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-- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire *XviD* - TELESYNC - maVen (

Posted by X69 on 11-19-2005 03:16 PM:












Posted by lorddusty on 11-20-2005 12:28 AM:

Very nice rip from the sample. Video has got a bit of motion blur but the colors / cropping seem very nice and virtually no flicker. Audio was pretty decent as well, just maybe lacking bass.


Posted by geoffbob30 on 11-20-2005 12:31 AM:

sample looks excellent sound was crisp video normal maven quality


Posted by Arsenal_2005 on 11-20-2005 01:00 AM:

Well thats the answer to half the people questin IT AINT FAKE.

anyways nice crystal telesync by maVen.

V - 8.5
A - 8
M - ?

Posted by insnaemembran on 11-20-2005 01:02 AM:

pleased with this , decent audio , not a bad video , colours not as nice as i had hoped after seeing the first image samples the first time they pre'd asking for audio but this is still nice

v 7.5
a 8
m ?

Posted by White Rabbit on 11-20-2005 01:03 AM:

good stuff, usual maVen telesync

as an xvid ts:

9/8/?-looks good


Originally posted by pHo
the difference between compression and encoding is:

compression software works the same way as trying to get The 404, who is 350lbs, through a normal door. its method is to basically keep kicking The 404 until he gets thru the door. This works quickly, but leaves a nasty mess.

encoding software is the equivalent of The 404 going on a diet and walking thru the door. takes longer and sometimes more skill, but ultimately worth it.

Posted by DP111 on 11-20-2005 01:10 AM:

As we can all see the jpeg samples were not fake.
An excellent TS by maVen. The best focus i have ever seen on a TS, can i be bold enough to say its better than some TC's i've seen?
As a TS:-
Top drawer stuff.....

Posted by sungsu on 11-20-2005 01:17 AM:

ORC's question on who releases the ts for harry potter got answered...

The video is good


the audio...understandable
but a little bit...idk



still deciding if to download or not

Posted by galekyja on 11-20-2005 01:27 AM:

as i said

v 9
a 9
m ?

Posted by thredworm on 11-20-2005 01:34 AM:

Holy shit Maven!

Major props for the early release!! This looks absolutely spot on aswell!


Posted by XAVeRY on 11-20-2005 01:42 AM:


Very nice release indeed. I doubt if a telesync can get any better (video side only, the audio could be). Extremely watchable - I'm sure 99% of the other groups would call this a TC...

V : 9
A : 8 (a bit of distortion...maybe it's just me)

Hell, I WOULD like to find out the cameras they're using.

()h |\/|y 60d! 7h3y'v3 |-|4x0r3d 4nd Phr34k3d |\/|y (0mpu73r!

Posted by crapper on 11-20-2005 01:47 AM:

first off its 2 cds
not 1

check from the sample

pic 8 maybe 9 havent seen more then the sample YET

sound 7 maybe 6 bit wierd like something to it.. not that amzing

movie donno..

and its REAL... the one posted this mornign might have been fake .. but this is real..

Posted by Bullet on 11-20-2005 01:49 AM:

i know i am the only one replying so far that has seen the whole rls. And i am not that enthousiatic:


The picture is clear. Very clear. Well done and props on speed. But the video is dark...wayyyy dark. I had to adjust my screen (and tv) to max brightness and still in some dark scenes i couldnt see shit.


audio: i didnt had so much probs with the audio. i could hear evrything perfectly. Not great but for me it was good enough



awsome. i am a big harry potter fan but thought this was best movie so far. Bit sinister for the kids i am afraid tough



Posted by noodles on 11-20-2005 01:51 AM:

From Sample


Can't wait to watch the full rls. Should be a good movie, yep im another over aged potter fan


Posted by iGotLaid_off on 11-20-2005 01:53 AM:

from sample, 8/7/? i'm not into this series.

Posted by homo_sapian on 11-20-2005 02:01 AM:

v=8 a=8 f=9
amazing rlc, video is bright and cropped perfectly audio is crisp and clear and the film's cgi is fantastic defo go with this one

Posted by PlanetSmasher on 11-20-2005 02:03 AM:

Originally posted by Bullet

The picture is clear. Very clear. Well done and props on speed. But the video is dark...wayyyy dark. I had to adjust my screen (and tv) to max brightness and still in some dark scenes i couldnt see shit.


i didnt had so much probs with the audio. i could hear evrything perfectly. Not great but for me it was good enough


Personally I don't know which release you were watching but the copy of I have of this, and I have watched completely, isn't as dark as you are claiming. If it's so dark that you couldn't see shit, and you had to pump up your contrast, how could you possibly rate it a 7 for video? on my side, after booing @ few rars on PC, then burning and watching on my standalone in divx/xvid mode it looked amazing. Pic is top quality as usual from maVen, audio is spot on and clear playin thru my 5.1 system.

I think for time of this release and whatnot, the quality on this is excellent

Video: 8
Audio: 8
Movie: 8.5

Movie was good, and my 11 yr old son has now watched it completely and is excited!!!


