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Posted by Miller on 08-20-2004 01:15 AM:

nice rls of a shitty movie. video is nice a little dark. sound is great no complaints . don't see myself watching this one though just cuz its a chick flick


Straight out of karate Lessions, to register these hands as wepons!

Posted by vip3r on 08-20-2004 01:22 AM:

This has the EXACT same picture as the CAM, but with direct audio.

Picture is fuzzy, audio is nice and clear to me.


Posted by commiewhore on 08-20-2004 01:24 AM:

4.......same video as the cam, which was terrible
colors washed, slowdown, blocks.

7.......the audio is direct, so its better love for the movie really, no point in sequel

this is based off of cd1 completion

i cant even get to the 2nd disk for this terrible terrible movie.

Posted by Bazacko on 08-20-2004 02:12 AM:

yucky. the video is very bad, and although the audio is direct this time, I won't be downloading this POS.


Posted by Rep- on 08-20-2004 03:38 AM:

i wouldn't bother with this release... i wouldn't bother with the movie actually
okay if you must watch though...

:: Glad you like my sig so much Debo!

Posted by Debo on 08-20-2004 04:01 AM:

decent pic
good audio
shit movie
gay sig Rep


Posted by ou812 on 08-20-2004 04:06 AM:

Bad AR, compacted pic.
and looks like a lot of squares too.

Checkers anyone?

Posted by jp77 on 08-20-2004 04:31 AM:

it's not as bad as everyone say's it is .very watchable.and maVen hasn't released or plan on rlsing a copy of this


audio..7.5's a chick flick who cares

Posted by deano21 on 08-20-2004 05:37 AM:

ok realease pic a bitbbright good audio

5 / 8 /7

Posted by SwingLine on 08-20-2004 05:39 AM:

5/6/only watch sample

Posted by BLUE-NEO on 08-20-2004 07:11 AM:

no doubt the video is horrible, but the audio is nice. but sometimes you just have to have both, no matter how shitty the film is....

4 video needs to be flushed down the pot.
7 audio is direct and nice..
? haven't seen movie didn't even see part 1. but will pick up once a good telesync comes.
then I might rent part 1 and rip it.

Reality Is Only A State Of Mind...

Posted by TrV on 08-20-2004 09:52 AM:


Posted by Beanz on 08-20-2004 10:08 AM:

rls is a lil bright but is ok


Posted by jzmjr on 08-20-2004 12:39 PM:

not bad, video blurry, but audio is great.
i just hope the POT can somehow change their video ways, other than that they have the best audio. just need some work on their video.

Video: 5
Audio: 8
Movie: ?

Posted by 404notfound on 08-20-2004 01:21 PM:

I...I...I just cant believe it. I posted the rules AGAIN yesterday about people not bitching to each other and what do we get? MORE FUCKING BITCHING.


1 NO REQUESTING (This is obvious. Ask and get banned)

2 NO SLAGGING OFF OTHER USERS. I am fucking sick to death of people slagging each other off. Stick to rating the quality and note any problems you feel with the release. SLAG OFF OTHER USERS AND I WILL BAN YOU!

3 I do not want to hear any shit about "Ooooh. Where's Centropy/Video CD" or "I'll wait for Centropy/VIDEO CD"

4 IMPORTANT I want no... and i mean NO theories posted in any part of this site about who you believe maVen are. If i see it then you get an instant ban.

5 If you cant abide by the above rules. GET THE FUCK OUT. Nobody wants you here!

Also.. if you post about me posting the rules i'll delete your post and ban you.

Rate the quality of the release. THAT IS ALL! If somebody goes off topic and acts retarded don't slag them off.. I'll delete their post soon enough.

I'm as sick to death of posting these rules as you all are of reading them. Do us both a favour and sort yourselves out!


Posted by ill3st on 08-20-2004 02:06 PM:

nice job again POT, although the colour is a little vibrant, excellent sound though, but ill wait for a dvdrip of this b4 downloading the full thing,


Posted by BigFeat on 08-20-2004 11:47 PM:

Is this video watchable. Some members alluded to the video being very similar to that of a CAM and that it's just brighter, but still blurry. With that said is this not a mislabled rls? Can someone confirm whether the video source is the same and the audio has simply been modified? Thanks.

Posted by keam on 08-21-2004 02:48 AM:

Thumbs down princess diaries 2

just downloaded the movie. audio seems fine, but picture is very blocky and blurry and washed out. won't be watching this one, guess i'll have to wait for a better release.


Posted by vip3r on 08-21-2004 07:23 AM:

Same video, audio has been modified (direct audio - making it a TS), and this is not mislabeled.

Posted by Movie_Insider on 09-04-2004 03:56 PM:

picture was slightly out of focus and sound was off 6/6/5

Posted by qubit on 09-07-2004 10:38 AM:

Originally posted by jp77
it's not as bad as everyone say's it is .very watchable.and maVen hasn't released or plan on rlsing a copy of this


audio..7.5's a chick flick who cares

Why should maVen, or anyone else for that matter, bother releasing something clearly no one wants to see? Calling it a "chick flick" (in the way most people define the term) might be giving it more credit than it deserves. Can't say, cuz I ain't seen it, but I saw the first one. I think of it as a "manic-christian-aunt-flick," because my manically christian aunt loved the first one, saw it three times in the theater, and this is the woman who used to never see a movie cuz it was a "sin." Her rules have changed, somehow, but her taste has yet to develop. I can say without embarrassment that the first one was cute ... a little too cute, but not horribly bad. I'm stunned they made a sequel, but my aunt is thrilled. And, last, but not least because it is the reason I'm posting this in the first place, calling a film a "chick flick" is sooo lame. It's a cop-out for a person who doesn't want to have to think (that means using the brain) and/or feel (that means using the heart) while watching a movie. Sure, some films are just mushy and yucky, like a Harlequin Romance "novel" (nothing worse), but that doesn't mean women will like it. With that said, I'm sure I've broken all the posting rules since I'm not rating the movie; not going to d/l it either. I hope it didn't "slag" on anyone.


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