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Posted by DarkBeatz on 10-13-2002 04:20 AM:

The Transporter *PROPER* - TELESYNC - SMF

Image quality has been improved slightly from previous releases but audio is way better, overal a very watchable telesync.. btw am I dreaming or is the music on the bg in the sample not in eso's subbed ts? 7/8/8

DarkBeatz 7 8 8
westside-homie 7 7 8
neatz 3 6 7
RaPpA 7 7 n/a

Seems like most ppl agree with the video atm Only I rated the audio a bit higher because it is very clear.. btw picture is a bit blurry at times tho but still clear, colors are very good on this one

Posted by Swimj on 10-13-2002 04:30 AM:


UNNEEDED!!!! A-team already released this with picture quality close to the same, and 2 weeks or so earlier..... thats for the attempt but its a definite NUKE

<***> Nuke 2x Reason: Old..Shit

Posted by pHo on 10-13-2002 04:32 AM:

wasn't the a-team print nuked for dupe of eso with cut subs tho ? i found the esoteric print to have a quantized feel to it.. as if tmd/smr had already got to it first, which was the main problem with the earlier print in my opinion.


<Dwaggy> i caught you a delicious Bass
<The404> This is because you are an idiot

Posted by darkslide on 10-13-2002 04:37 AM:

looks good... might grab this to watch the movie again...

Turkish Rules..

What do you get when you cross an owl, with a bungee cord? My Ass.

Posted by neatz on 10-13-2002 04:38 AM:

to me it looks like a dub runed again and cropd and audio enhanced a bit... ill say one thing way to much red when i watch it i see red lisence plates same areas of the movie the same stuff happens the the high action scenes.. bluryy a bit in the same places but still a good job i guess but seems to be close to the same source or is..

Posted by moviedan713 on 10-13-2002 04:56 AM:

where can i get a sample?

Posted by goSu on 10-13-2002 05:04 AM:

looks like the esoterics just cropped with filters said earlier it is a bit blurry...could be mistaken though...but other than that it's decent....i've seen much worse...dunno if it theirs or not cuz the B in the upper left corner is gone but i'm sure that can be stripped out? /shrugs....either way if you haven't seen the movie and want to, this is very watchable

Posted by darkslide on 10-13-2002 05:26 AM:

hey.. no asking for shit... especially where to find it...

we don't want the fbi taking away the forums do we... EEH EEH!

What do you get when you cross an owl, with a bungee cord? My Ass.

Posted by misfits138 on 10-13-2002 06:11 AM:

is the frame rate still low?

Posted by nokia on 10-13-2002 07:35 AM:

Thumbs down

OMG! If groups are going to do a proper at least do it with your own source and do it PROPERLY. 3 HORRIBLE releases of this film, the first one was subbed + shitty framerate and the next two are cropped + shitty framerate. I'm pretty sure A-Team and SMF re-encoded ESOTERiC's version since all are 29.97fps when the source is probably a 24fps asian silver or pdvd (probably what is causing the jitter). Looks like a logitec quickcam capture rather than a ts.

Posted by cmm on 10-13-2002 09:20 AM:

Originally posted by nokia
I'm pretty sure A-Team and SMF re-encoded ESOTERiC's version

uh, i'm not so sure about that. have you seen part of A-Teams and ESO's? if you have I can't possibly imagine you thinking that. I know a lot can be done when you proper a release, but A-Team would've had to do a lot to get from eso's release to theirs. picture and sound are noticeably different.

Posted by Asterisk on 10-13-2002 06:17 PM:

Well, the framerate is still messed up, but it's definitely not a re-encode of ESOTERIC's, this one is more than likely from the original source. Watching the same scene side by side you can see that this one isn't cropped in any way and there isn't a blur where the 'B' is. The sound is a little better, like it's been put through a filter.

If you've already got one of the other releases don't bother with this.


Posted by The Booker Ma on 10-14-2002 01:26 AM:

Damn,wasn't the last smf release lilo and stich kickass proper?


Posted by billymcq2 on 10-16-2002 07:35 PM:

Looks watchable at least!


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