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Posted by Surfsnake2 on 03-13-2005 11:07 AM:


Why even release, ffs, this looks like a damn sandstorm, audio is listenable, but honestly, there is a fucking sand storm between the camera and the picture
Thats me throwing up

Robots.TS-ORACLE got released 1h 30m 21s ago [NUKED]


Posted by xXRomeoXx on 03-13-2005 11:15 AM:

8/6/?? nice rip

Posted by fellatio on 03-13-2005 06:34 PM:

crap video ..... oracle you shoulda kept this one to yourselves.
worst vid qual ive seen for a long time.
dont bother with this wait for something you can watch

Posted by galekyja on 03-13-2005 07:15 PM:

hmmm quite good, but the picture seems a bit grey to me....

from sample:

v 7
a 8
m ?

Posted by jhonizzle on 03-13-2005 07:19 PM:

the grain makes it look like it's an old claymation movie...


Posted by lickmyzack on 03-13-2005 07:22 PM:

WOW, over the years I very rarely post something that is not related to the quality of a release, and I don't think i've ever posted something without seeing it first, but I had to comment on this one...
WTF is "Nuked:"

If it's a Dupe label it a nuked as a Dupe... nuking it and labeling it like that just make you sound like a f'n 12 year old who has no clue what he's doing.... and make sure if your gonna nuke it for being a dupe that you actually have the original listed... there's no reason for Robots.Internal.ts-STN to not be listed on here as a release for reviewing.. after all it is Internal so it's been labeled properly....

God this site just continues to go straight downhill.... maybe the average age of the people who run this site is 12..... who knows


Posted by devnullusr on 03-13-2005 07:37 PM:

Originally posted by xXRomeoXx
8/6/?? nice rip

You must have looked at another movie or just going for postcount to get yourself past 10 maybe your age ?

Sound is no way TS bad sound picture is a 3 at best sound is around the same it's going to be a good movie just have to wait for a decent copy.

Nice try guys but better luck next time

Posted by Redemption198 on 03-13-2005 07:39 PM:

Originally posted by xXRomeoXx
8/6/?? nice rip

Your kidding right, this is horrible, sound is terrible, tinny and hissing, and the video is dull and is so dark and grainy it looks like ur watching through some sort of mesh.


Posted by krazyfoo on 03-13-2005 07:50 PM:

lickmyzack.. uh... stfu? ;D

maybe you shouldnt come to vcdq for your accurate nuke info? ever think of that..

and just cuz that STN internal isnt listed on here doesnt mean a damn thing tbh.. so hold your horses and stop showing how little access you have. with vcdq as your main dupecheck ... who cares what the damn nuke says?

ill agree its a rather long nuke.. but as far as being a dupe... the STN was internal. meaning it wasnt for trade in the true sense of the word.. so the nuke points out the many reasons its a shit rls nuked mainly for quality . adding the fact that another group knew how shit it was and label'd internal..

NFO Jones stole my bike

Posted by lickmyzack on 03-13-2005 08:06 PM:

Originally posted by krazyfoo
lickmyzack.. uh... stfu? ;D

and just cuz that STN internal isnt listed on here doesnt mean a damn thing tbh.. so hold your horses and stop showing how little access you have. with vcdq as your main dupecheck ... who cares what the damn nuke says?

Puhleeze.... don't even start on access...
Hostage.SVCD.TS-SAOSiN pre'd 35 minutes ago...
i'll be done with it in 10

sometimes I do like to visit VCDQ to check out the reviews on things before I waste time and bandwidth grabbing them... and there have been plenty of things sheep nuked here for no good reason other than someone is trying to suck someones "D"

you do however have a few..... very few posters who are reliable when it comes to posting on quality.. so you do serve some purpose for all who can read through the B.S. these days.


Posted by krazyfoo on 03-13-2005 08:21 PM:

wow. i aer impressed ..

but seems you skipped over my point. *CLAPS* .. guess its cuz i was right?

and if you got such wicked access.. why do you refer to vcdq for your listing of internals?. gimme a break. we dont list a 1/10 of the stuff that gets pre'd..

and of those.. how many of the internals that get pre'd do you think we list?. i pj33r your access but please.. LICK MY ZACK.

and let me be proper and stuff.. and say this rls is shit. \o/

NFO Jones stole my bike

Posted by qwertyu on 03-13-2005 09:31 PM:

I give credit for the speed, that's 'bout it, period.

Audio: 2
Video: 2
Movie: N/A


Posted by speck on 03-13-2005 11:18 PM:

Originally posted by lickmyzack
Puhleeze.... don't even start on access...
Hostage.SVCD.TS-SAOSiN pre'd 35 minutes ago...
i'll be done with it in 10

If you're so "deep" in the "scene" why is it you think the vcdq staff does the nuking?

Posted by derby on 03-14-2005 12:20 AM:

sound ok but like watching through a blizzard

Posted by al-d on 03-14-2005 06:44 AM:

look out for the screener

hey just grab the spanish screener of robots the quality is a 8 and just add the english audio from this one to the spanish screener, now thats quality. It aint posted here cause its in spanish but it does exist i hope a release group can get a hold of it and add the dts english audio.

Where is maVen - SAOSIN - VideoCD and CenTroPy.

Posted by andymids on 03-14-2005 09:51 AM:

I Agree Its Like Being In A Sandstorm 3/6/?

Posted by bcool2k on 03-14-2005 10:16 AM:



basically says it all stolen video and god awful audio.. I'll wait for a better release.. Thanx but no thanx..

