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Posted by X69 on 06-29-2005 04:44 AM:










Posted by weedchemist on 06-29-2005 04:51 AM:

rls from offend?

just got done with that rls, and it is good, but cam.. a few coughs, but really decent audio, the movie surprised me, i didnt expect it to have any twist and turns, and it does, but id rather watch 3 original episodes any day, dont feel as ive wasted my time either... oh yeal the motion blur on this rls is well crazy, but the film is 2/3 or more low action shots... either way


Posted by bobbish on 06-29-2005 05:40 AM:

from sample:

video - pic is kinda bright. looks clear enough though & don't see any signs of over cropping, things seem centered - definately watchable.

audio - sounds somewhat canned and there's an annoying noise through it - but the voices are still audible. sound effects though (like when she taps her ear) seem to get lost in the noise.

overall looks good enough for watching through.


Posted by bcool2k on 06-29-2005 06:47 AM:

Definitely NOT an SVCD TS. Sound is decent but NUKED on most sites as a mislabeled, NO group tag CAM job. Thanx but NO thanx!!

Posted by anonymous_use on 06-29-2005 09:28 AM:

Is this the repack by oFFEND?

Is this the repack by oFFEND? It sure does look like it. I'v played them both at the same time, one on my standalone, and one on the puter, and they both look like the same video,ie. motion blur, cig burns. And both have the coughing in the same spots. So either this group stole the audio and got an identical video, or this is the oFFEND repack release without the name. Don't know why they wouldn't post here with a name, unless, and no flaming intended at all, since they release on b*tt*****t sites they aren't considered sceneworthy. Don't know but something is definitely amiss here.

EDIT:: Whoops, forgot to vote


Posted by lozman on 06-29-2005 10:13 AM:

not a TS but deff one of the best cams ever


Posted by geoffbob30 on 06-29-2005 10:41 AM:

as said already don`t think its a ts but a very good cam looks a lot better on a stand alone

a/4 as a ts

Posted by CANES1 on 06-29-2005 10:53 AM:

Could someone clue me in as to why this release has no group listed for it. Maybe X69 released it? Is that why he in one of his rare posting appearances posted the rules instead of the usual people who do that.

Posted by XCheMiCal on 06-29-2005 11:33 AM:

Nice quality I don't know if its TS but its good. Thats the only reason for nuking, but nuking for no group tag is a invalid nuke.

hah- kids want violence- get them sick of it at a young age, then they won't be looking for it when they're older- providing them with panzy-ass kangaroos and other shit like that just makes them want to beat the shit outta the homos that make it..... well maybe the kids dont, - but i sure as hell do!
From {Kangaroo Jack - TELESYNC - ESOTERiC}

Posted by XCheMiCal on 06-29-2005 11:34 AM:

Originally posted by CANES1
Could someone clue me in as to why this release has no group listed for it. Maybe X69 released it? Is that why he in one of his rare posting appearances posted the rules instead of the usual people who do that.

maybe its ind? or group don't want credit for it.

hah- kids want violence- get them sick of it at a young age, then they won't be looking for it when they're older- providing them with panzy-ass kangaroos and other shit like that just makes them want to beat the shit outta the homos that make it..... well maybe the kids dont, - but i sure as hell do!
From {Kangaroo Jack - TELESYNC - ESOTERiC}

Posted by Davy on 06-29-2005 12:58 PM:

Video - 8/10 pretty superb, Although perhaps a tad yellow/orange-y. and not too hot on bright text (opening and ending credits only, so no harm there).

Audio - 7/10 i'm pretty certain this is a TS, just not filtered all that good, hiss' in some areas, out of sync in others (8mins and 48mins on CD1, for a few seconds each, none on CD2 that i could see). No coughing that i heard as mentioned elsewhere so addimant its direct audio.

Overall, a worthy release, the audio issues are not major, and video that doesn't flicker makes a change from the last couple of weeks.

Movie - not that good, watchable once, probably a 6/10, Nicole Kidman is hot. Will Ferrell is his usual self, Nice to see the reporter from Bruce Almighty in another flick.

Posted by mattmatt02 on 06-29-2005 02:04 PM:

cant see why the group woudnt want credit for this, its quite a fine release.

again, unsure whether cam or ts but

8/8/will watch after download

guess ill be getting this one as STN wernt really up-to-par with the last one...

thanks to whoever released it

Posted by 404notfound on 06-29-2005 02:59 PM:

Originally posted by CANES1
Could someone clue me in as to why this release has no group listed for it. Maybe X69 released it? Is that why he in one of his rare posting appearances posted the rules instead of the usual people who do that.

The rules are now posted automatically every time a new release is added instead of a member of staff doing it so x69's rule post will always be the first post you see from now on.


Posted by fluffinator on 06-29-2005 04:14 PM:

Hmm, i'm still up in the air if this isa TS or a CAM.

One thing is for sure, the blurring/ghosting is bad in some spots, but most of the movie is slow paced so you won't really be affected, was fine on my stand alone.

Much easier to watch then the other release listed here.

I can't guess why no one tagged this one, it's twice as good as the other, watchable, but subpar for most TS's as of late.

6-good but needed either less encoding, or a better lense
6-i didn't hear any coughing, jsut a lsight hiss when turned up loud.
7- good flick, funnier than it had to be. Ferrel can do no wrong with me.

Movie - not that good, watchable once, probably a 6/10, Nicole Kidman is hot. Will Ferrell is his usual self, Nice to see the reporter from Bruce Almighty in another flick.

that would be Steve Corell from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and he is a genius. If you look closesly, there's actually 3 cast memebers of the Daily Show in this movie.

