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Posted by buttheaduk on 02-10-2003 03:02 PM:

Originally posted by neoparadox
Good work CTP, as usual.

Now let's just hope that they stick around long enough to release dare devil

DareDevil is scheduled to be released in 4 days so im sure they will be around long enough

Posted by slapdaddy on 02-10-2003 04:27 PM:

Re: Re: Centropy NFO's PLEAZ

Originally posted by SBlack

you dumb fuck they do high-quality pre-retail DVDrips too you fucking n00b.

I know their nfo has said that for a long time faggot. Its just the first time I have decided to comment on them. Use your head dude! Also, Im not saying they havent ever released pre-retail or screeners you fuck. Im talkin consistentely. Wow they have posted some TS recently. I applaud them for that, and in addition I agree with the fact they look better than any other groups currently TS as well. However, what I am trying to say is that other groups already mentioned are consistently getting Pre-retails and Screeners as well as TS(even though the TS arent as good as Centropy's). Centropy is not the group they used to be thats all I am saying. They are living off their reputation! I say fuck that. But you suck their dick Im cool with that and keeping doing it maybe you will chocke on some of their little winnies.

Posted by VCD_MAD on 02-10-2003 05:20 PM:

i realy dont know what CTP are thinkin !!!

why SVCD?? the quality is not an SVCD standerd

CTP are realesin CRAP video quality

plz SORT IT OUT CTP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Nealo on 02-10-2003 07:29 PM:

im ctps biatch


Posted by SBlack on 02-10-2003 08:11 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Centropy NFO's PLEAZ

Originally posted by slapdaddy

I know their nfo has said that for a long time faggot. Its just the first time I have decided to comment on them. Use your head dude! Also, Im not saying they havent ever released pre-retail or screeners you fuck. Im talkin consistentely. Wow they have posted some TS recently. I applaud them for that, and in addition I agree with the fact they look better than any other groups currently TS as well. However, what I am trying to say is that other groups already mentioned are consistently getting Pre-retails and Screeners as well as TS(even though the TS arent as good as Centropy's). Centropy is not the group they used to be thats all I am saying. They are living off their reputation! I say fuck that. But you suck their dick Im cool with that and keeping doing it maybe you will chocke on some of their little winnies.

You are really a gay fuck that dont know shit, you are talking about consistant they been releasing pre-dvdrips fagboy all along they just lost their Ts supplier. Centropy is back now just as good as they were before if not better theyy dont have that damn glare anymore during bright spots of of the movie so i think they have improved the perfection that they achieve. ok you dumb fucking n00b

Posted by SBlack on 02-10-2003 08:16 PM:

Originally posted by VCD_MAD
i realy dont know what CTP are thinkin !!!

why SVCD?? the quality is not an SVCD standerd

CTP are realesin CRAP video quality

plz SORT IT OUT CTP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahah you dumb fuck just wait for your lame Smr reencode and stfu you dont like it get off AOL dial-up and get some bandwidth you butt-pirate. you need to sort your head out of your ass lamer!!!

Posted by d3llu$ionz on 02-10-2003 08:53 PM:

Originally posted by VCD_MAD
i realy dont know what CTP are thinkin !!!

why SVCD?? the quality is not an SVCD standerd

CTP are realesin CRAP video quality

plz SORT IT OUT CTP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bet most of these FLAMERS are using a non-SVCD players. Get a real job and pick-up an APEX... shit save your cans and bottles they don't cost that much.

Centropy... Make what you choose as you have in the past... I got an APEX!

Posted by daz..griff on 02-10-2003 08:58 PM:

looks good by the jpeg getting it now so we will see

Posted by uRMoM.=P on 02-10-2003 09:31 PM:


SBlack: Either you are a CTP groupie or CTP. Either way, you're the reason for condoms. CTP was deffinately the best group out there at one point, but many groups have been there, done that. The quality of TS that they use to do, is NO WHERE near what they are doing now. Compare Spiderman to any of their recent TS and let that speak for it self. Take you mouth out of CTP's dick for a second and listen to what people are saying. CTP was a good group, they are not as consistant as they used to be and their TS is not the quality it used to be, therefore SVCD TS is not needed. If you didnt understand then can someone please draw pictures for this mutherfucker.
Anyway, I dont think anyone is knocking down CTP, they are just saying dont ruin your reputation by releasing low quality material.

Bangin your mom since '98

Posted by The Booker Ma on 02-10-2003 09:53 PM:

"lol your right though people just like to fuck with ctp they know they are the best hands down"

Dude, stfu, they aren't the best hands down. TCF, Dci, and Tdi are prob the best most consistant groups out now. IMO. Maybe if they stay they would be one of the best, but definately not the best.


