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Posted by Mystic Slippe on 11-14-2004 01:46 AM:

Same video source, MUCH better audio.

Sounds like a DTS disk, quality is lush.


Posted by THE_SAINT on 11-14-2004 01:50 AM:


well from wot i,ve seen so far like about 20 rars picture not bad sound very good so at mo rating 7/8 rate film once i havw watched all of it

Posted by wickedbull on 11-14-2004 02:03 AM:

video-6-its ok, little pixelation
audio-9-near perfect
movie-?-sample looked pretty gay though...

Posted by Truth on 11-14-2004 02:04 AM:

video same as before sound improved.
rated as TS on sample only
Video as before
Sound 7.5
be straight with there a little hiss in the background of this? I can hear it on my PC setup and the graphic equaliser line is not totally flat between talking ...

Posted by Mystic Slippe on 11-14-2004 02:12 AM:


Posted by bcool2k on 11-14-2004 02:20 AM:

Same CAM video source with DTS audio..Pic is cropped and grainy sound is nice of course. I'll wait a few more days for a possible better release..Props on the speed POT!!


Posted by Puma on 11-14-2004 02:36 AM:

film is quite grainy and cropped, however colours are quite good, pic seems pretty bright...

audio, very nice, hear no hiss as was mentioned....


nothing dulls glitter like vomit

Posted by Moloko_Plus on 11-14-2004 02:58 AM:

Originally posted by Truth
video same as before sound improved.
rated as TS on sample only
Video as before
Sound 7.5
be straight with there a little hiss in the background of this? I can hear it on my PC setup and the graphic equaliser line is not totally flat between talking ...

Sorry to butt in on this, I just noticed something about this "truth" guy:
You gave the audio a 7 on the cam version, and now this TS you're giving it a 7.5...Mystic is right, you are a troll.
I doubt you've even seen a sample personally..

Posted by commiewhore on 11-14-2004 02:59 AM:

video = 5 ....same as cam , cropped like hell top and bottom,
sides turned out a little better.

audio = 8 ....its dts...has to be

movie = 4/5 ....its terrible in the sense that it is, but i would give
it a 5 cause i like horror flicks even if they are b-rated

Posted by KillX3 on 11-14-2004 03:05 AM:

video quality is better than cam and sound is significantly better.


GTA Pimps --> Wanna Play?

Posted by THE_EVOLUTiON on 11-14-2004 03:11 AM:

Haven´t seen CAM but i doubt the video source is same (else it would be nuked mislabeled)

From TS Sample:

Video is ok, could be better but still is okay and shows us that POT is advancing into the right direction

Audio is clean

Overally a nice release for ppl who want to watch that flick right now

That´s my 2 C


Posted by StuDaPoo on 11-14-2004 03:15 AM:


same as above same quality, same video but sound it great now compared to cam release...

Same cam pic release but sound is now mint!!

Enjoy all...


Posted by Truth on 11-14-2004 03:17 AM:

bcool2k 8
commiewhore 8
KillX3 8
truth 7.5

Out of 6 reviews four of us are within .5 of a point of the same score...yeah so I must be wrong eh? Moloko your asskissing only serves to make you look like YOU have not seen the sample.

Posted by Moloko_Plus on 11-14-2004 04:29 AM:

Originally posted by Truth
bcool2k 8
commiewhore 8
KillX3 8
truth 7.5

Out of 6 reviews four of us are within .5 of a point of the same score...yeah so I must be wrong eh? Moloko your asskissing only serves to make you look like YOU have not seen the sample.

Riiight, those scores from bcool, commiewhore, killx3 are all of this new audio sourced one..Are you done bickering yet? The Original point I was making was that you gave Pot's cam version a 7 which has Lousy sound. Then this MUCH better (the best ive heard come from Pot actually) one you give only .5 of a score higher. By your standards, this one should be at least a 9 or even a 10.
I think you're kinda missing the point here..Whether im new to the game or not has nothing to do with your distorted rating system.
The Cam-sourced audio is about a 3 or a 4, this one is about a 7.5 i would say. Make sense now? Good.

Posted by vip3r on 11-14-2004 05:54 AM:

lol, more bitch fights. noone wants to read that shit. rate the movie and ignore it

Anyways, not the greatest vid quality, audio is fuckin nice though. Thanks POT, this will do until retail!


Posted by Carlitosbaby on 11-14-2004 07:53 AM:

Gotta Love how everyone comments without watching release half way thru cd#2 it desyncs making it a nuke. Hopefully Pot will repack cause wasnt a bad TS. As for movie they should have left Chucky dead


Posted by ^Om3n on 11-14-2004 09:25 AM:

I wish pot would stop wasting peoples time, i hate to bitch but really why release the cam when they must have an idea they are going to be releasing a ts with much better audio within 24hours. Seems like credit whoring to me.

