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-- The Jungle Book 2 *PROPER* - SCREENER - TCF (

Posted by Imperial_Master on 04-11-2003 05:20 PM:

VCDcentrals wans't too bad, but a proper is always welcome

sample only :8/8/6 (nephew and niece love it)

Posted by aXs-SVCD on 04-11-2003 05:34 PM:

Just got the sample, Sweet Quality and real clear sound....

worth downloading gmv

Lets See What's New Today

OK, Please Stop asking for Movies, and Go and find it.

Posted by Jc100 on 04-11-2003 05:52 PM:

Got both this and the how to lose a guy sample.... Pretty good, only thing i noticed on sample but cant say itll be on movie is a tad b it of motion pixelatoin on em both. But overall they both looked pretty good. Keep up the good work.

Posted by Smurf Boy on 04-11-2003 09:51 PM:

Nice quality, better than VCDCentral's release which wasn't all that bad. Looks like a very nice release, the small children enjoy it as well. 8/8/6

Posted by Mystic Slippe on 04-12-2003 03:41 AM:

Beautiful pic. Clean and crisp audio. Shit movie.


Posted by nighta on 04-13-2003 01:33 AM:

kids loved it and kept them quiet so cannot complain,good old tcf
he likes that one

Posted by Asterisk on 04-13-2003 01:42 AM:

Pic is pretty good, just a little bit of pixelation. Sound is excellent (stereo).

8/9/7. <---kid watched it, said it was good... honest

Posted by dopeuser8 on 04-13-2003 05:21 AM:

video is good, audio is good, very little pixelation just on higher motion scenes. There is a scrolling 'call the mpaa' type message which goes by very often, I didnt time it but it seems about every 5 minutes or so. (Im sure somone with more time on their hands can time it and correct it if you really need to).

Posted by Movforme on 04-13-2003 04:45 PM:

liked it clear sound good pic .. good job

Posted by petrocs on 04-13-2003 04:59 PM:

a lot better than the other screener..this one I'll grab for the neice


Movie wasnt that good

"If somebody said to me, in twelve years you’ll be in a band with your brother and two carrot munching geezers who don’t like football, I would've said 'fuck off, I’m not joining the Bee Gees." -Noel Gallagher 2005

Posted by ZeroActive on 04-14-2003 05:26 AM:

Very nice release
Pic = clear
Sound = stereo
what do you want more
The only thing thats a bit shitty is the DEMO TAPE banner that comes very often, every 4 minutes or something like that.
Movie = OK, watched it with my sis yesterday. The Original is much better (maybe an idea of VHSRip? Flair?)

Posted by meadowdale on 04-15-2003 05:41 PM:

nice quality 8/8/6

shame about the frequency of the warning which caused my kids to loose interest but i watched it lol guess im just a big kid

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