Star Wars is The Movie to watch, EPIII The Birth Of The DEATHSTAR The Planetsmasher

Posted by havoc on 11-20-2005 02:03 AM:

Originally posted by Bullet
i know i am the only one replying so far that has seen the whole rls. And i am not that enthousiatic:


The picture is clear. Very clear. Well done and props on speed. But the video is dark...wayyyy dark. I had to adjust my screen (and tv) to max brightness and still in some dark scenes i couldnt see shit.


audio: i didnt had so much probs with the audio. i could hear evrything perfectly. Not great but for me it was good enough



awsome. i am a big harry potter fan but thought this was best movie so far. Bit sinister for the kids i am afraid tough


Agreed, very dark. But still very watchable, it's just a dark movie. Turn up the bright on your TV and put it on 'game' setting if you can.

Sound is fine. It's noticable at first but if you're used to watching TS or CAM then you know you just get into it and all problems fade from your attention.

Movie is really, really good. For once a series gets better with each release.

Why are people jumping on rating this without having seen it? One guy said he was still debating DLing it? Then why the fuck are you rating anything? ESP? Your crystal God damned ball told you what you'd think?


Posted by shot_gun69 on 11-20-2005 02:12 AM:

Talking Harry Train Spotter !!


Posted by Nodders on 11-20-2005 02:13 AM:

7/7/Not my kind of movie

Not bad at all. Nice to have maVen around!

Posted by Methadon on 11-20-2005 02:14 AM:

From the sample:
Video - 8
VERY nice. maVen is definately looking to be the new Saosin in the scene (hopefully, they'll be here longer, tho).

Audio - 6
Not bad, but it could've been better. I'm sure if they took a couple more days, they could've gotten a superb audio source. Either way, not bad in any way.

Movie - ???
Will watch as soon as I can get the full release downloaded. I've been slowly becoming a Pot(ter)-head *stamp*....well, maybe not nearly that extreme, but it's something I can enjoy, and I can let my son watch with me. I'll probably take him to see this in the theatre tomorrow.

Posted by Roger on 11-20-2005 02:20 AM:


nice pre

:: terrible post. -K::

Posted by danimal39 on 11-20-2005 02:24 AM:

made my day 9/8/9 excellent maven!

Posted by thanasis on 11-20-2005 02:34 AM:

video 8
audio 7

only seen the sample, which is promising.

Posted by googs on 11-20-2005 02:43 AM:

Originally posted by Bullet
i know i am the only one replying so far that has seen the whole rls. And i am not that enthousiatic:


The picture is clear. Very clear. Well done and props on speed. But the video is dark...wayyyy dark. I had to adjust my screen (and tv) to max brightness and still in some dark scenes i couldnt see shit.



awsome. i am a big harry potter fan but thought this was best movie so far. Bit sinister for the kids i am afraid tough


In reference to the brightness of the video,
I saw the movie [at the cinema] today, and sat in 2nd row from the front. The overall lighting in the movie [not the theater, but the actual video] was very dim throughout and there was several parts in which I would have preferred to turn up the brightness on the projector, if I could have
I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt that they did the best they could =)

x/x/3 [not worth d/l'ing it after seeing it in theatres....felt a bit disappointed about the movie itself, thats for a separate thread]

Posted by Redemption198 on 11-20-2005 02:44 AM:

Very nice Maven, spot on for a TS, best ive saw in a while.

Audio is pretty crappy, but its good enough to watch the movie.

Movie was great, best Fantasy movie ive saw in years.

As for it being Dark, yeah its dark, but i saw it at the cinema a few hours ago, and some of the stuff, especially at the beginning are very dark, so much i struggled to see much there too.

Posted by darkking on 11-20-2005 02:45 AM:

very nice and damm quick


Posted by nakid on 11-20-2005 02:47 AM:

its pretty good overall

video 8
audio 6 kinda poor but okay
movie -- haven't watched it ALL yet

Posted by NoNe23 on 11-20-2005 02:57 AM:

Told ya It Wasnt Fake It Had The Red And Blue Pixelation like all maVen TS's

Video-8.5(Good as Usual)

Audio-7.5(Could Have been better but ok)

Movie-(Still getting)



MaKaVeLi All DaY

Posted by dekehead on 11-20-2005 03:04 AM:

Anyone else watch the movie thru?
Reading reviews on sample quality for every movie is becoming rather redundant.

Posted by SleepysHell on 11-20-2005 03:15 AM:

but what the fucks it doing in the vcd section

thanks maven

Posted by sungsu on 11-20-2005 03:29 AM:

and i'm pretty sure it's 2cds
unless i'm going crazy

Posted by DEMENTA on 11-20-2005 03:30 AM:

Wow, nice! The one movie of the year i couldnt wait for a decent rls of already got a terrific one in less than two days.
Thx to maven for bringin back the good old days of excellent TS/TC rls' in the opening weekends!

Excellent Picture(but not perfect) and Audio is great aswell(blows the cam outta the water).

The movie was great with what they had, but if you read the books like me, you will probably be disappointed a bit with what the missed/changed.

Video - 8.5

Audio - 7.5

Movie - 9.0

I Do Not Exist Therefore I Am Above All!!

Posted by x23 on 11-20-2005 04:13 AM:

Very nice release maven. Once again, you kick some serious anus. Vid is very nice, not too dark,not too bright. Audio is direct audio, and sounds pretty good. The movie itself is decent, although I still thik the book was better, but thats just my opinion.

vid - 8.5
aud - 7.5
mov - 8

Posted by Anno on 11-20-2005 04:14 AM:


Undersized (TDX state 680mb min p/cd)
NFO missing much the info that is set out in 2k5 XviD rules.
CBR audio not VBR

Do we care? do we fuck. Do maVen care? well as they didn't sign up to TDX rules i doubt it very much. Besides, when they started to rel their TS's as XviDs they more or less stuck 2 fingers up to the nukers and scene standards anyway.