Decent release, typical pot video very nice audio though (or so it seems so far). Pitty the movie is complete trash.

"Allen is having a small problem and needs help adjusting his additude" - Flutterby
"K meet of a the have we come in" - fisher @ SummaDayze '04, wtf?

Posted by Truth on 11-14-2004 10:23 AM:

Moloko_plus every time you open your mouth your making yourself look even more stupid m8.
I rated the first one AS A CAM the second one being a TS was RATED AS A TS...what part of that don;t you get?
The scores DO NOT correlate AT ALL!
Ones a TS, ones a CAM...they are BOTH rated using a different method you for "my distorted rating system" it is the system used by EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS BOARD. We know you may have special needs but VCDQ isn't the place for them
Cams are rated against other cams
TS rated against other TS
not against each other...
I mean if the cam was released as a TS it would get a 2 for sound because the sound comapred to other TS's would be very very poor indeed...but rated against other cams it obviosuly scores higher as the general standrds of sound are lower in a cam..
right now I have finished shcooling you on how to vote is there anything else you would like to know?
p.s. sorry to everyone for having to read this but the lad had to be told how the rating system works. back away from the keyboard MOLOKO_PLUS

p.s. gotta love Carlito's baby saying nuke for sound then scoring the sound a *9*

Posted by CanadianGuy on 11-14-2004 10:31 AM: guys are killing me!

Posted by sportsfan99 on 11-14-2004 10:46 AM:

Originally posted by Moloko_Plus
The Original point I was making was that you gave Pot's cam version a 7 which has Lousy sound. Then this MUCH better (the best ive heard come from Pot actually) one you give only .5 of a score higher. By your standards, this one should be at least a 9 or even a 10.
I think you're kinda missing the point here..Whether im new to the game or not has nothing to do with your distorted rating system.
The Cam-sourced audio is about a 3 or a 4, this one is about a 7.5 i would say. Make sense now? Good.

This version has better audio because it's a TS. And when Truth gave the rating they even said they were rating as a TS NOT a Cam. It's been said before that some people rate em separately and others rate em on one general scale. To each their own. So just chill out and just rate and review the damn movie based on your own rating system.

From scanning through:

6/9 (as a TS)/?

Video's got a weird flow to it, but it's definitely watchable. It does go a lil out of sync halfway through cd 2 but it don't seem nothing major to me. It gets back into sync towards the end.

Posted by Miller on 11-14-2004 03:22 PM:

Originally posted by THE_EVOLUTiON
Haven´t seen CAM but i doubt the video source is same (else it would be nuked mislabeled)

no its the same video source with a diffrent audio source, that makes it a TS.


Video is same as cam,its nice for the source, audio is great nice full sound, sounds like Dts source.

CD2 was nuked for REASON-cd2.desynched
i watched a few rar's of CD2 i diden' notice much but oh well!!

Straight out of karate Lessions, to register these hands as wepons!

Posted by jboi2k04 on 11-14-2004 09:35 PM:

so stupid

the 'video' is EXACTLY the same on the CAM and the TELESYNC release, yet for some reason people are rating the telesync 1 or 2 point higher. the sound is MUCH better. but the picture is the same and anyone who doesn`t agree, didn`t download the right one.

Posted by Da Postman on 11-14-2004 09:40 PM:

There isn't a need to NUKE this, I've downloaded the whole thing and check out CD2, I can't find anything out of sync, then again, maybe I missed some and it's only temporary. The video isn't bad and the sound is good. For a TS, it is decent, compared to a POT CAM, you know it rocks. Some scenes do seem grainy, but for free, come on guys, lets be happy POT is starting to TS more. This is what we asked for all summer, they're giving it to us and you know it they have to get better with time.


Posted by keam on 11-14-2004 10:06 PM:

good job not bad watchable good guys are getting better


Posted by Knightmare on 11-15-2004 03:17 AM:

I have to agree, POT is getting much better with their TS and the cam video quality overall is nice also. I watched the whole thing and didn't notice the audio desynch so it must have been short or I was really tired. Anyway,overall very watchable I give an 8/8/7 (the movie did have some humurous parts if your into campy stuff)

Posted by BHX on 11-15-2004 04:43 AM:

Video: 5
Audio: 9
Movie: 5

Movie had it's moments, liked the acid part but nothing special overall. Some of it was corny as buggery and didnt really add much to the Child's Play series what-so-ever....yet again neither did Bride of Chucky.

Hullo Hullo, We Are The Rangers Boys!

Posted by joey_75051 on 11-16-2004 02:27 PM:


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