If you got the STN release, i feel bad for you, hope you didn't burn it. Grab this one

PROPS to the almighty unknown releaser

And it appears Burt Reynolds has changed his name to Turd Furgeson.

That's right, it's a funny name

Posted by bryehn on 06-29-2005 05:24 PM:

wow, another "mysterious" iND release shows up at a torrent site :P

i don't think this trend is going away, there's alot of people that encode stuff as a hobby, or way to learn.

i'm really suprised to see this homebrew stuff listed here.

the sample i just looked at seemed really heavily filtered, over bright and over coloured. not too bad of an a/r. watchable for sure.

at least it's multipass vbr, and the SVCD would have been justified if that sound wasn't so ass like.

reminds me of handi-jack sound...with a shit input on the cam.

sound makes it unenjoyable IMO, will wait for another


Am I the only one missing the .rar file from the repack?

Posted by SaabZ on 06-29-2005 05:49 PM:

Hmm ts or cam i say its a cam as i have never heard a ts sound so hollow like this

Rating as a ts


Posted by mattmatt02 on 06-29-2005 08:43 PM:

Originally posted by bcool2k
Definitely NOT an SVCD TS.

ok maybe its 'definately' not a ts but how can it definately not be an svcd? just download it yourself and check it lol!

anyway, its the best one out so grab it

Posted by Zombie Jesus on 06-29-2005 08:53 PM:

from the sample it sounds like the audio was taken from a drive-in. the picture is overly bright too.

There is nothing to be afraid of.....except super aids

Posted by BiggD23 on 06-29-2005 09:16 PM:

This release: 7/7/? (will watch full release later)

I agree with Zombie Jesus...may very well be drive-in sound.

Originally posted by fluffinator
that would be Steve Corell from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and he is a genius.

If he's a genius at least spell his name's Steve Carell. And he was great in Anchorman too...

Posted by DBXfirefly on 06-29-2005 10:48 PM:

from sample..looks sweet

Posted by Jrobi7114 on 06-30-2005 07:22 PM:

Group ???


Posted by Mollins on 07-01-2005 09:44 PM:

hmmm, not the best TS ive seen

Audio - 4 WAY too quiet
Video - 6 too bright, and orange tinted
Movie - 7 tis ok, nothin excellent though


Posted by DocVW on 07-02-2005 03:34 AM:

After watching full release on big screen:

Video quite bright and visisted the pixel palace quite a few times.

Audio was as mentioned, very tinny-hollow-echoy, quite annoying but you could listen to it.

Rating on full release:

M:8 Decent remake with good casting.

Posted by Fordirelifesa on 07-03-2005 06:20 PM:

The sound did seem sort of like a CAM, but it was still very good. Video is really good, a little too bright, and noticeable angle. Best release that I've seen, I suggest picking this up.


Return to the womb (new life).

Posted by acme420 on 07-04-2005 01:44 AM:

from sample.

video very bright colors are oversaturated, its watchable i give it a 7.

audio is hollow, sounds like a cam i havent heard any laughing in the background but still pretty hollow. i give it a 5

movie i havent watched it yet. ill let you know later .


eat me balls!!

Posted by BLUE-NEO on 07-04-2005 04:10 AM:

This is a good release...colors got back and forth about twice in the film also the contract jumps a few times...overall looks great on t.v. I watched full release....

8/8/7 movie was actually good.

Reality Is Only A State Of Mind...

Posted by verse on 07-04-2005 12:32 PM:


Is this the repack by oFFEND?
Is this the repack by oFFEND? It sure does look like it. I'v played them both at the same time, one on my standalone, and one on the puter, and they both look like the same video,ie. motion blur, cig burns. And both have the coughing in the same spots. So either this group stole the audio and got an identical video, or this is the oFFEND repack release without the name. Don't know why they wouldn't post here with a name, unless, and no flaming intended at all, since they release on b*tt*****t sites they aren't considered sceneworthy. Don't know but something is definitely amiss here.

I smell MPAA? keke

Posted by T2U on 07-07-2005 03:47 AM:

Very good quality..looks great on tv...sounds not to wasnt to bad either....8/7/7.5

Posted by yukichigai on 07-09-2005 02:35 PM:

Meh, okay

Certainly could be worse, but not too horrible.

Video: 6

It's not unwatchable, not by any means, but whoever had the camera didn't know how to prevent it from auto-adjusting contrast between scenes. The best example is the credits right at the beginning; I was only able to read them as they faded out, for a span of about a half-second. It also makes the film seem a little blurrier. The cropping on it is mostly unnoticable, though there's minor screen distortions at the top corners; the camera position must have been towards the front of the theater. Motion blur -- that lovely symptom of recording a 23.976fps film with a 25fps cam -- is a bit worse than most releases due to the contrast issue.

Audio: 5

My rating is based on the assumption that it's a true TS, though the audience sounds seem to indicate that it isn't. There's a constant hum sound throughout parts of the film, particularly towards the end. The sound comes out tinny with very little bass, though this is to be expected from Cam audio. A few times I had trouble understanding the quieter lines, but this was very rare. 95% of the time the audio was perfectly audible and understandable, if tinny.

Movie: 7

I didn't really hate it, but I didn't really like it either. There were a lot of funny bits in the film -- easy to do with Will Ferrel in the flick -- but the plot was really badly executed. The basic premise was pretty good, but there was far too much time spent on little side-jaunts and setting up later events that the really good part of the film was only in the last 20 minutes of it. If there'd been less time concentrating on wacky setups -- oh, and some freakin' explanations of what the hell was going on with Aunt Clara and "rewind" and all that -- and more wacky witchery then I think the film would have turned out much better. It certainly wasn't a performance problem; everyone carried off their roles great. Just in a "this is a badly-written script" way.

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