God bless maVen

Typical case of the inconsistant and biased use of scene rules by those clueless bleet, bleet batiboy nukers. Any other "lesser" group had released this you can be certain they would have been dived on and shafted rigerously by the radioactive rabble.

Now for the boring bit..
Great quality pic if a lil dark and audio does the job nicely for a last minute fillin.

Posted by Wehrmacht on 11-20-2005 04:29 AM:

The audio lets down the fantastic video, but that's to be expected nowadays.

V8 (Dark, but filters up nicely)
M7 (The most mature one of the series)

One question, though... why is this in the VCD section?

Posted by nullvoiid on 11-20-2005 04:30 AM:

nice release video is crisp if not a little dark

thought this was a xvid..

Posted by shawners on 11-20-2005 04:33 AM:

One of the better cams. If it was more of a drama like derailed or something more as a brighter movie. This be the one to grab. Being as popular it is, the groups will release a great TC within a week. I give it a 7video
a 5 audio
movie is probably a 9, since its a pg-13.

My Burnt Dvd's are my sig.

Posted by pelu on 11-20-2005 04:44 AM:

i have seen the entire rls, and there is no way anyone could complain about it, and if they did, they dont deserve the ability to watch it. Thanks a million Maven, great job!!!!!!!!


Posted by Gh0stwriter on 11-20-2005 05:18 AM:

MaVeN is the KING of all Media!!

MaVeN, you rock!!!! cant wait for further releases. The man is BACK with a Vengence!!!

8 V
7 A
8 M

Ash: .. you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town.

Posted by StOp' on 11-20-2005 05:28 AM:

very good movie

great job maven on the fast release


Posted by Xler on 11-20-2005 05:29 AM:

"ozzzzzzy 1 1 8" should be shot

9/7/3 (meh)

Good release, nice and quick!

Posted by magnet on 11-20-2005 05:47 AM:

Alright I've viewed the whole movie now. The video is indeed dark, and not just because it's a dark movie. The movie wasn't popping with color in the theater, but you never had to question who was where in a scene or exactly what was going on. I watched it on my TV for a bit and there were red and green archives all over the place, but it didn't look like that at all on my computer. There was a little motion blur, but overall it was very good and watchable.

The sound is a little damp sounding at parts and I noticed a couple of burps where sound from another scene was present, but only for a split-second and not when any important dialogue was going on.

As a TS:

Fuck yes, maven! I can't remember many other groups I've been as consistently impressed by.

Posted by carolinawolf on 11-20-2005 07:11 AM:

a nice and fast release v 9 a 8 m ?

never say it was stolen from p2p, even when everyone knows it was.

Posted by booner on 11-20-2005 08:27 AM:

Thumbs up great quality....a day after release

a: 8
v: 7.5
m: 8

Just finished watching the movie. A fine release. Superb audio for the most part and the video great as well. Audio does cut out to a quiet track for approximately 3 seconds a couple times and the scenes taking place at night were a bit rough but overall extremely watchable. Again, very nice release. Many thanks!

(I did also notice a black sillouette walk across the screen once to take a seat midway through the movie. I thought some MST3K action was going to begin. HA!)

" worry?"

Posted by gibber9583 on 11-20-2005 08:36 AM:

Impressed with the speed of this release. Much like the quality of the Saw 2 release. Another good Maven rip. No one should complain with the quality of this release as the source is very dark, and its 2 days old.

V: 8
A: 7
M: Does it really matter?

Want to fight about it?

Posted by daveok on 11-20-2005 09:20 AM:

Kids loved it. Good release. very fast and good quality.

One of the best telesync's I have sen for a while

Posted by soundmaster on 11-20-2005 09:34 AM:

very beautiful release nice work maVen

V: 8.5
A: 8.5
M: 8

Posted by bbogert on 11-20-2005 09:43 AM:

Quality is terrific for a TS, and overwhelmingly good for 1 day after release. However, CD1 = 1:11:29 and CD2 = 1:12:25, for a total runtime of approximately 144 minutes. IMDB has it listed at 157... Can anyone who has seen the movie confirm missing scenes? Alloting 8 minutes for closing credits, there still seems to be at least a 6 minute chunk missing. Anyone know anything about this?

V = 8
A = 7
M = Have yet to watch...


Posted by ta-88 on 11-20-2005 10:13 AM:

Thumbs up

Damn u maVen ! You made my weekend :P


Posted by mikethomey on 11-20-2005 10:24 AM: not going to complain about it being too dark, or that the sound goes static here and there, but what i will complain is all you other kids who think you can do any better...

great job maVen and TY so much for allowing me to see such a prestige copy of this movie so quick and so well done....


these harry potter movies are becoming well worth the watch...they just keep getting better

Posted by D0BB0 on 11-20-2005 11:06 AM:

neva had any doubt another great ts from maven

Posted by GGODD2 on 11-20-2005 11:10 AM:

well a few things this movie was sweet. now on the bad side
whats up with the 1 cd when it was 2 cd and whats up with the guy getting up in the middle of the movie walk across the screen.
other than that thank you so much maven for a nice release.

video= 7 lil dark
audio=6.5 a few buzzs and lack of bass
movie= 10

Posted by Morachi on 11-20-2005 11:54 AM:

What the real size (in bytes) of file for this release?

