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-- 25th Hour - SCREENER - OBUS (
This movie was just AMAZINNNGGG!
And so was the rlz ...but just the fact that 10 mins of cd2 was off blew it since it was a scene really to die for and see what happend...
anyways i guess a proper should be out soon
but good job OBUS on this sweet early rlz
Video: 6.5
Audio: 8
Movie: 9
Great movie.. norton has one of the funniest rants I've heard in a while.. nails every ethnic group out there.
However, for a "screener" rip, the video quality is pretty poor, unless they did the rip off a VHS, in that case it's OK. If the source was DVD, then it's the worst screener rip I've ever seen.
Great movie.. norton has one of the funniest rants I've heard in a while.. nails every ethnic group out there.
i was expecting better quality for a screener.....
maybe my standards have just gone up since all the dvds...
Originally posted by frak
However, for a "screener" rip, the video quality is pretty poor, unless they did the rip off a VHS, in that case it's OK. If the source was DVD, then it's the worst screener rip I've ever seen.
"Nothing says OBEY ME like a severed head on a fence post,"
this movie was barely average. was quite disappointed overall. it never went anywhere exciting. i am suprised at all the high ratings. it does not deserve any. go see a much better movie in NARC or About schmidt, or Adaptation. This one is just plain average.
pic and sound are above average at least..
One of the best movies in a long while.
Originally posted by Bobby-Whiskey
while i loved the movie and the quality on the release was very decent, I noticed a skip ahead in the movie on cd2, at the scene where Norton is told who betrayed him. The scene doesnt end like its supposed to, and it cuts to the morning scene. What the hell? I saw this in the theater so I knew what happened, but this'll upset a few people no doubt.
I love movies!
Great movie and great quality..
WHAT HAPPENED? I missed it, I thought there seemed to be something missing at the beginning of cd2... Should have read more reviews before watching the flick. Oh well, what is a girl to do...
let's move on shall we....
fucking obus. ive waited two weeks after stopping where it cut off at cd2, ive now decided to wait for dvdrip (or a less likely dvd screener). you guys SUCK!
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