Posted by The Booker Ma on 02-10-2003 09:58 PM:

Dont forget guys, you have to rate it high because it's ctp and they release ts svcd's. What did Uti's LOTR TTT get rated here?And that VCD release kicks this releases ass, like most new ctp releases to uti releases, and yet, CTP is the best because there ctp right? And they didn't release anything anyone really wanted except a few dvd rips for like 5 months until now. and to whoever said consistant ts releases, do you KNOW what consistant means?


Posted by The Booker Ma on 02-10-2003 10:04 PM:

"I pay $40 a month for my cable connection with NO bandwidth cap at all. It is always downloading at 180kb/sec +. Stop bitching about SVCD TS's when they are superior quality to the VCD. You can say whatever you want, but just get rid of your 56k/shitDSL and get a good cable connection, then you will be great. If you uncap that shit you can get 5mbit down. You get that bandwidth and then come complain on how you dont want the 1.6 gb movie. Stop hating on one of the best groups out there. Props go out to CTP, UTi, and TCF. They keep the scene real.

*members of CTP dont listen to these fools you are doing great. This release proves it."

shut your goddamn nerdy rich boy ass up. Ok 5mbit cable is SLOW compared to OOL 10mbit Next, your a fucking DUMBASS if you think svcd ts's are superior to vcd ts's, because svcd's just make it bigger, so if you have a shitty source, your gonna want to make it bigger so it looks shittiers? Here, Take a 200X200 video file and blow it up to 400 X 400 and see what it looks like. Plus, you are aware that cable isn't the fastest damn online connection you can have aren't you? Oh yea ctp keeps the scene real? How? 3 ts's releases every 2 r so months? Stfu you fucking nub, I just owned you, repatedly.


Posted by SBlack on 02-10-2003 11:04 PM:

Re: Groupies

Originally posted by uRMoM.=P
SBlack: Either you are a CTP groupie or CTP. Either way, you're the reason for condoms. CTP was deffinately the best group out there at one point, but many groups have been there, done that. The quality of TS that they use to do, is NO WHERE near what they are doing now. Compare Spiderman to any of their recent TS and let that speak for it self. Take you mouth out of CTP's dick for a second and listen to what people are saying. CTP was a good group, they are not as consistant as they used to be and their TS is not the quality it used to be, therefore SVCD TS is not needed. If you didnt understand then can someone please draw pictures for this mutherfucker.
Anyway, I dont think anyone is knocking down CTP, they are just saying dont ruin your reputation by releasing low quality material.

You fucking Butt-pirate get booker-mans dick out of your mouth and listen punk CTP make the best TELESYNCS do I have to repeat it to your 2 year old mind TELESYNCS. The only difference in these recent releases is the lack of color compared to the old ones say spiderman, but also the glare that was also there with the old releases is also gone, so in many ways these are better imo just fucking adjust your tv you dumb fuck.

Posted by SBlack on 02-10-2003 11:15 PM:

Originally posted by The Booker Man
Dont forget guys, you have to rate it high because it's ctp and they release ts svcd's. What did Uti's LOTR TTT get rated here?And that VCD release kicks this releases ass, like most new ctp releases to uti releases, and yet, CTP is the best because there ctp right? And they didn't release anything anyone really wanted except a few dvd rips for like 5 months until now. and to whoever said consistant ts releases, do you KNOW what consistant means?

ahahahaha you dumbfucking n00b How inthe fuck do you think LOTR TTT uti cam is better than this AHAHAHAHAH you must be a n00b that must of been the first movie you ever downloaded. for you to think so highly of that crappy release is ridiculous how many fucking times did that shitty cam move or get dropped?
sound sucks balls also. UTIs releases are garbage Nowhere near the quality Centropy and TCF had one good telesync of 8 mile big fucking deal that was a one time thing CTP is always setting the standard for TELESYNCs. You and that asshole who posted ahead of you can now get back to the sodomy you love to perform on eachother faggot

Posted by VCD_MAD on 02-10-2003 11:36 PM:


look at the pic quality its DARK , GRAINY , DULL

need i say more ?

Posted by slapdaddy on 02-10-2003 11:46 PM:


Originally posted by SBlack
Great release Centropy 9/9/5 keep them coming!!

