us.

i would honestly love to know what your decription of "very much mainstream" is. i consider eminem mainstream. j.lo is mainstream. korn, rage, slipknot, they are mainstream. they get play. doesnt mean i dont like them, not likeing a band simply cuz they are getting paid is retarded and i hate when "fans" turn their back on a band when they get a check. like with green day. when they recorded dookie, they werent rich ass rockers. that record wasnt a watered down version of their past work. but cuz it blew up, their "fans" turned on them for selling out. thats weak, and it shows how shitty some of you little punks out there are.

there is a difference between talent and wanting to. and btw, how many other hip hop/rap artists you see playing their music? not many. they all have dj's, they all have background players. so you can drop that weak ass shit...

like they are the first group to ever change their name, right??? please. they were Insane Clown Posse for alot longer, and still selling no records, than they were Inner City Posse. they had the equivalent of a few demo tapes done when they switched names. they put out cd's as ICP for 7 years before they got a little money. i doubt it was the makeup, any more than Kiss, or do they suck as well in your opinion? now if THAT wasnt a gimmick, come on.

Posted by napalmfuzz on 12-27-2002 09:49 AM:

well.. i say very much mainstream.. because you cant go anywhere without seeing some asshole wannabe sporting an icp shirt and wearing like black lipstick or some such gay shit... sure.. slipknot is mainstrem metal.. but they get as much play as icp does.. so pfooey allover that idea.. the guy that bangs on trash cans on stage for slipknot has more talent than both members of icp.. and the idea that all bands have bad shows.. ill go along with that.... but download icp's set from woodstock 99 and if you can call it well orchastrated music than you obviously have never heard "music" before.

bottom line is.. icp sucks... they arent
"underground" they arent musicly inclined..

oh and PS i was a half assed fan of ICP when i went to see them... at the time i had heard their music.. cant say i dug much of it but was a fan of the riddlebox albulm.. then just lost all respect for them when i saw how awful they were at performing their "music" live.. if you cant perform your own music well... what the hell are you doing in the biz


"Nothing says OBEY ME like a severed head on a fence post,"

Posted by The CandyMan on 12-27-2002 03:29 PM:

Hahaha, teenagers, gotta love em . . .cause killing them is still against the law!!


Posted by napalmfuzz on 12-27-2002 06:07 PM:

i would hope my dear that that comment is not directed at me.. for i am way past the age of a teenager.. im at the point where i have my own free thoughts and dont have to live life one trend at a time


"Nothing says OBEY ME like a severed head on a fence post,"

Posted by Muzak on 12-27-2002 09:13 PM:

i myself am a few years past the teen years. i can form my own free thoughts, do it everyday. and by far i dont live life one trend at a time. i love it when people make uneducated assumptions...

i never said ICP was the best thing ever, but i enjoy the hell out of them. and mayby where you live there are alot of juggalos, but thats not the case where im from. and that slipknot gets as much play as ICP, thats just laughable. you will hear slipknot on radio, you will see them on mtv. the only place you see ICP is on howard stern occasionally. they have always said they cant play shit, thats what mike e. clark is for.

bottom line is you dont sell as many albums as they have, and suck. that may be your opinion, and thats fine. but there is no need to go trying to show off by bashing a group or their fan base. that right there makes be think your just a teeny boopin fanboy of ricky martin...

Posted by napalmfuzz on 12-28-2002 01:01 AM:

so im a teeny boppin fanboy because i dont imitate art... i make my own image instead of stealing someone elses... if thats your definition of teeny boppin fanboy then fuck yeah i am.. im not easily led by others.. which if you actually went through and read this thread youll notice that quite a few people are... and as far as slipknot goes.. ive heard them on the radio as often as i have icp.. and yes icp gets radio play.. sorry jack.. but its the truth.. especially when hed p.e. came out.. since they were on the same label it made icp more popular.. cause people that had somewhat talent could be linked to icp.. but yeah.. icp is as mainstream as slipknot.. only difference is slipknot has musical talent


"Nothing says OBEY ME like a severed head on a fence post,"

Posted by MoNoXiDe on 12-29-2002 04:16 PM:

What is a Juggalo???
To: The Uninformed

Being a Juggalo means knowing you're an outcast. The bands/groups/acts/whatever you want to call them that we dig, belong to the most hated recording company in existence. A lot of acts have controversy around them, but none so much as Insane Clown Posse, Twiztid, Blaze, etc. The raunchy and violent lyrics, wild and crazy stage shows, the constant belittling in the media, as well as their persistence to remain in the underground music scene, makes them hated by just about everyone except the Juggalos.

