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-- I Robot *SVCD* - TELECINE - TUN (
decent video, again, the sidebars can be annoying, but liveable. good audio. movie was good, dont expect a lot of corny will smith jokes.
btw in some places this was nuked for being a re encode of the german TOE release, but the thing is that got released AFTER this, wtf?
Wonderful job by TUN!
The ToE release is just a reencode of the telesync and its bad quality, pixelated and so....
How lame to nuke TUN only because the nukers donĀ“t like them ...
welcome to my world, nukers nuking cause they dislike the names of rls groups.
This is a very solid release, with a few slight issues stated above, which can easily be fixed.
p.s. to the whiney complaining bitches.
And it appears Burt Reynolds has changed his name to Turd Furgeson.
That's right, it's a funny name
This is a Crock! The pic seen on vcdquality isnt even the same as the movie.. What a waste of time for a 3 part movie when all 4 sides are cropped tremedously. The pic on vcdquality is incorrect.
The widescreen was better.
very nice release to be sure, clean picture and excellent sound. As mentioned the aspect ratio is off but not severely so. Either set the video to 16:9 or if you are re-encoding to DVD like I did you can resize it to the correct aspect.
Good release, worth getting
Video: 8
Audio: 9
movie: 8
edit: if you remove the borders on the left and the right side, the aspect ratio is correct. AVI2DVD can do this for those who re-encode to DVD.
trippin on bush
Better quality release than centropy. A little late as others have said. If you don't have the centropy copy, get this one instead.
trippin should be banned for using this forum to advertise his political beliefs. I read reviews on this site to find the best quality releases, not to see someone ranting about politics. If I wanted to see a free Bush add, I can turn on Fox News. I've seen some other sigs that were political too but they weren't so large as his. He uses up more space for his sig than for his rating. If the Admins are going to allow political sigs, they should be restricted to a much smaller size.
hey its finnaly nuked on vcdq . the sidebars were just to much. it was nuked on most sites i have axx to after cd1 was upload hehe . anyway their is a nice TC out now
Straight out of karate Lessions, to register these hands as wepons!
Stupid Nukers, there is very little difference between this and the SKF release.
As for the sidebars, they help the quality, anyone with a tiny amount of knowledge on mpeg encoding knows that.
Watch it on a TV from now on before commenting on shit, they arent visible, why dont these kids listen, this has been said by loads of people on here before.
How do bars help video quality? WTF? If anything they hurt the quality because there is less horizontal resolution.
The nuke is stupid IMO because this is a good quality release, nice colours and clean image. Never mind the nuke this is by far the best version out there.
How do bars help video quality? WTF? If anything they hurt the quality because there is less horizontal resolution.
nice job folks 8/8/8
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