9/9/5 hahahahahah

Thats all I got to say. Are you in Centropy? Noob

Posted by Tweezer on 02-11-2003 12:59 AM:

Originally posted by SBlack

ahahahaha you dumbfucking n00b How inthe fuck do you think LOTR TTT uti cam is better than this AHAHAHAHAH you must be a n00b that must of been the first movie you ever downloaded. for you to think so highly of that crappy release is ridiculous how many fucking times did that shitty cam move or get dropped?
sound sucks balls also. UTIs releases are garbage Nowhere near the quality Centropy and TCF had one good telesync of 8 mile big fucking deal that was a one time thing CTP is always setting the standard for TELESYNCs. You and that asshole who posted ahead of you can now get back to the sodomy you love to perform on eachother faggot

wow your cool

Posted by Tweezer on 02-11-2003 01:08 AM:

Re: Re: Groupies

Originally posted by SBlack

You fucking Butt-pirate get booker-mans dick out of your mouth and listen punk CTP make the best TELESYNCS do I have to repeat it to your 2 year old mind TELESYNCS. The only difference in these recent releases is the lack of color compared to the old ones say spiderman, but also the glare that was also there with the old releases is also gone, so in many ways these are better imo just fucking adjust your tv you dumb fuck.

Lack of color? besides sound that is a key factor to most telesyncs. I hate to burst your bubble, CTP USED to make the best TS's, granted there recent TS's are good, but nothing out of the ordinary. Im guessing if this SAME EXACT release was released by another group in VCD you would be bitching about horrible quality. CTP has a good past, dont haul it to the present. Everyone knows this release doesnt need to be SVCD, LOOK AT IT, its not spiderman, insomnia, sw, its not even close. Several groups release this same quality. Go back through and look at some releases, there are lots that look exactly like this, yet they arent svcd or THE BEST TS ever. Just because this release is CTP does not mean its always going to be amazing quality. And by making the dumb comments you say just make people agree with the fact that this release isnt good, because every post in this thread you made yourself look like an idiot. I know no one will ever rate the quality based on actual quality, but christ man your taking it overboard. And about the adjust your TV Dumbfuck comment, tell me how to adjust my TV and I will tell you if it is the BEST TS EVER

You are really a gay fuck that dont know shit, you are talking about consistant they been releasing pre-dvdrips fagboy all along they just lost their Ts supplier. Centropy is back now just as good as they were before if not better theyy dont have that damn glare anymore during bright spots of of the movie so i think they have improved the perfection that they achieve. ok you dumb fucking n00b

Even releasing pre dvd rips it isnt really consistent, nowhere near the consistency of most groups. Im not sure if you are blinded by your lack of knowledge on the subject or if you just havent seen the release and are expecting quality of the past, but get over it CTP IS NOT what they used to be, they have to prove themselves again

Posted by Tweezer on 02-11-2003 01:16 AM:

one more thing....

Im not a n00b so i guess ill flame you How in the fuck do you put uti or tcf in the same league as Centropy? now we are talking Telesyncs here so listen uti releases cams which usually have a bearable pic but sound is pure shit imo. Tcf is the shit for DVDscr and rips and but telesyncs they are not 8mile Ts wasnt even close to centropy past releases so, end flame

Uti cams bearable pic, first off most uti cams ive downloaded usually have a MUCH MUCH clearer and more colorful pic than this release...sound is pure shit? obviously you havent hear MANY TS's

8 mile wasnt even close to ctps past quality? first off thats the past no one gives a shit about the past, if you want to talk about what they did before thats fine, it has nothing to do with now...and 8 mile tops every release ctp has released recently, and if you deny that then im sure everyone would agree with me, your just plane stupid

Posted by slapdaddy on 02-11-2003 01:21 AM:

Re: Re: Re: Groupies

Originally posted by Tweezer

Lack of color? besides sound that is a key factor to most telesyncs. I hate to burst your bubble, CTP USED to make the best TS's, granted there recent TS's are good, but nothing out of the ordinary. Im guessing if this SAME EXACT release was released by another group in VCD you would be bitching about horrible quality. CTP has a good past, dont haul it to the present. Everyone knows this release doesnt need to be SVCD, LOOK AT IT, its not spiderman, insomnia, sw, its not even close. Several groups release this same quality. Go back through and look at some releases, there are lots that look exactly like this, yet they arent svcd or THE BEST TS ever. Just because this release is CTP does not mean its always going to be amazing quality. And by making the dumb comments you say just make people agree with the fact that this release isnt good, because every post in this thread you made yourself look like an idiot. I know no one will ever rate the quality based on actual quality, but christ man your taking it overboard. And about the adjust your TV Dumbfuck comment, tell me how to adjust my TV and I will tell you if it is the BEST TS EVER

Even releasing pre dvd rips it isnt really consistent, nowhere near the consistency of most groups. Im not sure if you are blinded by your lack of knowledge on the subject or if you just havent seen the release and are expecting quality of the past, but get over it CTP IS NOT what they used to be, they have to prove themselves again

Well Said Tweezer. That guy is a fucking idiot. Clear as day he is the only clown around. Go back to the circus Black!

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