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Posted by porco556 on 01-26-2005 06:23 AM:

Getting this now... Man, I am scared though. How do you only get a 3730kbit/sec bitrate on a movie which is 123 mins long (the NFO is wrong in its length) and no extras? You can have a half a gig of extras with that kind of bitrate. Could have had a movie only + menu at 4400kbit/sec no problem.

I'll edit this post with more constructive comments when I actually get the full thing.


Usually Replica does great work, but this one was a bit off. In this case they added 300 megs of casting... Add that to a 350 meg menu and you've got not too much left for the movie.

3700 megs on the movie which is 123 mins long. Well, video kind of looks like Ray. And that was "OK" IMO... But this is a chick flick, so you probably won't notice as you'll be asleep

Only gripe is, why keep the casting... Those 300 megs would have been better elsewhere. Would it of done much of a difference? Well, maybe... It's ~10% picture quality improvement those 300 megs.

DVD-R 7/10 - If they kept deleted scenes, or something more constructive, that would have been nice. And nothing wrong with no extras at all.

Video 7.5/10 - Looks like Ray video. Sometimes great. Sometimes not. Overall, could have been better. Maybe a 9/10 at best though as I think the original retail won't look too hot either.

It is a one time watcher, so this is good enough IMO.

Posted by cfm on 02-01-2005 12:52 AM:

I'd get an ear full if I fell asleep during one of "her movies".... But I enjoyed this one so No-Doze weren't needed in this case.

Yes, the casting left on was kinda pointless....I would rather have seen something else left on.


Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Posted by kaja on 06-21-2005 12:01 PM:


I'm sory.How to download this movie???

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