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-- Daredevil *SVCD* - TELESYNC - Centropy (
Originally posted by your name here
dude please dont look at jpegs cuz if i only looked at the jpegs of ctp rls's i would never download any of there rls's cuz they really do not look like that if u actually watched the sample u would no what im talking about
I dont understand how people can rate this under a 7. What are they comparing it to? Dvd Svcd's? This is a REALLY REALLY nice OVERALL cam of something people really wanted. What is there to complain, show me a Ts release in the past 2 weeks that was better than this, i dont think there are any. God, i dont even like ctp(the people) but damn, give them respect where it's due. Like people know how hard it is to make a ts, none the less good enough so it looks good on a svcd.
Stfu abou the goddamn jpeg, it is taken off the sample, sometimes the jpeg looks better, sometimes the sample, but god, you people act as if the sample is god damn dvd screener quality and the jpeg is off of something else, god, the jpeg is there for a reason goddamn nerds.
i think there shoudl be a little verification system on here, like before ppl can vote they should be a lil box or summet asking for teh size of the SAMPLE in megabytes, or summet related to the Sample itself, something unique. it might help rooting out all these kazaa/p2p users that cant even get a sample.
any way my review
i checked out the sample.
the picture is very good,. it does look a tad blue but that may be due to the scene will have to get the whole release to find out. the audio is very good. but there seems to be a slight back ground ticking/noise, not noticible, or intrudes on the audio in any way just thaught i would mention it. just my 2 pence :P
Originally posted by The Booker Man
Stfu abou the goddamn jpeg, it is taken off the sample, sometimes the jpeg looks better, sometimes the sample, but god, you people act as if the sample is god damn dvd screener quality and the jpeg is off of something else, god, the jpeg is there for a reason goddamn nerds.
Omg here we go with the sample, god. Some people just are SOOOOOOO happy they got some shitty ftp off there friend(And yes, you leech just like 98% of the vcdq posters, so who cares where you got your sample) that they dont understand that the jpeg is off the goddamn sample. The jpeg usually shows BETTER than the sample on ts's, but on dvd svcd's, usually not.
DAMN this GRP dosent listen !!
CTP stop releasin them as SVCD cos you dont have
the QUALITY for an SVCD .
GET the this to your THICK heads
Yep they are there for people like you!!!
CTP dont release shitty crap as SVCD
cos you dont have the quality for an SVCD
get the point!!!
whats with all the BLUE shit ???
Originally posted by The Booker Man
Omg here we go with the sample, god. Some people just are SOOOOOOO happy they got some shitty ftp off there friend(And yes, you leech just like 98% of the vcdq posters, so who cares where you got your sample) that they dont understand that the jpeg is off the goddamn sample. The jpeg usually shows BETTER than the sample on ts's, but on dvd svcd's, usually not.
Originally posted by CinapS
you sound like fucking idiot. LMAO
OMFG .... 75 posts so quick!
Sample looks nice, good vid, nice sound..
Oh and i think it's pretty fucking sad that there are over 70 posts, on this release, and half of them are people fucking bitchin' and arguing over nothing. Just rate the SAMPLE, give a review if you've actually seen the damn thing, or shut the fuck up. This doesn't apply to everyone, there are some people who's comments i actually look for before i grab a release...
For all you guys flaming Centropy for releasing this, please for the love of God take your head out of your asses. Look in other threads of the other Daredevil releases. Look in your IRC channels. You will find plenty of people who said something such as, "This is OK quality, but I'll wait for Centropy." For every one of you guys flaming Centropy for releasing this so late, there are probably at least 25 people who wanted to see a Centropy SVCD TS. Many people didn't even download the previous ones because they wanted to wait for Centropy. If you would take your heads out of your asses, you would realize the purpose of a business, or a release group in this case, is to please the majority of the customers. You can never please all customers, but you should try to please the majority of them. In this case, the majority of the people wanted this release. As for the blusish tint, try actually downloading the movie please. That scene is sort of bluish. Better yet, go to the theater and see it, or the next big movie release, go to the theater and cam your own release that the majority of the downloaders want! Please, at least if you are going to make stupid posts, make somewhat educated posts. This release is slightly blue, but it isn't all Centropy's fault that its blue like that. The other groups that previously released this movie just screwed with the colors to make it look like they did. I don't know about you, but I can do that myself, on my own time, on my TV if I want a movie brighter. I don't need them to do it.
As for the quality of the release: 8/9/8
While Doin My Kazaa Research For You Guys.......
Hey all The Bigshoes Is Back To Serve You Up Sumtin Special, For Those Of You Die Hard Dare Devil Fans Add This To Your Collection Of 5 Releases. I found This On Kazaa While Doin Resarch For You Guys On The Gay Screener I Hope You All Enjoy It "Dare Devil"
And PS if the fag who made that bullshit release on kazaa comes here I hope your penis falls off and you grow hair on your palms you looser, what do u do sit home and jerk off to your own picture, dood your so gay, get a life.
latas all
ok-finally...i wanted to wait a little release...two releases...another release...u know...but now...its proven...legends never die.....C E N T R O P Y I S B A C K !!!!!!!!!
whata are you talking about
whats so bad about this beeing one day late who really cares by the time anybody would usually watch it it would be a day after anyways so why bother. ill probably pick up this one. props to ctp.
Originally posted by phoR20
i agree... all these dumb fucks voting on a fucking jpg. 90% OF THESE FUCKS HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN THE SAMPLE YET and off to judge sum shit they know nothing of.....
suk it slo
....knowing that some people read this ...
....i m really sick of it....
people that
a) only moan-bitch-whine about every release
b) flame other people for 0
should really f dem selves and leave the "vcd scene"...
..if you think i mean you!...print this out and hang it over your bed..
Anyone else-thanks for reading.
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