Best Regards


Posted by vurtX on 11-20-2005 11:58 AM:

OK im the 48th or so post in here .. why hasnt ANYONE mentioned that the voices are out of sync? are you sure you've watched this???

video = 9
movie = 1 watching this is like watching a dubbed japanese karate film .... bad dubbing that totally destroys the film .. such a shame .. i'd wait for the russian telecine

Posted by cellsoldier on 11-20-2005 12:08 PM:

awesome release... what camera is the guy in maven using??! :P
the quality is superb (like always hehe)
audio is okay



born to be porn ;P

Posted by Mr_Grinch on 11-20-2005 12:17 PM:

Pic is excellent, saw the film at the cinema on Friday and I was wondering how on earth someone could cam it due to the darkness. Maven have done a very good job.

In some scenes it is a tad dark to see what's going on, and the colours are a bit off occasionally but it's definitely the best a ts could get.

SOund is fine short of a few static pops here and there.

Posted by sar on 11-20-2005 12:21 PM:

Judging by the sample, I'll give this a skip. The motion blur gives me a head ache, and the AR seems a bit off.

6 for video imo.

Posted by jaffa on 11-20-2005 01:04 PM:

Is there any ppl walking in front of screen?

Posted by emilos on 11-20-2005 01:21 PM:

10/10/9 Very nice quality for a TS

Posted by madnukey on 11-20-2005 01:33 PM:

video is of good quality but dark throughout the movie - still very watchable though.

audio is fairly good.

movie was excellent

8/7/9 (rated as a TS)

... nukey

Posted by charliechan10 on 11-20-2005 01:40 PM:

Anyone unhappy with this amazing release just have not viewed the whole movie.
V 9
A 9

Posted by lazerfire on 11-20-2005 02:30 PM:

ok now for a real review

film is dark colours are plain picture quaily is 6

sound is a good cam mono sound 5

the film i can't review as a good film like this i refuse to watch it as the quailty is not great...........

this is worst then the copy of saw 2

Posted by Twisted Nerve on 11-20-2005 02:48 PM:

total running time for 2 files is 2 hrs 23 mins 55 secs, minus the couple of seconds overlap

there is normally about 10-15 mins of credits which of course are cut, so seems it is all there

ends with directed by Mike Newell so assume its complete

haven't viewed whole movie yet so unable to confirm if anything in body of movie is missing

interesting couple of "cig burns" in it too, obviously the MPAA will be doing their best to trace this back to the CAMing source!


Posted by InSaNeOnE on 11-20-2005 03:35 PM:


He considers the rest of the world to be "The Asylum," because it seemed to him that any civilization that had so far lost its head as to need to include a set of detailed instructions for use in a package of toothpicks was no longer a civilization in which he could live and stay sane.

Posted by tehdude on 11-20-2005 03:48 PM:

According to sample:

For a TS:

A: 7.5
V: 8.0
M: dunno

Posted by Ace25 on 11-20-2005 04:19 PM:

Wow, great copy!

V: 8 - Tad dark but bumping up the brightness by 10 on the Xbox fixed that.
A: 7 - I thought the audio was direct. If its cam its amazing. Few static pops here and there but NO sync issues on the Xbox.
M: 5 - Just not my cup of tea, but I am sure the young ones will love it.

Posted by dontbegay on 11-20-2005 04:27 PM:

video - very good, a little washed out and a tad dark in spots but perfectly watchable - 8

audio - good, seems to be out of sync in parts but only by a fraction - 7

Posted by andrews on 11-20-2005 05:38 PM:

the start is a bit dark and grainy,but after flicking through overall the quality is very good for a ts. as a ts 8/8/?

Posted by fakeout on 11-20-2005 06:12 PM:

the movie itself is very dark but a ts won't get much better than this. audio is good too but there's a wierd noise at the start and it goes slightly out of sync in places. movie is the best harry potter by far.


Posted by deusx on 11-20-2005 06:35 PM:

The ratings on this seem high. Yes, it's a dark movie, but the red splotches on everyone's skin at night are not good. Movie looks good on the day scenes. Easily, easily watchable, a very good release, but just sayin' some people's ratings seem a little enthusiastic on this.

Audio is fine other than a couple small parts. Movie is a good watch even though I've never read the books and had no idea who was doing what to whom half the time. I can see why it was rated PG-13 and not PG.

Someone mentioned the short running time. Credits aside, is disc 1 missing a few minutes during the big flying broomstick battle? It gets a lot of hype, they introduce the players, and then 10 seconds later it cuts to hours later after it's over. It looked like it jumped ahead there.

Thanks, Maven!

Posted by MistahQ on 11-20-2005 08:10 PM:

M: was for the kids so i dont know

video is a 7 cause of the idiot that got up and walked across towards the end of cd 1.
props to maVen on the quick release

Posted by vinnyv07 on 11-20-2005 08:16 PM:

Ok...I just got finished watching this on my tv. Anyone who feels that this release is not fantastic for the timing ( two days after release) and the difficulty of obtaining a movie like this with the hype and crowded theaters is downright crazy.'s not perfect. But really....did you expect this nice of a release this early? I didn't. The sound is it picture is a little dark.....but really. You can sit and watch this with no problem. Its a great release. One that should be praised. Just look at the other releases of this movie.

