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-- Kill Bill: Volume 2 *SVCD* *NUKED* - TELESYNC - TCR (
Stupid cunting double post.
Just saw the sample. Good work, nice TS! Early... Good Quality... no need for any other releases!
This was fucking nice to be so fast! Nice movie, I liked vol.1 better though :} But this one is also awesome! A little blurry and some color issues, but pretty good looking TS!
For the person asking about the credits, they do end right at Uma Thurman's name.
The split screen affect on the 2nd cd, was that intentional?
Wonderful movie and good video and audio quality:
video - 7. I noticed, however, some problems. First, WMP and MPC took ages to open the vcds, about which I couldn't care less, cause my Hollywood+ software opened and played the videocds without probs. But if somebody hasn't got a dvd player or a hardware mpeg decoder, he might have a problem.
Also something is totally wrong with the aspect ratio. This is not a problem, if you watch this release on tv, or if you are using a player that can correct the ratio, but it might cause problems, and that's just because the groups just can't learn how to encode properly. Here's a screenshot showing the wrong aspect ratio of this release:
audio - 8 (audio volume is too low)
Movie itself is just GREAT! my rating is 10. It's Tarantino at his best. Vol.2 is much better than vol.1
Blue and white was odd at start, but best rls so far, will do till screener
Cd2 freezing?
Anyone figure out why cd2 freezes and how to fix this?
not bad with a color modification, first blue then red, although i love how the bottom is the top towards the end, but all that aside its a pretty decent TS
V:6 w/color mod 7.5
Originally posted by firefighter
Video is kind of blue in the beginning. I have yet to see it in theaters, so I am not sure if it's supposed to be. And a man stands up in the beginning right in front of the movie for a second of two, but other than that the movie looks great playing off my dvd player. Other than that, the sound is excellent, and the video quality is very good. An excellent TS in my opinion.
Video: 7.5 (for the blue tint, and slight blur in the beginning scenes)
Audio: 8.5
Movie: ??
Originally posted by Cory
wtf...are you on crack, usually I agree with most of your posts...and I agree with everything you said but the video is not a 4 on this ts.
...and this could easily be propered by who?
All the excitement of a trip to hell with none of the negitive side affects!
Originally posted by Cory
...and this could easily be propered by who?
All the excitement of a trip to hell with none of the negitive side affects!
has fuck all to do with tarantino, just adding his name to things makes things sell.
quote:Is that a real proper or did you just make that up? However if you did make it up I still wouldnt be suprised.
Originally posted by firefighter
pffff dumbass.
yes its a real proper....
º Release Notes... º
º º
º Lets Start With ReasonS For Proper º
º º
º 1. You Can CLEARLY See Peoples Faces And Heads º
º 2. Audio Obviously NOT DIRECT, Seems Mic'ed º
º 3. There is a period of MINUTES where the screen is split due º
º to the film not being centered (half of bottom on top, º
º and half of top on bottom º
º 4. Colors in the B&W Scenes Are Blue And White, Faces Red º
º Not To Mention The Overall Terrible Color Changes and Colors º
º In General. º
º 5. 2.5 CDS ? Well 3 Full CDS Enjoy.
[i] First, WMP and MPC took ages to open the vcds, about which I couldn't care less.
try VLC media player
its good shit
watched this on the TV last night.
First ratings:
Video: 7.5 - sharp picture, but the contrast is a bit blown out.
audio: 8 - clear, no hiss and didn't sound 'tiny'
movie - 5
I don't get the attraction to this movie. I was bored to tears
with vol2 as I was with vol2. There some indoor kid thing
going on with this movies that people love so much? I don't
see it.
Did there proper come with a sample? picture...
The realease was done pretty good 6.5/7/2 . Yah thats right a 2 I hated this movie and the first one for that matter. But about the quality it was fine . the blue insdead of blak and white didnt bother me . the sound was good (no hiss or laughter). The thing I liked the most about this realease was that I could fast-forward this peace of shit excuse for a movie and only waist an hour of my life not 2 .
BTW no need for proper this is fine.
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