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Posted by boscorelle on 04-22-2004 10:14 PM:

Movie fuckin rules it is one of the best films of the year

Video: 8
Audio: 8
Movie: 10!!!

Posted by acme420 on 04-23-2004 12:30 AM:

judging from the posts i would say no one but 2 guys actually went to the movies to watch this? I was gonna go but it was sold out and i just couldnt wait. So the screen split is supposed to be in the movie? cuz it doesnt make sense how that could happen in encoding. but what do i know.

eat me balls!!

Posted by fortuyn on 04-23-2004 01:13 AM:

Kill the crazy 88 ypurself

And the tcr TS is worse!


Posted by x757x on 04-23-2004 01:51 AM:

it was not split in the screening I saw, so maybe they did take the same acid, or someone(s) on here is full of shit? never....

just bothered to get it, but its been rated enough, who needs another.

Posted by BiggD23 on 04-23-2004 06:08 PM:

Originally posted by PuFFFaTTy
after reading the last few posts id say we r down to 2 flaws in this rls.... the split screen seems to be part of the movie and not a flaw. its too bad cause this was a good rls.

The split screen is ** ABSOLUTELY NOT ** part of the movie. I saw it in the theater on opening night and it did not split. Nor does it split in the VideoCD release as someone else mentioned.

Originally posted by hassali
I cut out the scene with the subs from tcr's copy and replaced it with Videocd's, easy as that.

Whoa, slow down there...not exactly. I spent quite a few hours yesterday merging the subtitled scenes from the TCR release into the VideoCD release and I must say that after a few tries it came out excellent. It took me a while because I'm very anal about these things and I had to make sure that everything lined up to the exact frame. But there are actually 3 parts that you need to replace if you want to really do it right...

#1 - The entire training scene with B and Pai Mei. (subtitles)
#2 - The flashback of Elle killing Pai Mei. (subtitles)
#3 - The words on the screen at the end (cut off early in VideoCDs copy)

Posted by JKozzy on 04-23-2004 09:54 PM:

Right, BiggD23, I saw the movie twice in theaters, once Saturday and the other Monday, and neither time it split. Why would Quentin even split it, and why would anyone think it part of the movie? Looks pretty funny, I really don't mind that much, surprisingly. Big things, like fizzing audio or blurry video get me, a split screen for a few minutes couldn't bother me.

This is my sig.

Posted by Duke1337 on 04-24-2004 04:43 AM:

A friend of mine said that the video split thing happened when he saw it in the theater the first time, but not at the same place, or for nearly as long. So I'm assuming that it's not TCR's fault, but might have been an issue with the projector.

Posted by in-sites on 04-24-2004 05:39 AM:

i dunno if it was said but quinton would have put the split screen in, if he had thought of it.



Posted by solidus1299 on 04-24-2004 10:25 AM:

Then again, why would anybody put parts of the movie in black in white?

At first, I thought it was meant to split. its a cool effect, if you have something else happening on top (kinda like the show 24)

Posted by djj on 04-24-2004 01:07 PM:

Originally posted by solidus1299
Then again, why would anybody put parts of the movie in black in white?

Well duh, it's stylish!


Posted by MTV on 04-24-2004 10:24 PM:

Oki. i posted way back on the 1st page of this to say this isnt the 1 to get. in fact save b/width.. wish i had.& no way in the world should it be getting the scores it has.the VideoCD rls is way way better rls.
from the VideoCD nfo -

Lets Start With ReasonS For Proper -

1. You Can CLEARLY See Peoples Faces And Heads
2. Audio Obviously NOT DIRECT, Seems Mic'ed
3. There is a period of MINUTES where the screen is split due to the film not being centered (half of bottom on top, and half of top on bottom
4. Colors in the B&W Scenes Are Blue And White, Faces Red. Not To Mention The Overall Terrible Color Changes and Colors In General.
5. 2.5 CDS ? Well 3 Full CDS Enjoy.

