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-- Secondhand Lions *XviD* - DVDRIP - DEiTY (

Posted by BIOHazard87 on 04-10-2007 07:00 AM:

Secondhand Lions *XviD* - DVDRIP - DEiTY

Based on a DVDRip XviD

V: 5 - SOO blurry and blocky, worst dvd release I've seen from a "scene" group. Its almost unwatchable. It desperately needed to be a 2 CD release. Its actually so bad, I'm going to go try to find another release.

A: 7 - MP3, doesn't sound that great but its clear

M: 9 - I liked it


K i just downloaded the movie by KaOs and it looks 1000x better. WAYYYY brighter and better colors, less blocky, less grainy, its still a 1CD release and it runs at a higher resolution, AND a higher bitrate then the deity release. The audio bitrate is a little lower but its well worth the sacrifice

Posted by LOLobo on 04-10-2007 04:34 PM:

WTF is the matter with you?

According to the front page, this release is over 3 years old.

Resurrect any more old threads and you'll be banned.

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