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I haven't seen this copy (and I can't see a jpg or anything, since vcdquality doesn't have one at the moment), but this probably is a reencode or from the same source of Dopamine.LiMiTED.DVDSCR.XViD-DVL [01.28] which was slightly cropped, but otherwise had great color and the like.
:: kept in for hilarity purposes only.
This is a good dvdscreener and a well overlooked movie..I had to download the trailer from imdb. And its looks great. So I downloaded the full dvdscreener..nice quality.
Reality Is Only A State Of Mind...
Thumbs Up
I found this film the most satisfying and entertaining romantic drama I've seen in quite some time. Which is quite a compliment because I don't especially like the genre. There's a reason this movie earned such rave reviews at Sundance last year.
Dopamine-- the neurotransmitter responsible for our experience of love and pleasure-- functions as the film's leitmotif. Almost novelistic in its attention to detail, its artistic symmetry, and depth of character, Dopamine explores the mysteries of human connection, largely through an incipient romance between two people, each for their very own reasons, dubious and leery of love's promise.
The movie, at a few unfortunate moments, descends into bathos and is further marred by some extraneous, undeveloped plot lines that seem artificial, appendages designed to expand a short into feature length. Still, for a first-time film maker the movie is an impressive accomplishment.
Of course it's DVD Screener so the video and audio quality speaks for itself. Would that all releases enjoyed this clarity and resolution.
Hey, Jack, you toady for the grasping, rapacious animals who run Hollywood: I'd have paid to watch this movie, you myopic prick, if you'd made it available to me.
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