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Posted by jammi® on 11-22-2002 06:01 AM:


vcdq ur getting slow this is a great preDVD nice qual, pic and sound are great nice to see diff groups bringing us top quality dvdrips

pre'ed over 30min ago all races are over hehe

Posted by Swimj on 11-22-2002 06:23 AM:

good rip...

Posted by cann on 11-22-2002 06:29 AM:


TDC aka mirage grp for svcd did a fairly decent job i hope we see some more dank0 releases keep up the great work

Posted by [LdFg] on 11-22-2002 06:30 AM:

Judging from sample, very nice release.good video and good sound.But too bad the movie suked! 8/8/3

Posted by BENGEL on 11-22-2002 11:23 AM:

i'll give it a 7/8/3 by sample! video could be better!

Posted by sickdick on 11-22-2002 11:24 AM:

once more ppl judging by watching <1min of the sample
the movie sux, rip sux
jerky all the way through
like as though a 15year old did his first rip...

go away lamers ! :x

Posted by pHo on 11-22-2002 11:54 AM:

Re: xXx - DVDRIP - TDC

Originally posted by jammi®
pre'ed over 30min ago all races are over hehe

if u have to rely on a website for races, then you're the worst curry i've ever seen. vcdq is a listings of whats out. sometimes we get on pre, sometimes we get a bit later.. not happy with the speed? then go use your elite 0sec dupechecks, like we care


<Dwaggy> i caught you a delicious Bass
<The404> This is because you are an idiot

Posted by djkoolaide on 11-22-2002 02:32 PM:

nice one guys

now maybe you can manage to get minority report and rip it like it should be ripped?? hehe

Posted by {C} on 11-22-2002 05:47 PM:

looks like ass, that's IMO. doesn't look very clean at all, like a Star Wars Classic rip. 7/7/8

Posted by m-drew on 11-23-2002 12:23 AM:

Well im downloading it right now. Havent seen it yet, I just waited it out for the DVDRip, so ill watch it later tonight.

Sample looks decent though.

Posted by baseballplyr7 on 11-23-2002 02:22 AM:

great clear quality. another wanna-be group that wants to be TCF.

Posted by sweetsour on 11-23-2002 02:35 AM:

its not good, judge from whole movie not sample
besides it should be 3cd

Posted by opso on 11-23-2002 02:39 AM:

Again morons postin' to be lame, I actualy burned/Watched it on my standalone Quality is Flawless. So quit your bitchin cause you could have RFtA do it and then have to wait 2weeks with atleast 4 propers to go threw.

Posted by mathbob6 on 11-23-2002 05:23 AM:

Originally posted by opso
Again morons postin' to be lame, I actualy burned/Watched it on my standalone Quality is Flawless. So quit your bitchin cause you could have RFtA do it and then have to wait 2weeks with atleast 4 propers to go threw.

and still no good release of minority report!!! the video look awful on every single rip

Posted by brr8760 on 11-23-2002 03:42 PM:

Great rip, excellent quality. Normally, 3 CD is a must for quality, but this works well with 2.


November 2, 2004. America shoots itself in foot, re-elects Bush. Recovery to take decades. Stay tuned.

Posted by nine-volt on 11-25-2002 04:46 AM:


CD1 burned fine, looks fine. CD2 is too big. I had to cut out some of the credits to burn it onto a CD. Would of been a pain in the ass and very frustrating if I hadn't done it before.

I never expected a group to mess up like that, and it would leave most newbies clueless.

Posted by TheDiggler on 11-26-2002 07:08 AM:

Nice release but once again WHERE ARE THE SUBS!?!? I am also unclear about the previous post.

CD 1 = 79.50:45

CD 2 = 79:57:04

Poster gave the impression that an overburn past 80 min. is required.

Back to my orginal problem. SUBS. What is the problem? I mean it does not take much to figure out the movie has a separate sub track, not hard coded into the video. I also wish reviewers here would warn people!

Posted by Platinum on 11-26-2002 07:42 PM:

Tried to download it from several ftps now but at all file 26 of cd 2 stops at 2mb.. anyone else had that?

Posted by ShadowXXX on 11-27-2002 05:39 PM:


Could anyone please tell me if it's in AC3?


Posted by dcm386 on 11-28-2002 12:54 AM:

Originally posted by TheDiggler
CD 1 = 79.50:45

CD 2 = 79:57:04

Poster gave the impression that an overburn past 80 min. is required.

I finally got around to burning this (mostly cause i thoaught i was gonna have to cut it, and I was too lazy to check :P) I dunno WTF that guy was talking about. CD2 is definately 79:57:04 as you said.


Originally posted by neo_tokyo
i wonder who's teh retard here..

Posted by AmdMan on 12-05-2002 07:13 PM:

Great Release by TDC, The Video is Good and the Audio is fine as well, most will be happy watchin this action packed film. As for burnin the two discs, I had no problem with either one, the time on disc two was 79:57:04.


Quantity is nO SuBsitUte FoR QualItY, But is NiCe)

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