As fans of these groups, we're basically asking to be outcast by our peers. But FUCK THEM. There's a reason we step away from the happy, smiling, skip-to-my-loo bull shit that those other bitches try to make us part of. There's a reason we step away from the mainstream, what's accepted, or even the stuff that's accepted because it's not accepted... It's because we see through it.

Try to imagine it like this... You tell someone you're a Juggalo. They say "What the fuck is a Juggalo?" So, you try and explain it without using the names of any bands on the label, especially ICP. It's impossible. Then you mention ICP, and people sigh and roll their eyes. From that point on you're looked at as a fool--someone who listens to music made by rapping CLOWNS?!? Come on! You've just GOT to be strange, abnormal, lame, stupid, gay, retarded, all of that...

So when you turn your back on them, you're turning towards a group of people who've gone through all of the same shit you have. They know what it's like. They see through the shit you do, they like most of the same stuff you do, and most of all, they understand.

That creates an instantaneous bond between Juggalos. Once you sink in a little, it becomes family. Granted, there's some bitching between different groups of Juggalos, mainly over drama they've gone thru, but bottom line is that it's us against everyone else. And we keep it tightly knit because of that.

In my time being down with the clown, I've seen and heard a lot of crazy shit Juggalos have done for each other, from ninjas giving each other free food at their respective fast food joints, to the Juggalo in Cleveland who said "Fuck the interview," and gave someone a job just because they were sporting a hatchetman necklace. The Juggalo in human resources got canned when his boss found out the kid he hired didn't even graduate highschool, but still--that's Juggalo love.

But that's what it is. It's Juggalo love. Respect and admiration for those like you, and being able to get it back equally!



Posted by napalmfuzz on 12-29-2002 09:11 PM:

well that was a well orchastrated pile of shit... guy.. i hate to tell you this.. but youre not stepping away from anything... youre not seeing through anything... you my friend... and brace yourself... are TRENDY!

you are hit by the trend bug.. so you can call yourself outcasts you can call yourselfs the blunderfucked jesus for all i care.. but I see through YOU.. youre a fake.. a fraud.. and easily led by others... when you grow up and develop your own image youll understand


"Nothing says OBEY ME like a severed head on a fence post,"

Posted by Muzak on 12-29-2002 10:34 PM:

Originally posted by napalmfuzz
well that was a well orchastrated pile of shit... guy.. i hate to tell you this.. but youre not stepping away from anything... youre not seeing through anything... you my friend... and brace yourself... are TRENDY!

you are hit by the trend bug.. so you can call yourself outcasts you can call yourselfs the blunderfucked jesus for all i care.. but I see through YOU.. youre a fake.. a fraud.. and easily led by others... when you grow up and develop your own image youll understand

your, for lack of a more suitable term, are a retard. as i stated before, i dont know where your at, but where i live, there is no play for them. and being a big ass fan since '94 hardly makes it "trendy" to listen to them. how the fuck can you sit there and tell that guy he is hit by the trend bug? you have any idea of how long he has been down wit? nope. you make rash generalizations based on loosely gathered info other people give you. your spouting off about how we dont have an image? your just another little dipshit that dont know shit. and just what is it your seeing through? our likes? our preferances? how the fuck does that make us a fraud, or a fake? thats like saying someone that like anybody is a fraud. but no, just cuz we happen to perfer a band that isnt accepted widely, and i could give a fuck what you say, they arent, then we are fakes and frauds. that makes as much sense as your dads inability to put a rubber on when he busted in your mom.

Posted by svenbob on 12-29-2002 10:49 PM:


If you dont then SHUT THE THE FUCK UP and let the people that do enjoy it.

If you like something and think someone is stupid for not liking it then your fucking retarded. Don't develop opinions on people because they like a certain type of music, thats lame and homosexual. ITS JUST FUCKING MUSIC. If it appeals to thier ears then let them listen. Dont start a fucking lifestyle over music though, thats sad.

One time, my cousin Walter got this cat stuck in his ass. True story. He bought it at our local mall so the whole fiasco wound up on the news, it was embarrassing for my relatives and all, but the next week he did it again, different cat, same results, complete with another trip to the emergency room! So I run into him a week later in the mall and he�s buying another cat and I says to �em "Jesus Walt, what are you doing? You know your just gonna get this cat stuck up your ass too, why don�t you knock it off?" And he says to me "Brodie, how the hell else am I supposed to get the gerbil out?" My cousin was a weird guy....


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