Posted by directv on 04-25-2004 03:17 PM:

a 2-part question. the audio and video are a bit out of sync. how can i change that and by how much? the first 5 mins are blue. how can i change it to b/w if its possible? thanks you

video: 7 (lower cuz of blue beginning)
audio: 7 (out of sync)
movie: haven't watched it yet

Posted by dalton4life on 04-26-2004 06:11 PM:

Originally posted by BiggD23
Whoa, slow down there...not exactly. I spent quite a few hours yesterday merging the subtitled scenes from the TCR release into the VideoCD release and I must say that after a few tries it came out excellent. It took me a while because I'm very anal about these things and I had to make sure that everything lined up to the exact frame. But there are actually 3 parts that you need to replace if you want to really do it right...

#1 - The entire training scene with B and Pai Mei. (subtitles)
#2 - The flashback of Elle killing Pai Mei. (subtitles)
#3 - The words on the screen at the end (cut off early in VideoCDs copy)

I mean really how hard was it to do? All I did was use TMPGenc and split 9 parts from both releases and then join them up into one to burn on a DVD-R. I just just looked for the scene to change before and after the 3 parts I needed. Time-wise it took a few hours with encoding but but finding the parts was about 15-30mins. But you did put a good lil reference there for someone who wanted to do the same thing.

"with great power comes great responsibility."

Posted by BiggD23 on 04-26-2004 09:18 PM:

Originally posted by dalton4life
I mean really how hard was it to do? All I did was use TMPGenc and split 9 parts from both releases and then join them up into one to burn on a DVD-R. I just just looked for the scene to change before and after the 3 parts I needed. Time-wise it took a few hours with encoding but but finding the parts was about 15-30mins. But you did put a good lil reference there for someone who wanted to do the same thing.

Ahhh, gotcha. I ended up with 9 parts sounds like we did almost the exact same thing. lol. The only difference is that I didn't re-join the 9 mpg files because it's not necessary...TMPGENC DVD Author will do that for you. Same difference though.

directv...the audio and video aren't out of sync. As for fixing the blue part and the split screen, see above. If there was an easier way I would have done it that way.

Posted by cico on 04-26-2004 10:16 PM:

i would suggest you do not download this one, as the framerate in cd3 is actually fucked up big times, and it is a real shame.

just a side note: the screen DOES (can you read? it *DOES* DOES DOES ) briefly split up during the fight scene in bud's caravan; it obviously does not at the beginning of chapter nine...

trust me, it does.


Posted by dalton4life on 04-27-2004 06:30 AM:

Yeah that's the way to get this as a true proper. I'm surprised a groud doesn't do it. Easy way for a legit proper. I never used TMPGdvd author but I think I am going to give it a try.

"with great power comes great responsibility."

Posted by scottymac on 04-27-2004 07:13 PM:

Isn't this release a CVD not an SVCD?

What stinks?

Oh, it's just JC

Posted by djj on 04-27-2004 08:06 PM:

Originally posted by scottymac
Isn't this release a CVD not an SVCD?

Umm, what makes you think so?


Posted by scottymac on 04-27-2004 09:20 PM:

Originally posted by djj
Umm, what makes you think so?

Because when I visited my parents this weekend and stuck the disks in their Samsung DVD player, it recognized the disks as CVD. I did bring along a different disk and the player correctly recognized it as an SVCD.

I have not delved into the file to find out the truth, but I think that it is a CVD because my old player that struggles with CVD could not play it.

It could have been encoded as a CVD but the bin and cue set to author it as an SVCD..?..

What stinks?

Oh, it's just JC

Posted by servie_b on 04-28-2004 09:23 AM:

Am I correct to assume that the VideoCD version is 3CD's? I received a copy, which I still have to download and it was 1 CD, mpeg1 with a bitrate of 784. Somebody converted an over 2 hour movie to fit one 1 CD. I don't think I want to know what that looks like on TV.

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