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Originally posted by CaptainPooHat
hah..i got the TEG release too, but luckily ive been too lazy to burn it and watch it cuz the quality wasnt 100%, so now i have a CTP SVCD rls to watch, which looks pretty damn good. nice rls.
..and on my birthday!
7/7/? gonna watch soon hopefully
happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me!
your a retard you are just another centropy dick sucker the TEG was excellent audio and even though the audio wasnt perfect and u can hear people laughing i thought they laughed at the right times so that didnt bother me one bit i thought that the TEG release was an excellent release ur just sucking up to CENTROPY so fuck off u retard
WOW!! This almost looks like a DVDRip...
Centropy are the best TS group ever!
DJD4566: Your post makes no sense.
Re: Centropy NFO's PLEAZ
Originally posted by slapdaddy
Centropy why do you write such bullshit nfo files. Give me a break about the fun legality behind it. You try to make it seem as if its ok as long as your not selling it. No matter how you shake it, the minute you release a flick whether the the intentions are to sell or not its fucking illegal and breaks federal law. In next nfo spare the bullshit and write some quality nfo's like UTi or something. Just dont pretend! Anyways nice release glad to see your back into the scene.
Also, for all of you guys out there sucking balls to Centropy dont judge based on the past. Groups should be judged for the NOW. Who gives a fuck what was done back then. Its over with. Stop kissing ass. Let Centropy prove that their back and in effect or let their releases show they are not what they used to be. I definetyly agree that TCF and Uti currently are the best groups. Not necessarily because of their TS or Cams, but because of the overall quality and overall releases. Those two groups get SCREENERS, Pre-retails, and do descent Cams/Ts. No-one else is as well balanced. Just my opinion. Centropy was the best, not anymore. Are they good and have a great reputation: yes and rightfully so. Will they once again be the Best we will see, but with our screeners and pre-retails I dont think they deserve it. Prove me wrong Centropy.
Re: morons
Originally posted by Jurai
as if the centropy version IS 100% quality?
Originally posted by KaMa
Is it just me or does everyone think this faggot ass homo should have Not posted this... What a fucking queer..
[--Quality over Quantity always--]
Looked at sample, nice release. Again, posting that Centropy should do VCD's instead of SVCD's won't make them. C'mon, you know this group, they do what they want, just like they come and go as they please. If you want it on VCD to save space, re-encode it to VCD. Any moron with a basic knowledge of encoding can merge the 3 cds, encode to mpg1, then split it to two. If you can't do that, get the hell out of here and never come back, you are a disgrace.
uh. this release is 2 cds.. not 3..
Originally posted by DJD4566
your a retard you are just another centropy dick sucker the TEG was excellent audio and even though the audio wasnt perfect and u can hear people laughing i thought they laughed at the right times so that didnt bother me one bit i thought that the TEG release was an excellent release ur just sucking up to CENTROPY so fuck off u retard
Saving the world from danger with a piece of shit on my head.
"Honey, bring me my fire Extinguisher, I've got another flaming post over here!!!!!"
Can you see boom mics in any of the last 3 CTP releases?
(In many of the great quality ones from the past you could)
ahh thank u thank u. I tried watching the TEG the pic was cool and great but the fucking sound sucked sooo fucking bad and because of that was unwatchable coulnd't hear shit. Welcome back I guese CTP and hope u keep getting better and maybe back to ur old old spidermen selfs but this is gr8. 7.5/8/5.
Get a new ISP for gods sake
I pay $40 a month for my cable connection with NO bandwidth cap at all. It is always downloading at 180kb/sec +. Stop bitching about SVCD TS's when they are superior quality to the VCD. You can say whatever you want, but just get rid of your 56k/shitDSL and get a good cable connection, then you will be great. If you uncap that shit you can get 5mbit down. You get that bandwidth and then come complain on how you dont want the 1.6 gb movie. Stop hating on one of the best groups out there. Props go out to CTP, UTi, and TCF. They keep the scene real.
*members of CTP dont listen to these fools you are doing great. This release proves it.
Good work CTP, as usual.
Now let's just hope that they stick around long enough to release dare devil, matrix reloaded, x2, and the hulk.
Originally posted by DJD4566
is CENTROPY back now ????????? i bet them to PLEASE start putting their TS on VCD's again they r good quality but nott hat good SVCD is a waste of CD's CENTROPY u should go back 2 VCD TS's
Ctp here to stay??WTF there were never gone just kept to themself is all so tired of seeing oh great there back!
Dont get me wrong I love ctp releases but they seem to have the attitude well if there lucky we'll release it.
Which to me is bullshit cause this about the scene not there big egos!
Anyways say sample looks good still will wait for a better release though.
Re: Get a new ISP for gods sake
Originally posted by backoff
I pay $40 a month for my cable connection with NO bandwidth cap at all. It is always downloading at 180kb/sec +. Stop bitching about SVCD TS's when they are superior quality to the VCD. You can say whatever you want, but just get rid of your 56k/shitDSL and get a good cable connection, then you will be great. If you uncap that shit you can get 5mbit down.
Originally posted by TBA
Can you see boom mics in any of the last 3 CTP releases?
(In many of the great quality ones from the past you could)
not seen the boom mics?
on undercover brother they were hilarious. I think someone dropped it in that as well!
People always criticise, but your getting this for free.... if you dont like it dont download it.
Originally posted by x|LeaF|x
Is it me, or is this flick a bit bluish tinted based on the jpg. I am going out now, so i can't grab the sample, but I hope CTP isn't going back to their old days. (ie training day TS).
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