Posted by 404notfound on 11-20-2005 08:57 PM:

Originally posted by vurtX
OK im the 48th or so post in here .. why hasnt ANYONE mentioned that the voices are out of sync? are you sure you've watched this???

video = 9
movie = 1 watching this is like watching a dubbed japanese karate film .... bad dubbing that totally destroys the film .. such a shame .. i'd wait for the russian telecine

Sorry chief, i watched the entire release. There were no lip sync issues. I'd say the problem was yours and whatever codec you're using.



Posted by dontbegay on 11-20-2005 08:59 PM:

Originally posted by 404notfound
Sorry chief, i watched the entire release. There were no lip sync issues. I'd say the problem was yours and whatever codec you're using.


There ARE sync issues with this release, they are not too bad but they are there non the less.

Posted by 404notfound on 11-20-2005 09:04 PM:

Originally posted by sourojuro
There ARE sync issues with this release, they are not too bad but they are there non the less.

Well i watched it through XBMC and i didn't notice any


Posted by esaulchris on 11-20-2005 09:31 PM:

V: 9
A: 9
M: 8

Thanks a lot MAVEN!! Keep it up!


Posted by InSaNeOnE on 11-20-2005 10:15 PM:

Same here, i just finished it and didnt notice anything, if there was anything it cleared in a second and was barl noticable.

Maybe I am just deaf and blind ;p

He considers the rest of the world to be "The Asylum," because it seemed to him that any civilization that had so far lost its head as to need to include a set of detailed instructions for use in a package of toothpicks was no longer a civilization in which he could live and stay sane.

Posted by fluffykiwi on 11-20-2005 10:46 PM:

very watchable release but definately some scenes missing. A couple of times the movie jumps a bit.

Most noticeable for me was during the ball. We didnt get to see what Ron did to upset Hermione 10:03 file 2. There were a couple of other sharp cuts where bits were missing as well. Still able to enjoy the movie though.

Still there was no sync issues IMO and the video wasn't that dark either. I was watching on my standalone player though and i always adjust my picture brightness and colour when watching a movie.

7/7/? I don't like rating movies, although I really enjoyed it.

*edit*i was wrong there is no bit missing at the ball. Themovie does cut very badly and you dont get to see what happened. as that was the most noticeable one and the others were just weird jumps with not much noticeable I'm assuming it is complete.

Posted by mcsure on 11-20-2005 11:22 PM:

Excellent U can always rely on Maven

fantastic job early release Maven thankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted by Danton on 11-20-2005 11:29 PM:

I think this is the best Telesync I have ever seen!!!!

The video quality is fantastic, audio is understandable, but give maven a break!!! They have released this 1 DAY after the the release!!!!! And if you still think I am rong because of the audio, get creative, wait till an other release (or if there already is one), and add the audio from that one into the maven video. And plus, its not like anybody here can do a better job!!!! Thanks maven.

Posted by Roger on 11-20-2005 11:30 PM:

Originally posted by sourojuro
There ARE sync issues with this release, they are not too bad but they are there non the less.

i think your hard drive canot handle the stream of 900kbit/sec to have sync issue on this one.


Posted by scousethief on 11-20-2005 11:36 PM:

there are definately some small sync issues


Posted by protekt0r on 11-20-2005 11:49 PM:

Wow... I guess hardly anyone noticed the fact that someone gets up and walks across the screen when Harry's taking a bath. Or the fact that they spliced in CAM audio (I think) when Harry is in the library. These 2 things combined don't ruin the movie or anything, but it makes the release less than perfect.

Video: 8. Besides the dude walking across, it's very good. Tough one cause this movie has very bright parts and very dark parts. It's a little overcropped. For instance, when the Champions are picking dragons out of the bad, you can't see what some of them pick.

Audio: 9. Would have been perfect were it not for the 3-4 second wierd audio when Harry's in the library. I didn't notice a single sync issue- not even for a second. It must be a codec thing for some people.

Movie: 6. Not impressed w/ this one. Esp. the end. There was almost no closure to the story. Prisoner of Azarkban was much better IMO.


"Signatures Suck"

Posted by magnet on 11-21-2005 12:15 AM:

As a quick aside about the ball scene and the Quidditch World Cup, those scenes are not missing. The movie has a very hectic sense of cutting straight from scene to scene. You don't get to see any quidditch playing at the cup in the movie, that's just the way Newell made it. If it seems like a scene ends too abruptly, just remember it's the first Potter film directed by a Brit

Posted by fakeout on 11-21-2005 12:50 AM:

Well I can say for sure that no one (apart from Melanie Murtle) walks across the screen when Harry is taking a bath, but there is about 2 seconds of cam audio at that point.

Posted by b_3 on 11-21-2005 12:59 AM:

Harrys glasses don't look as round as they should. 640x272=the normal 2.35 cinemascope aspect ratio, however I think this one was shot in the 2.55 cinemascope ratio (that or they have cropped vertically and forgot to change the aspect ratio in accordance, I am unsure which). Only a very small AR fault, but I am pretty sure it is there, so those encoding to DVD may wish to correct the aspect ratio to 2.55 before encoding.


Video: 9 - Besides AR problem, pretty perfect for a TS.

Audio: 7 - Sounded pretty good to me, a little hollow, but very easy to understand so I am happy.

