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-- Alien vs Predator *SVCD* - TELESYNC - maVen (

Posted by robbieb2k on 08-18-2004 12:26 PM:

This group is awsome. The Picture is great (8) and Adudio /9) but the movie sucked

-- T h a t s - i t --

Posted by jp77 on 08-18-2004 12:37 PM:

nice rls,maVen haven't let use down yet




Movie not as bad as I thought

Posted by cico on 08-18-2004 02:28 PM:

got the sample.... why the video score got so high? i don't get it..
i don't even think this will be the release i'll watch: way too dark and grainy to actually understand what the hell is going on..


you might like to watch again I, robot by centropy (just one that i remember...) to compare with a real nice TS...

Posted by Roger on 08-18-2004 03:03 PM:

maybe the movie was WAY darker then i robot ?

Posted by 404notfound on 08-18-2004 03:05 PM:

Re: Lets just kills the scene huh

Originally posted by SPooKY-MoVieS

now quit whining like i just did and rate the movies. I noticed as soon as 404 stopped posting the rules as the first post, the slagging all started again - maybe that needs to be auto inserted into every release (hint hint)

*sigh* Tis true. I decided to stop posting the rules to see if everyone could get along without being reminded all the time. It seems to have proven what i always knew. A large percentage of you are fucking idiots who can't follow the most simple of rules.

So... once again for the morons among you.

1 NO REQUESTING (This is obvious. Ask and get banned)

2 NO SLAGGING OFF OTHER USERS. I am fucking sick to death of people slagging each other off. Stick to rating the quality and note any problems you feel with the release. SLAG OFF OTHER USERS AND I WILL BAN YOU!

3 I do not want to hear any shit about "Ooooh. Where's Centropy/Video CD" or "I'll wait for Centropy/VIDEO CD"

4 IMPORTANT I want no... and i mean NO theories posted in any part of this site about who you believe maVen are. If i see it then you get an instant ban.

5 If you cant abide by the above rules. GET THE FUCK OUT. Nobody wants you here!

Also.. if you post about me posting the rules i'll delete your post and ban you.

Rate the quality of the release. THAT IS ALL! If somebody goes off topic and acts retarded don't slag them off.. I'll delete their post soon enough.


Posted by bcool2k on 08-18-2004 03:32 PM:

Finally a watchable rls..PRops to maVen for sticking it to SG18...Keep showing the world How SVCD TS should be Done..Nice lil Intro they have also Pic is tad grainy, but legions better than previous rls's...Also sound is Nice and Loud..and very Direct...Enjoy...


First half of the movie was pretty good, Second half including the finale was cheesy..LMFAO...Oh well..It still made a killing!!!

Posted by frak on 08-18-2004 03:36 PM:

another fine maven release.

watched this on the TV:

Video 8- very good, especially for a dark movie.
Audio 8.5- excellent as always
Movie-6 was ok.. i was never a fan of the alien series.

Posted by BloodyGrape on 08-18-2004 04:49 PM:

Originally posted by vip3r
That's not my point .. they think they're the shit and all, and if they want other groups/people to read their nfos, they better make them legible.

They are legible. They aren't comprehensible.

I never met a beer I didnt drink


Posted by hatguy on 08-18-2004 04:59 PM:

Just watched it through... happy with the quality.

Video - 7 (Somewhat blurry, but still great for a TS -- it's the best so far. Though, there's a head in the bottom corner that gets a little annoying.)

Audio - 8 (Audio is great, just a tad low.)

Movie - 3 (Didn't like the movie)

It's a very good release and worth the download. Good job, maVen!

Posted by cyanyde on 08-18-2004 05:27 PM:

Still dark as shit, I feel like Im playing Doom 3.. even the flashlights are the same!
Also the movie sucks ass until the last couple of action scenes which are still dark as shit..
Oh well, maybe the little suprise at the ending will pave the way for a kiler sequel.. Doubtful, but one can always hope!


Don't bitch, it was free!

Posted by GloCK|40 on 08-18-2004 05:48 PM:

Thumbs up


All in all, this was a Very Good movie. The Video was BY FAR the Best out. IMHO tho, it seemed to be a bit washed out, but not much at all. The audio was Excellent as well. maVen brings it yet again. Their Intro is pretty nice too! I can tell that a good bit of work went into designing and tweaking that thing. Again GREAT JOB maVen!!!!! You Guys ROCK!!! The movie itself I thought was also Very informative. It let you know alot of background on Both Alien and Predator. Like someone else mentioned already, I believe this movie is merely laying the ground work for another AVP!!! Again, Thanks Alot maVen for showing these newbs how to Properly release a Movie.

