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Posted by Jurai on 12-29-2002 09:53 AM:


Originally posted by PhreakerX
rocawear is that stupid guy who got banned awhile ago. the one who was talking about projecting DVDs, and making DVD Telesyncs. I speak for most people when I say go away.

As to FTF, go away. You ruin movies. I dont care if I get flamed. Any group that releases ONLY shitty asian vcds, deserves it.

Also, FTF could have gotten permission from said french group to use there video source. The World May Never Know. [sarcasm]Props to FTF for there 'Quantity over Quality' tactics. You have many loyal followers[/sarcasm]

Ya, FTF ruins movies. Everytime FTF rels a movie, and my friends wanna see it in the theater, im like, naw dawgs, FTF rel'd it, so it will suck if we go see it, lets see Pokemon Butt Fuck Prison Rape 2005 instead!


Posted by rattlesnake20 on 12-29-2002 09:57 AM:

ok a few things 1. i have just look the sample and its awesome!!! video is very good 10 , its right sound is not the best 7
But then i go to vcdquality , and i saw the jpg!!! who made it! its horrible! need someone remake the jpg because the guy who made it have a p2 200 STFU Will ya 2. Originally posted by JonoG5
Centropy released last years DVD Screener, not TCF. I do remember a few people complaining about it, but it was well worth it for the quality. STFU i agree Jaurai

3. crap quality crap sound not worth the fuckin hassle fuck it 2/2/10

Posted by Jurai on 12-29-2002 09:59 AM:


Originally posted by Cory

I don't think that this release was needed really, because the UTi version was perfectly fine to me (unless some parts were missing...I wouldn't have known because I didn't go see it in the theatre). It's always good to have more releases though for the people who haven't grabbed any of the Lord Of The Ring for me, I'm sticking with the UTi until a SCR or maybe even until retail comes out...just my opinion on that.

Sup, im a moron who didnt even see the movie in the theater but feels i am able to judge the quality, even tho i have nothing to actually compare it to seeing as how i never saw it in perfect quality. Also I am too stupid to not think that the picture going black a few times means anything and must be normal, along with the video jumping when tapes switch, must be normal theater going experiences. Neato!

so... many... lamers.... not.... enough.... time....

Posted by Jurai on 12-29-2002 10:03 AM:

i lost count

Originally posted by btz
sample doesnt show much, but i downloaded it any way.. hope the rest of it is better.. sound was kinda low.. didnt hear much.. but.. well.. im on a lan.. and there is ALOT of music here

WOW! your on a lan!?!?!??!! and therse MUSIC!?!?!? wow! i can see how you being on a lan with music has alot to do with judging the sample! i mean, WOW a lan with music, holy crap!

Posted by Jurai on 12-29-2002 10:05 AM:

Re: omfg...

Originally posted by tonikgin
I cant believe ftf are this fuckign dumb.. one word: NUKE!

i cant believe your too fucking dumb to spell fucking, and, YA LETS NUKE SOMETHING JUST CUZ CUZ WE ARE STUPID LIKE THAT AND FTF IS FUCKIGN DUMB DOODZ OMFG!

You dont nuke stuff just cuz its from ftf, and its a good release, so shut THE fuck UP!

Posted by Jurai on 12-29-2002 10:07 AM:

Lightbulb this guy is a genius!

Originally posted by thadoc
could the freakin jpg's be ne bigger

my eyes hurt

You have to use lounge room comic highlights moron.

Could the freaking jpegs BE any bigger? I mean seriously folks, these jpgs make my penis look like the eiffel tower here!

VCDQUALITY should post JPG's at 4x4 pixels, that way we can more easily see quality and save bw at same time! yay!+

Posted by Jurai on 12-29-2002 10:09 AM:

Re: 4 cds

Originally posted by jhtm

was it just me or before any reveiws were up did anyone else notice that ftf had voted themselves in at 9/9/10?

You say that as if there are reviews in these comments, but all i see is ppl bitching about OMFG ITS 4 CDS! or OMFG SVCD SUX CENTROPY RoX I MEAN TCF I MEAN I LOVE EVERY SCENE GIVE ME ANAL NOW DUDE!

Posted by Jurai on 12-29-2002 10:10 AM:

so tired

Originally posted by Snowbording4138
this is a ts it shouldnt b a svcd

Didn't see ya complainin when Centropy was doin it, NIGGAH!

Posted by Jurai on 12-29-2002 10:18 AM:


Originally posted by Undeathkiller
In German there are existing 2 SVCD 4 CD Releases since the 12.25!

Also in German there are existing SVCD of man taking 25" black dildo in anus while penis is being choking by metal grip

Posted by outburst8 on 12-29-2002 10:26 AM:

Jurai why are you such an asshole? I'm really curious because you never have anything intelligent to say, all you do is flame. Just because you never had any friends doesn't mean you can make fun of people. "Holy SHIT! WizCrack42 called FTF "TFT" Time for the deragatory sarcasm to make him feel like shit. Oh no! WallIsland said 4 CD's was too much! I should call him a faggot! It will make me feel better because I was always made fun of in school and over the internet I'm perfect in every way possible because no one knows how big of a loser I really am!" There are a quite a few more examples. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Stop being a dick. You aren't funny and making fun of people doesnt make make you cool nor does it make up for the fact that you are a loser. Don't post ever again unless you have something intelligent to say or unless you aren't gonna flame. Jesus fucking christ im sick of typing properly. by the way this ftf release can suck it along with every other FTF release. anyone who gave this anything higher than a 6 on video is either a n00b, a member of ftf, or just plain fucking retarded. christ im a hipocrit

Posted by m-drew on 12-29-2002 10:28 AM:

I mean FTF is bad, but this bad. WOW!

