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-- The Medallion *Internal* *SVCD* - TELESYNC - TCR (
Nice Release
picture quality i give an 8, sound i give a 7 for hollowness of the sample i saw. I havent watched the whole release so I dont know if its like that throught the movie. TCR is doing a good job and I hope they keep it up and always find ways to make themselves better.
The Medallion *Internal* *SVCD* - TELESYNC - TCR
Based on the sample (there is no hissiing sound as per
the previous release)
TCR brings us another solid release!
8/8/? (will watch after SummerSlam tonight)
Video is nice - doesn't appear to be very cropped or blocky
and looks good full screen, and like i said sound is ALOT better
then the Logic rlz!
Keep up the great work TCR !! I know many people
appreciate it!
Full screen, no pixelation, excellent sound. I have to say this TS impressed me, and that is saying something. A MUST GET !!!
Doesn't appear to be very cropped???
It´s fullscreen, can´t get more cropped than that
To bad they didn´t stick to ws. Some nice releases so far from em.
Re: fullscreen
Originally posted by wesslan
Doesn't appear to be very cropped???
It´s fullscreen, can´t get more cropped than that
Wanting to pick this movie up , compaired the two releases and i though TCR's was way better. Colors are good , not blurry and sounded excellent. TCR ... another great job !
All the excitement of a trip to hell with none of the negitive side affects!
Well anyways..This group is unreal man, i dont know what else to say, accept if i was a woman id blow them all..Ok well, maybe i shouldnt have sed that lol..In another words, THEY ROCK..
Never seen TS's look this damn good, and if this keeps up, were all gonna get spoiled real quick..
Colors r all there as far as i can tell, and not cropped much to notice or complain about it..On the standalone it looked very nice, and couldnt see any heavy pixelation at all..
Audio a tad hollow, but overall its fine, no biggie..
(I dont expect perfection on TS's anway, so best to just rate a release according to what format it is, and not a DVDRip like most morons do)
Movie itself was good..How can ya not like Jackie ya know? (Altho, i love Jet Li way more)..Jackie just adds the humor and comical stuff to his action movies, where Jet is more serious about it)
I want, what they want..And every other guy, who came over here, and spilled his guts, and gave everything he had,ONCE! for our country to love us, as much as WE, love it..THATS WHAT I WANT!
Best release so far!
ts. rating 8/7/6.5
Keep'em coming tcr!!
I Love the smell of napalm in the morning
nice release,only bad comment is its slighly off centre,but sound is good and pic is good for a teleysync and for FREE so how can ya complain at that,good work tcr-can things get better?
ah nice quality HUUUUUUUge improvement from prior releases of course considering it's not subbed and well you know.....
video - 8.4
audio - 8.0
movie - 7 (wasn't that excited could have been better)
i'm converting it now to fit onto 1 disc it should come out very nicely since it's a nice version
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and a finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee
video 8, audio 7
They could have left the bloopers intact at the end since that is what everyone looks forward to at the end of every 'jackie chan' movie.
No bloopers? Damn. Looks good from the sample though. 8/8/X.
Saw this at the theaters. Then saw this release. Great sound and crystal clear video. However, heavilly cropped from the right and this appears to be the chiniese versin as a bit of it is dubbed.
Props go out to TCR for this one. But I would like to see another group come out with an actual US release and less cropped.
OMG, THIS RELEASE IS GREAT, 8 for video and 8 for sound, from the look of it i will say best TS i have ever seen, but i will comment on that after i have watched this tonight, but i think it should be PROPER KICKASS SVCD, because it looks sooooo much better than the Logistic one, even though that was not too bad, should not of been internal, thanks TCR
great release tcr video 8 audio 7 because it had some scratching sounds towards the end of cd1 and a little in cd2. okay movie
keep it up tcr!!
Nice TeleSynC release TCR i'm glad this internal was released to the public so far i think it's the best release of the movie, i'd give VIDEO QUALITY - 8 (just because its a Telesync) and AUDIO QUALITY - 6.8 (because it sounded alittle hollow) MOVIE RATING -
8 (it was pretty good...)
Keep the nice Telesyncs coming TCR
Very good quality as a whole. especialy clear with the video great with the sound only alittle bit of hissing thoughout the whole film.
only complaint it the women walking across the screen in disk one
quite pleased...
can't wait to see tcr in a few months...
8/7/36% leeching
Am I the only one missing the .rar file from the repack?
Solid release from TcR. Video is cropped, but very clear with good color. Audio is great for most of the movie. There are several times where you hear some static. You will also notice some women walk past in CD1, and some guy hurry past in Cd2, LOL. Very amusing. Keep up the good work TcR. I havent seen this in theatres, so i can't confirm that there were outtakes, but there are none at the end of this release.
Despite a greatly cropped picture and a couple of instances of crackling over the audio, this is a great quality release. Unforunately the film itself is utter poo and by far the worst movie i've seen this year. It hurts me to say this as i love Jackie Chan for what he has done in the past but this was just plain awful. That Claire Forlanis alright though aint her.
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