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Posted by DJD4566 on 11-29-2002 11:02 PM:

Does This Have The Full Ending ????? The Videocd release didnt and im not gonna bother with A-TEAM's

Posted by LiQuIdMuNkY on 11-30-2002 12:07 AM:


1,2,3,4,5,6 Hrmmm, 6 Releases of the same movie! If you ask me, this release was not necessary!

I dont know, whats a good sig?

Posted by Truman on 11-30-2002 12:38 AM:

Err moderator or wot? where did the posts go?
I thought we had a good rls BUT can u get it... NOPE not on any sites i know ??? WHY?

Posted by JcM AkA ViPER on 11-30-2002 12:58 AM:

keep ya eyes open, you'll see it

wanna see a good qual version, props for rlsing hafvcd

Posted by ChAdWiCk on 11-30-2002 03:29 AM:

RE: 6 releases, this one not neseccary

true there are 6 releases of this movie, however, i haven't none of them are any good. 5/5/7.5 something like 8 mile TS internal was pretty good, anyone know if any plans for a better wality rls of bond?


Posted by Aff on 11-30-2002 04:50 AM:



uti cam is best release in my eyes.

Posted by backoff on 11-30-2002 06:44 AM:

How can you diss an internal release..... internal means that it is for the group only, I think the quality is ok, nothing great, I am gonna wait for a screener myself because I saw the movie in theatres, but dont say anything about an internal release that wasnt meant for us leechers to get.

Posted by Chef on 11-30-2002 08:47 AM:

Ok, now please stop releasing further TS' of this movie.

Posted by MovieDownloader on 11-30-2002 12:08 PM:

I got the UTI cam, cause I thought you can rely on them for decent quality, but forget that, its awful compared to some of there others. Gonna try get this one instead.

Anyone know if this is actually a direct sound source, or is it another mislabeled cam.

Posted by SeeDee on 11-30-2002 03:06 PM:

Another bunch of useless wankers!!!

last 7 minutes of film missing. Honestly,what a bunch of twats, same with shock,et al

Posted by backoff on 11-30-2002 03:11 PM:

Another bunch of useless wankers!!!

last 7 minutes of film missing. Honestly,what a bunch of twats, same with shock,et al

OK you people probably dont know what internal means so i guess i will tell you. INTERNAL ISNT FOR YOU. It is for group members then it is leaked through one of them to you. You cant really say it sucks when it was never meant for you to see in the first place. So just shut up about it. Also you are getting all these movies that you think are so great, or not, for FREE so why dont you just give all the groups a break. Unless you start releasing perfect movies each time, usually before they come out then you need to shut the fuck up.

Posted by scottymac on 11-30-2002 03:47 PM:

Originally posted by SeeDee
Another bunch of useless wankers!!!

last 7 minutes of film missing. Honestly,what a bunch of twats, same with shock,et al

That's the kind of info I'm looking for, cheers!

What stinks?

Oh, it's just JC

Posted by SeeDee on 11-30-2002 04:04 PM:

no problem. there are a few of us here that give out quality related posts. Bunch of tossers in here, with the exception of a few

Posted by Neversoft on 11-30-2002 05:40 PM:


Absolutley right fella! There's too many ppl in these forums that post without having a clue what they're talking about, same with the scores... Maybe it's time some drastic steps were taken in here:

- PREVENT new members from posting or voting for two weeks after joining... Discourages ppl who sign-up just to be an arsehole.
- Ban the arseholes... At least they've gotta wait two weeks while the new account they setup "matures"

At least that way, members will think twice before they start flaming and talking shit. It also prevents people/groups from abusing the voting system.

Oh, I'd get the UTi version by the way folks: It's a little washed-out and hollow, but all of the others have bits missing.

Statistically... 9 out of 10 people actually enjoy gang rape.

Posted by DJD4566 on 11-30-2002 06:23 PM:

ok i dont give a fuck about quality i saw this in theaters does any release of this at all have the full fucking ending ?

Posted by VonRashniek on 11-30-2002 09:23 PM:

i got the repack of cd2, it has the ending, it was missin like 5-6 mins i think. they did put repack out the same night. i was lucky to get it b4 i d/l'ed the one missing scenes.

Opinions are like azzholes, everyones got one, and yours stinks.

Posted by Natural on 12-02-2002 09:48 PM:

news flash: the only reason crappy groups internal, is in a vain attempt to prove to their siteops that they can still rls, to avoid being dropped..

Posted by Natural on 12-02-2002 09:49 PM:

news flash: the only reason crappy groups internal, is in a vain attempt to prove to their siteops that they can still rls, to avoid being dropped..

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