Posted by bcool2k on 03-14-2005 10:25 AM:

Originally posted by lickmyzack
Puhleeze.... don't even start on access...
Hostage.SVCD.TS-SAOSiN pre'd 35 minutes ago...
i'll be done with it in 10

sometimes I do like to visit VCDQ to check out the reviews on things before I waste time and bandwidth grabbing them... and there have been plenty of things sheep nuked here for no good reason other than someone is trying to suck someones "D"

you do however have a few..... very few posters who are reliable when it comes to posting on quality.. so you do serve some purpose for all who can read through the B.S. these days.


LMFAO.. No one gives a fuck all about your axx and please...I only post on quality.
And it doesnt take a genius to figure out who has been posting quality reviews longer.. um MY 870 to YOUR 75.

I have been Neck deep in the scene since b4 u were even born.

I think VCDQ does a fine job of making a thread for a new pre. Of course it's NOT gonna be listed the sec it pres. LMFAO. Obviously there is NO need since WE L33T peeps or U supposedly have instant axx. We have the luxury of checking samples and select rars long b4 it spreads. Give the staff time to list. Alot of the people do rely on places like VCDQ to get accurate info on a particular release so that they can go and download it from there favorite source.
I visit vcdq when i'm too lazy to download the sample or sometimes just for a good laugh, but u dont even wanna talk to me about who has better axx.. Its posts like yours that keep my blood flowing.

In my opinion, it Should have been Nuked: stolen source and not for its quality misgivings, but why dont u stop wasting ppls time and take it up with NewkNet..
Oh and goodluck by the way.. I'll just call u MR. AXX from NOW ON I'll give u a trial on my TOP site and we'll see just how good u are. If u can find me!!

As for the release. Pure shit start to finish. cropped, fuzzy, inaudible and just a plain shame to watch.. With groups like Centropy, SAOSIN and even COBRA giving it there all these days...There is NO place for this release. Should have been internal or NEVER released PERIOD!!

Posted by Madmax on 03-14-2005 12:48 PM:

This reminds me of the early days, anyone remember how bad the first rip of The Grinch was.....haha


AOL member since 1998

Posted by Dark12345 on 03-14-2005 02:49 PM:


Is this a completely new TELESYNC or is it the STN/ORACLE TS?


Posted by HellStorm on 03-14-2005 03:58 PM:

Hey guys I've been comming to this site for a while now reviewing quality of realeases to help decide if stuff is worth bandwidth. These threads (correct me if I am wrong/flameaway) are for rating movies and stateing why you rate them this way. Not p!ssing matches over access. I may be wrong here, but if I am right please lets stick to the format. No offence to anyone here.

P.S. By the reviews here I wont be spending any bandwidth for these releases


Originally posted by xXRomeoXx
8/6/?? nice rip

given the rest of the reviews here I'm sure that that was a joke guys, sense of humor eh?

::EDIT:: I agree 100%! Look what happens when we don't post the rules in comments threads - Neversoft::

Posted by lickmyzack on 03-14-2005 06:47 PM:

Well all the pissing aside Robots.SVCD.TS-SAOSiN just pre'd so let's hope it's as good as Hostage...

This release was pretty bad... but the kiddies still watched it.

Props for speed



Posted by fluffinator on 03-15-2005 05:33 PM:


hmmm, well, first off this is nuked, and finally for good reason.

video = 2 (with a 2% margin of error)
audio = 5 (gotta love that hiss, is this a cam or what?)

movie, well, i couldn't make it past a few mins of this garbage.

/begin rant

Now, i must ask, seeing as this release is complete and utter crap, WTF ARE PEOPLE GIVING IT 7 and 8 ratings for video?

People like that, who just post to have their names appear on the first page of reviews ruin this site for everyone.

People come in, check the reviews, well the first 10 that is, then go and get the release according to our opinions.

Now we have complete morons posting without even seeing a sample!!!! There is no way you could see a sample of this release and give it anything higher then maybe a very generous 4.

PS for the MODS, maybe all of us should work together to get these people out of these forums, as well as the jackasses fighting over their "wikkid 1337 access"

grow up kiddies, we all know you have no access and you leech from your mommies basement, keep your bitch fights to pms and stop polluting this site.

/end rant

And it appears Burt Reynolds has changed his name to Turd Furgeson.

That's right, it's a funny name

Posted by fluffinator on 03-15-2005 05:40 PM:

Originally posted by Madmax
This reminds me of the early days, anyone remember how bad the first rip of The Grinch was.....haha


ummm, do you think the grinch was the early days? I mean, yeah i haven't been posting here for too long, cause mostly i don't have to , i usually come here to give a real opinion on these releases, like a select few of the posters here.

But dude, the grinch is in now way the old days, now if you wanna talk about getting releases rar by rar off a newsgroup or an oldschool BBS, then we can talk early days

And it appears Burt Reynolds has changed his name to Turd Furgeson.

That's right, it's a funny name

Posted by J Fresh on 03-15-2005 09:29 PM:

Originally posted by Dark12345

Is this a completely new TELESYNC or is it the STN/ORACLE TS?


well it says divx5 so it's not a scene rele.....wait.... FASTSCENE? lol oh man been awhile since they rls'd Elektra lol.


Posted by kiddsilk69 on 03-15-2005 10:33 PM:

What can I say this release looks like utter shit

Video- felt like someone was pissing in my eyes'

Sound- annoying hissing sound'

Movie- didnt get pass the first 20 mins'

Dont waste the bandwidth

Posted by venmax5 on 03-17-2005 02:17 PM:

V- 2
M-? (couldnt watch...that bad of quality)

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