Movie: Lost interest after the second one, never watched the 3rd, doubt I will watch this.

Posted by Dwaggy on 11-21-2005 02:07 AM:

V:7, Flickers a bit and dark scenes are a bit too dark.
A:8, a few errors here and there but overall really great
M:7.5, Defo the best potter film, good fun really


i have sigs off

Posted by beemo on 11-21-2005 02:48 AM:

Great release in such short of a time. But when did Telesyncs have cigarette burns in them?

Hard to say what this is, cause there was that one part where some shadow popped onto the screen. As far as sync issues, I didn't notice any while watching the movie. Regardless, release is still very good.

V- 7
M-6 (not as great as the other Potter movies, and it seemed very rushed to me.)

::(Telesyncs are just cams with a direct audio source)
:: - Dwoggy

Posted by PiMpZta on 11-21-2005 02:53 AM:

horrible quality

v: 6
a: 7
m: went last nite to watch it, was 2 crowded so i am hopin to watch it soon cuz dis quality aint worth dis film


Posted by swampdogk on 11-21-2005 10:28 AM:

Originally posted by fluffykiwi
very watchable release but definately some scenes missing. A couple of times the movie jumps a bit.

Most noticeable for me was during the ball. We didnt get to see what Ron did to upset Hermione 10:03 file 2. There were a couple of other sharp cuts where bits were missing as well. Still able to enjoy the movie though.

Still there was no sync issues IMO and the video wasn't that dark either. I was watching on my standalone player though and i always adjust my picture brightness and colour when watching a movie.

7/7/? I don't like rating movies, although I really enjoyed it.

I didn't notice any others but I definately think that there is something missing at the 1 hour 21 mins mark as you describe. Ron confronting Hermoine's date I assume. When she says to Harry "Where have you been?" it just doesn't make sense at all considering she'd been sitting with them 20 secs earlier.

V-8 Dark but watchable. A couple of flickers, cropped a little @ the top but clear.

A-9 No sync issues at all, clear.

M-7 OK, but nothing spectacular. But then again I'm not a 13 y/o kid.


Posted by jbennett1974 on 11-21-2005 04:11 PM:

wtached this film last night and for a ts this film is great quality well done maven for releasing this film is such time and quality

V : 8

A : 8

M : 8

Posted by pkrmajick on 11-21-2005 05:04 PM:

Great quality release. a few issues with the audio sync but nothing huge, and the video is a little pixellated on darker scenes, but what do you expect from a new released movie?

A great job from Maven here - congrats + thanks are in order.


Sorry for the crappy movie rating - the kids love it but I can't stand Potter. That said I reckoned this as the best of the HP films to date.

Posted by mrjohnnice on 11-21-2005 11:18 PM:

Great quality, Just what you'd expect from maVen

Posted by cheatingatmat on 11-21-2005 11:31 PM:

the problems that most people are listing with audio syncs or choppy video are problems with either their pc or their codecs. if you think differently, YOU ARE WRONG. IT IS YOUR PC.

my specs: p4 3.4ghz HT, 1gb pc3200 ram, 7200 rpm hard drive, 128mb 9200se video card

the video isn't dvd quality, but it's amazing for the time of release. i burned it to dvd and watched it on my DLP projector on an 8 foot screen. if ANYTHING will show flaws, magnifying video to 3 times or greater the size of the average television will. IT WAS VERY VERY WATCHABLE. much, much better than anything i anticipated to find.

i ASSURE you there are no sync issues with the audio. matter of fact, it almost seems to be in surround sound. i definitely got back surround to front flybys during the dragon scene on my older 5.1 system in a non-simulated dolby surround mode. dialogue was produced from my center channel and the rest of the audio was distributed correctly. i think this very well may be in surround.

i made an elaborate professional menu for the dvd. i may post a torrent of my dvd release soon.


Posted by Danton on 11-22-2005 12:00 AM:


Does ANYBODY know that password for the .rar file?

::EDIT:: Next time, why not just say "Hi world, I'm a fucking idiot!" - Neversoft::

Posted by protekt0r on 11-22-2005 02:13 AM:

Originally posted by beemo
Great release in such short of a time. But when did Telesyncs have cigarette burns in them?


Google how telesyncs are made.


"Signatures Suck"

Posted by skidebeop on 11-22-2005 02:33 AM:

In my opinion there are too many scenes in which the dark video is unwatchable. However, I don't think this is the fault of maven since the bright scenes look very good. The movie is dark in theatres as well, but not that dark.

As for audio, I really think that some people have a keener sense of sync problems than others (I'm very picky and there's nothing worse to me than a release out of sync). There's definitely a SLIGHT sync issue, but I think it's so minor that most of you can't even see it.

Also, am I the only one to notice that the audio channels are reversed? It was even most noticeable in the sample scene, so I'm surprised no one has mentioned it.


Posted by beemo on 11-22-2005 03:10 AM:

Originally posted by protekt0r

Google how telesyncs are made.


From's description:

"A telesync is the same spec as a CAM except it uses an external audio source (most likely an audio jack in the chair for hard of hearing people). A direct audio source does not ensure a good quality audio source, as a lot of background noise can interfere. A lot of the times a telesync is filmed in an empty cinema or from the projection booth with a professional camera, giving a better picture quality. Quality ranges drastically, check the sample before downloading the full release. A high percentage of Telesyncs are CAMs that have been mislabeled."