Posted by revolution-x on 12-29-2002 10:42 AM:

Re: i lost count

Originally posted by Jurai

WOW! your on a lan!?!?!??!! and therse MUSIC!?!?!? wow! i can see how you being on a lan with music has alot to do with judging the sample! i mean, WOW a lan with music, holy crap!

we all lost count of how many times ur gonna be an (un)smartass and post ur comments, do u all a favour and piss off ! we dont need or want u !

Posted by Jurai on 12-29-2002 10:46 AM:

Re: Re: i lost count

Originally posted by revolution-x

we all lost count of how many times ur gonna be an (un)smartass and post ur comments, do u all a favour and piss off ! we dont need or want u !

This is post 14 i do believe, and by 'we', do you mean the dumbass coalition of america? cuz everyone seems to enjoy how i point out the lack of any fucking brains among you guys. piss off? are you a stupid person in the UK? if so, im not gonna bother typing anything else cuz thats enough of a flame right there, g'night

Posted by desertboy on 12-29-2002 10:48 AM:

Maybe it's just me but I don't care what the jpegs look like it's the motion scenes that every other copy (Yes including UTI) are unwatchable pixelates. It could be their cam mor the encoding if A svcd sorts this out I'd be happier. For all the cock sucking whores of CT-P, they're dead in the ultra elite scene and their dvd rips are nothing special. I could do as good myself and I'm just a lay man. Maybe 2 years after they died we'll stop having their name plastered over a thread although this xmas the buzz phrase is where's dvd screener of 2 towers which is just as anoying as I'll just wait for CT-P.

Not going to bother with this release but not because of the posts because as always I know at least 80% of you haven't seen it or have seen the sample of the other FTF release and are confused. The sample is from the same scene.

You're only in as much trouble as you think you are.

Posted by tonikgin on 12-29-2002 10:53 AM:

Originally posted by rocawear314

u dumb u just admitted ur a member of a piracy group on a public website. Claping out loud!

You know whats wrong here if this was from CENTROPY u would be kissin their asses because of the name they made for themselves. you would kiss CENTROPYs ass for this because if it was from them but its from a group u all dont like and u make fun out of them. they did pretty damn good on getting alot of releases this year that other groups didnt tape. yes they were bad to good quality but u still got them and still watched them. so stop makin fun out of FTF when they are a damn good group .

if centropy released this i woudl flame them too and call this a shit release, then ask them for more dvd-r's

Posted by FlyingBig on 12-29-2002 11:11 AM:

Ill say this...theres a lot of hate in this forum and its fun ito watch but serious guys, GET ALONG!

Posted by desertboy on 12-29-2002 11:33 AM:

Originally posted by aXs-SVCD
Movie is not bad, Quality is alright too. I can't wait for DVDScR but till then i will stick with UTi quality sound on this is a little bit bad but quality got better then first release by FTF

Great Job Keep bringing more movies FTF

and hell with all Flamers

Too right, 90% of people here deserve to die a slow and painful death, for the good of all mankind. At the very least should never breed which I suppose is quite lucky 'cos I think there's a disproportionate ammount of virgins here.

You're only in as much trouble as you think you are.

Posted by beholder on 12-29-2002 12:08 PM:

Exclamation 4CD not needed, read why


I downloaded the Rebirth release few days ago (it was released on 24th), that release was a 3CD DiVX (NOT svcd or vcd), Rebirth being used to do more divx than svcd (I don't know why).

So well I don't like watching movies on computer so I decided to make a SVCD of that release to watch it on my standalone player with friends.

I really didn't want to do a 4CD reencode of it, so I had to modify video bitrates :
- cd1 gets 1600kbps bitrate, fits on 80' cd-r
- cd2 gets 1350kbps bitrate, fits too
- cd3 gets 1600kbps bitrate, fits too
- audio is 224kbps, 44100 Stereo

Now I dont remember if the scene standards are 1150 or 1500kbps for minimum svcd bitrate (my cd2 would be nuked then), but c'mon, the difference between 1500kbps and 1350kbps encodes is hard to see, especially on a TV. Btw, FTF nfo doesnt say anything about their bitrates, so I guess they used max svcd bitrate when reencoding without thinking about doing a correct 3CD reencode.

So well.. 4CD reencode wasn't needed, FTF probably did it because :
- they are lazy
- they decided to get max bitrate from Rebirth release but hey,... 4CD for a TS !!! This TS wasn't a Centropy one, guys...

Posted by -=[DaZliNk]=- on 12-29-2002 12:43 PM:

Well in my opinion it is pretty much a waste of time encoding a film from a telesync source to SVCD.

The higher SVCD bitrates & res does no more for it than the VCD standard when it originally comes from such a low quality source in the first place.

It is just a waste of people time downloading the extra bloated size of a extra CD in this case.

I do think color contrast does look a little better than the UTi release I have, with the white not looking so blue.
(From what I have seen so far anyway).

But I'm starting to think no release group has the damn dvd screener with all these sub-standard telesync/cam versions floating about.

Posted by bundyman on 12-29-2002 12:53 PM:

Re: Re: Re: i lost count

almost none of you has something usefull to say. like what quality the movie is, you just keep flaming eachother and pretending you know everything about this"scene" and every group releasing anything...yeah!

Jurai: OMG dude...

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