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Posted by Mystic Slippe on 04-03-2004 04:54 PM:

Nice SCR from TCF. Know nothing about this movie though.

Sample seems a bit strange in colour and the audio is a bit flat. Obviously the source and not the encode though i presume.

Good, but not up there with TCF's best works.


Posted by EmPreSS on 04-03-2004 06:16 PM:

This movie was only released in theaters 1 month ago, so this is pretty quick for a screener. It's the Ashley Judd/Samuel L. Jackon flop. This is the kind of movie I use HBO for... the ones not worth downloading or renting.

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Posted by 459 on 04-03-2004 07:34 PM:


It was an ok movie.


Posted by crackerjax on 04-03-2004 07:40 PM:

This movie was definately a flop ... the plot seems ok, maybe it was the acting that made it shitty. Quality release, too bad the movie isn't worth the wait in download.

FS screener, some frames have the blur, it's to be expected ... I agree with M$ that the sound is flat, the colors don't seem that weird in the movie ... probably just the sample or something, not sure.

a vhs screener it is, nothing more, nothing less ....

7/6/5 (FLOP! almost STV)

Posted by hoozdapimp on 04-03-2004 09:09 PM:

ill stick with TCR's TS.

Posted by Chewsmoka on 04-03-2004 10:13 PM:

Originally posted by hoozdapimp
ill stick with TCR's TS.

Your going with a CAM'd picture and TS audio over a TCF Screener ???

Your intellegence is astounding, as your post implys.

Burned to both cds, looks fine on the standalone.

8/8/3 - I can't believe Sam L. signed up for this garbage.

Ignorance Is Bliss. An Example -

Originally posted by platinum_bomb
Dude, It wasn't there and still isn't... I was waiting to see what the pic looked like cuz the release was up, but there was no pic and i didn't find the sample, mo fo. Don't make me come and tie ur arms to ur chair and beat u silly with your own keyboard


Will edit this after i get it.

Posted by BLUE-NEO on 04-03-2004 10:23 PM:

movie sucked major. it was short and pointless and you already knew who the killer was after about 20mins no biggie. Movie should have went straight to video or only showed during matine prices. this screener is nice, and to the guy who says he'll keep the tcr release. I don't blame you. I will too. Now I got a fullscreen screener and a widescreen telesync until the dvdrip comes out or a dvdr.


Reality Is Only A State Of Mind...

Posted by AddNtoX on 04-05-2004 01:24 AM:

Originally posted by Chewsmoka
Your going with a CAM'd picture and TS audio over a TCF Screener ???

Your intellegence is astounding, as your post implys.

Burned to both cds, looks fine on the standalone.

8/8/3 - I can't believe Sam L. signed up for this garbage.

i think u missed the guys point, i think he meant no point in him downloading the screener as its a shit movie...but then again you're intellegent so you knew that right?

Posted by bcool2k on 04-05-2004 06:08 AM:

I agree with Mystic Slippers on this release. Definately not on par with most TCF releases and the movie kinda sucked. I predicted the killer early on as well. Anyway the pic is FS and little blurry, also the audio does indeed need some tweaking. Its either real flat or too load. However, props for the early screeener. This movie tanked at the box office last month. So a DVDRip is prolly not far behind.... Download if u must but no thanx i say


Posted by EmPreSS on 04-05-2004 08:04 AM:

Originally posted by BLUE-NEO
movie sucked major. it was short and pointless and you already knew who the killer was after about 20mins no biggie. Movie should have went straight to video or only showed during matine prices. this screener is nice, and to the guy who says he'll keep the tcr release. I don't blame you. I will too. Now I got a fullscreen screener and a widescreen telesync until the dvdrip comes out or a dvdr.


If the movie sucked so bad.... why even bother getting this copy or a dvdrip when it comes? You must collect everything I guess. That's a lotta downloading to collect shitty movies.

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