So basically a Cam with a direct audio source, correct? As far as I know, Telecines usually have the "ciggy" burns. Unless I'm missing something, how are Telesyncs made then?

Posted by beemo on 11-22-2005 03:57 AM:

::(Telesyncs are just cams with a direct audio source)
:: - Dwoggy [/B][/QUOTE]

Uh, okay. Internet expert? Hardly. Thanks for the sarcasm though, hope you feel better now. I was just wondering if this release was a played down TC, nothing more. I guess you missed that point, eh?

Posted by swampdogk on 11-22-2005 10:30 AM:

Spoke to a friend who watched the movie & then watched this TS specifically noting the sections where something may have been missing & he says there is NOTHING missing whatsoever. Still some bad editing imo.

Dumbledore even makes a big speech saying how Vodamort killed Cedric when it was Wormtail

Posted by shemarie on 11-22-2005 11:14 AM:

just d loaded this release looks good will comment when watched whole thing.. only thing i cant understand is why does it say 1 cd when its 2.. this confused me for a while wasnt sure if i was down loading the right thing! great relese tho kids have been naggin me for this 1

Posted by Dwaggy on 11-22-2005 11:20 AM:

Originally posted by beemo
Uh, okay. Internet expert? Hardly. Thanks for the sarcasm though, hope you feel better now. I was just wondering if this release was a played down TC, nothing more. I guess you missed that point, eh? [/B]

Get out


i have sigs off

Posted by guido23 on 11-22-2005 02:54 PM:

Video: 8.5 a little dark in spots due to nature of film.
Audio: 9.5 a little hard to hear quite speech for first 25 min's (still very audible though) then perfect
Movie: Not a buff so didn't totaly get it all but you will watch it all and enjoy the fact you did.

Top of the pile maVen :P

Posted by jay1919 on 11-22-2005 07:45 PM:

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire *XviD* maven

video a little dark ,and pixels,may be me
V 7

Posted by goober on 11-22-2005 08:11 PM:

im not gonna complain about the audio on this .or the picture.true the synching does slip slighty on one or two also drops out on one or two occasions,although this in no way affects the viewing.its dark as well.but thats the case with many TS,in my how does this better the cam.simple it has good one else is in there with the man.the audio is very acceptable,it doesnt sound like you are standing at the back of a church like all if u have a good connection.and u cant wait.get it.thank u .and death to all chinese illegal immigrant dee wee dee sellers.i wish your triad boss made u all work at morecombe apologies to the chinese nation and people and also vcdq.i dislike dishonest people.BTW.i own retail of every HP movie

Posted by cleyvosier on 11-22-2005 10:27 PM:

how to get the movie

i am new can someone tell me the process to get this movie?

::EDIT:: First you must receive dry anal from the Lord Kalvaitis then eat a live Coelacanth, finally you should read the fucking rules! - NS::

:: That first part will not work. -K::

Posted by Bugbites on 11-22-2005 11:27 PM:

overall a good rip, a little dark in some parts tho...

V - 8
A - 8
M - 8

Posted by minty on 11-23-2005 02:36 AM:

Good release so early on amazing cam just ajust the colour abit and wahay... shame some twat stood up at just past 1hour 10mins
nice work maven

Posted by Y2Stu on 11-23-2005 03:46 AM:

Video Rating: 8
Audio Rating: 8
Movie Rating: 7

Looks a lot better on a TV, but great release! Expect nothing else from maVen!

Posted by protekt0r on 11-23-2005 06:03 AM:

Uh, okay. Internet expert? Hardly. Thanks for the sarcasm though, hope you feel better now. I was just wondering if this release was a played down TC, nothing more. I guess you missed that point, eh?

What I'm trying to say is all films have "cigarette burns" regardless if it's a telesync or telecine. It's usually one of two things: a sign that the film reel is almost at it's end which signals the projectionist to switch reels OR a flaw in the film frame itself. Haven't you ever seen a cigarette burn in a theater?

Most russian and european theaters do not have 1 reel projectors, which are newer and found more commonly in the USA. So it's no surprise to see a cigarette burn in this film.


"Signatures Suck"

Posted by bartleby on 11-23-2005 08:28 AM:

this is an excellent telesync as usual with maven

video- a few burn marks but that nothing to be bothered about
there are a few scenes that are dark but not too bad where you cant see anything

audio is good no sync issues for me althought at one point sounds a little wierd for about 2sec but heh

movie is the best potter film so far suggest everyone watch

- the end -

snoochie boochies

Posted by NorQue on 11-23-2005 10:37 AM:

Audio had two small distrortion issues I noticed, but that fits perfectly to the explanation given in the SVCD Thread that it was recorded from an FM broadcast. Video is great, but that was to be expected from maVen . Switching to XVID is great IMHO, saves a lot of bandwidth.

-- NorQue

Posted by chateau on 11-23-2005 07:12 PM:

Great release. Watched it on my TV with a standalone DivX player. I made no adjustment to brightness or colour. Parts of the movie were pixelated (dark scenes) but not so bad that it's a problem. Sound was great through the stereo system, although it seemed like there might be a couple of brief moments where cam audio was used. Good movie too, although huge sections of the book were ignored even with the 2+ hours.


Posted by SultrySalesma on 11-23-2005 08:04 PM:

I guess I'll input my two cents. Hopefully I can add something that hasn't been said before.