LoCKeD aNd LoaDeD

Posted by Khameleon808 on 08-18-2004 05:50 PM:

7/8/6 i would have gave the movie a better score but it lacked that continuity and that R rated goodness from its originators

personally i can understand marketing your movie as pg-13 since your target audience ecompasses a higher demographic of people, but come the fuck on , im sick of these pussyfied watered down "director's faggot nephew's" ideas making it to screen. and paul anderson , i liked event horizon , stick to shit like that.

the brightness of the flim was not a problem since they were 2000 ft below the surface i didnt expect much light .

the sound , ya know , after you seen so many tc's and ts's you just start to not give a shit provided its all there and you can make out the language but i liked it .

maven has been putting out good releases lately, good job.
Ill leave it at that , no need to swing from their nuts or debate their origin , its a fuckign rls group people , get their releases and stfu

_ BTFUN 2004 _

Posted by nzb-cop on 08-18-2004 07:20 PM:

I like it a lot


very very dark movie and they did great for a dark move.

audio is awesome but Were all spoiled with these dts audio. It's like we expect it now either way it's awesome

Movie was very good and enjoyable, I had a ton of fun and nice open ending.

Posted by ^Om3n on 08-18-2004 07:31 PM:

Originally posted by cico
got the sample.... why the video score got so high? i don't get it..
i don't even think this will be the release i'll watch: way too dark and grainy to actually understand what the hell is going on..


you might like to watch again I, robot by centropy (just one that i remember...) to compare with a real nice TS...

The film is naturally dark, its set underground for a start, its really not that bad at all (the darkness). It's only a little grainy, that is also not a problem.

After i actually sat down and watched it through, the one thing that annoyed me through out the film was not darkness or grainyness, it was the jumping. The release did not play very smoothly, the jumpy and shaky ness became quite annoying at times.

As for the film itself, as pHizZ mentioned there are some major plot holes. Now i liked the way they tied it all together, it was quite believable and worked well, however in the end it could never live up to its predessors and simply lacked that little something extra. Not to mention the lame re-use of a few plot tricks from the others, which stood right out and slapped you in the face.

To recap my quality votes, they were: 6.5/8
Votes for the film itself, somewhat dissapointing but not the worst film ever: 5

"Allen is having a small problem and needs help adjusting his additude" - Flutterby
"K meet of a the have we come in" - fisher @ SummaDayze '04, wtf?

Posted by Pickles on 08-18-2004 08:11 PM:

Ok I am a sci-fi nut. I couldn't wait to see this film, so I saw it opening day in the theatre. Major props to maVen for making a dark movie very nice. Regardless of what everyone else says I truly liked this film. Worth the download. And yes the whole Xenomorph thing was in A3 (and A3 was the worst of the alien series imo). These are young predators, and this appears to be a rite of passage for them (this hunt). I believe the elder predator (he had the mark from the rite of passage as well) saw the chestburster inside the young predator and will use it for a future hunt (sequel?). They did after all have the queen shackeled and was forcing her to breed for them to hunt the offspring. Sure the story line could have used some work but this was a very good movie IMO. Very nice video and excellent audio.
I can't say anything less than 7/9/9 (as a Telesync)
My rating, my review, my rantings

Posted by zak on 08-18-2004 09:23 PM:

pretty damn decent.

Rating from cd2 r7 which is mostly in the dark and has some pred vision in it.
The vid is a little too grainy, maybe faded even, for a TS. Sound is as good as it gets and the movie is still meh.. shoulda been rated 'R' and contained partial nudity and massive amounts of horror violence.

Is that skeet on ur pants?

Posted by s0uThp4rk on 08-18-2004 10:31 PM:

sound and vid good movie... eh....

8/8/5 - ok but not that great of a movie

cows own

Posted by NateNate45 on 08-18-2004 11:00 PM:

Great movie except when the woman was teaming up with the predator, that whole thing was a bit retarded, she might as well have gave him a high five and jumped on his shoulder at the end, lol

So these two guys walk in to a bar right?

Posted by venompowers on 08-19-2004 12:15 AM:

Great Pic And Audio, Although I Wish They Would do Dual Subbing English And French

Video 8.0

Sound 8.5

Movie 6.0

Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

Posted by ukwizardpower on 08-19-2004 12:34 AM:

Thumbs up

great copy again from maven. What can we say you never cease to amaze us with your talent.


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