V - 7 The video is very dark at points. This is the major downfall to the release, but it can't be helped because it is a naturally dark film.

A - 8 Nice audio. Muffled at times, but I'm use to blaring my TV to watch these things. No sync issues that I noticed.

M - 6 Kind of a let down to me. I enjoyed the last one because it had a dark tone to it. But the director, who is known for romantic comedies, has moved away from this style and went for a lighter mood. This one is more about three kids growing up, as opposed to magic, etc. I haven't read the book, so I don't know how good of a translation it is.

Posted by DtM2000 on 11-23-2005 08:13 PM:

Come on guys - let's get real. I appreciate maVen's work but this copy is dark. Even if it is a dark film it's still hard to make things out.

Do peeps who comment on here actually watch the film. Bollocks to all this "I open a few rars!" How can anyone make a real judgement on that????

Video - 6 - Too dark in places to watch.
Audio - 8 - No problems here. Usual standard.
Movie - 7 - Not bad.

I miss SAOSIN!!!

Posted by RAMMUS on 11-24-2005 09:30 PM:

Audio: 8 - Distorted here and there, but overall still pretty good

Video: 8 - Good quality, dark in places, over all very good for an early release, well done maVen

Movie: 6 - I didnt really enjoy it as much as I though I would, I suppose I ruined it for myself by reading the book and knowing there was so much more they could have put it. pity movies have to stick to time limits eh? lol

Posted by Stack-Man on 11-25-2005 01:41 AM:

Harry Potter 4 *XviD* maVen

Watched this last night and here's my 2 cents...

Quality is superb when its bright, when its a dark scene it goes all blotchy with what appears to be green patches all over, this problem is solved on the TV screen but on the PC it's really noticable...

Overall i'd give the quality a 9 for a camera job

Audio is good also, there are a few places where the audio jack must have dropped out of the plug because it switches to cinema audio at two points in the film, but only for about 5 seconds or so, so its no biggie...

Movie was great, they cut a lot out of the book, but i guess thats JK's fault for making the books so damn long in the first place...

Why do some people bitch so much about movies they shouldn't even have?

Posted by Discord on 11-25-2005 07:08 AM:

Watched the full film..

Video: 8 - Not bad, especially considering the speed of release. Was a _little_ dark, but very watchable. Better through the TV than through the PC screen.

Audio: 8 - Again pretty good in most places, seemed a bit scratchy at times (especially when Dumbledore was shouting) and a couple of moments when it turned to cam audio or whatever.

Film: 7 - Im not a Potter fan, but this was the first one that I actually enjoyed. Aimed a little more at the older viewer i think and the acting has certainly improved since the 2nd and 3rd ones. Slightly disappointed when the g/f informed me of all the bits they missed out. I think they should have made it longer, no reason not too. Other films have done it, and this was one that was guaranteed to bring in the $$$, no risk at all. The kids thoroughly enjoyed it, wasnt too sinister at all.

All in all very very good release, exceptionally quick. This was available before the film hit the cinemas here

Posted by tailschao on 11-25-2005 08:45 PM:

Video: 8 100 times better than the Shinbet release, but even so Pixels, so many damned pixels. Pixels in the dark areas and god knows this is a dark film. Pixles piss me of real bad (as you might have noticed:-))
Audio: 9 Clear and no sync probs that i can see (or hear)
Movie: 9 Best so far but they rushed things and cut A LOT of things out.
overall a high quality release.
now i just need to find a way to correct the pixels, and i will find a way, i wont sleep until i've found a way. and whoever said that the pixelation is worse on PC screen that TV, i disagree. when played through VLC media player it is hardly noticeable, when converted to DVD and played on TV, i nearly screamed it was so horrible

Posted by jimmy52 on 11-27-2005 09:46 AM:

Damn this is really annoying coz maven have won the race so there wont be any more 4 ages
and the release is jus on the verge of watchable but on the tv green squares show up on the dark scenes ! arghhh to dark good speed though...

v: 6
a: 8.5 very good no complaints i assume its direct
m: 9 great movie although i watched it at the cinema!

Posted by kimjongli on 11-28-2005 10:10 AM:

the who what where when and why...

who: maVen
what: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
where: earth
when: less than 48 hours after theatrical release
why: why not??

I'm not gonna bust on people who say this pre has issues and tell them that they should do better. what i am gonna say is maVen did an excelent job of releasing this very fast with an above par TS. I'm not a huge potter fan, but all aspects of this pre are suberb. ORC asked and maVin answered, I can't complain about this release.

video: 8 (would be a 9 if not for the pixalation and the dude who stands up)

audio: 8 considering it was an outside source put together at the last minute it rocks

movie: 7 like i said not a huge potter fanbut my fav by far.

Posted by Felipepark on 12-12-2005 11:28 PM:


EDIT: Ask where to get releases again and you're banned .P

Posted by ovrprotected2 on 12-31-2005 08:48 PM:

Good release.

V: 7 (Dark scenes were ok)
A: 8 (FM Audio, some static in a few places, no synch issues)
M: 9 (I liked it this and the book were the best of the series so far)

Posted by esagrero on 01-16-2006 09:00 PM:

Help Identifying DivX file . .

I need help identifying the following two files. Below is an example of each file. I got them but with generic labels. Does anyone know who made these files? Or is it a repack? I'm new to this stuff so I'm a lttle confused.

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