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-- Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix *XViD* - TELESYNC - ViSUAL (

Posted by X69 on 07-18-2007 04:46 AM:











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Posted by sigboss on 07-18-2007 04:52 AM:

So much time since it opened and still no decent ones incl this one. slightly better than the others, but better off waiting for better.


Posted by ONESUN on 07-18-2007 05:23 AM:

::Post edited because it was in all caps::

Posted by eboskie1 on 07-18-2007 07:05 AM:

Judging from sample it looks watchable, but it looks dark and the colors are bland also blurry to some extent. Sound doesnt sound that bad, its tolerable.

Based on TS:

Movie: Hope its good


After watching most of cd1 I would say if you want to watch this movie dont get this copy. Its cropped on the sides and you cant
hardly see anything when theres a black background, but the audio is good.

Posted by crudman on 07-18-2007 07:06 AM:

Originally posted by sigboss
So much time since it opened and still no decent ones incl this one. slightly better than the others, but better off waiting for better.


Unless someone can find a proper reason, it probably won't happen. The xvid TS is out that only leave a SVCD TS, and SVCD is typically lower in quality.
There might be an internal if you are lucky.
You could wait for the dvdrip, but thats likely to take a year

Anyway, the sample of this looks ok, I've seen worse, although I've seen better too.

Posted by Dan39 on 07-18-2007 07:06 AM:

video 5
audio 6
movie 9

video is blurry at times and pretty dark throughout most of the movie. there are a lot of scenes that are hard to make out because they are too dark. audio was decent most of the movies. got worse at some points.

the movie itself was pretty good. others better i think(right now). gonna have to watch again with better quality.

Posted by T2U on 07-18-2007 07:16 AM:

well first the good news..its the best version out at the moment..better then the cam versions but not by leaps and cropped to the left..colors are washed out..and its very dark..hard to see the dark scenes which there are alot of...the sound is the best thing about this gonna wait and hopefully a better TS will arrive V-6..A-8..M-?

Posted by pjfan0281 on 07-18-2007 07:48 AM:

Originally posted by crudman

There might be an internal if you are lucky.
You could wait for the dvdrip, but thats likely to take a year

what planet you on? dvd rips usually take anywhere from 2-3 months from theatre release. i would expect this in 3 months, but hope a nice tc comes along =)


Posted by swimj on 07-18-2007 08:00 AM:

unwatchable way overcropped, quality is pretty awful...

After almost a 6 year hiatus I'm back!

Back for the 2k7 Holla! <3 all the old mods and the former mod VCDz who got banned!

Posted by yukichigai on 07-18-2007 08:07 AM:

Originally posted by crudman
Unless someone can find a proper reason, it probably won't happen.
Based on what I've seen I think a proper for excessive crop might fly. You might also be able to make a case for bad deinterlacing. More on that in a sec...

Video - 3: Washed out. Excessive left crop, and probably some unneeded bottom and top crop as well. Dark stuff comes through looking really, really bad, almost impossible to distinguish the substance from the blackness at times. (Title sequence and opening bit with the... umm... wraith things, whatever, are good examples) Now, as for the deinterlacing thing I mentioned above, this release suffers from worse-than-usual motion blur. Why? Because every frame has a double image. If you advance the video frame-by-frame in a scene with any motion whatsoever you will see double and even triple images in the video. That cannot be from the camera; that is a post-processing issue. What it looks like to me is that the source video was interlaced with a simple weave pattern, but instead of reversing the weave ViSUAL decided to blend the frames for whatever reason. Blend deinterlace gives you blur and double images, and couple that with the existing motion blur present on pretty much every cam or TS out there you get... well you get the unwatchable crap we have here. I have seen MORE unwatchable, but not by much.

Audio - 6: It does the job okay. A little distorted on the high pitched stuff, but what's worse is the background hum present. It's slight, but enough that you can pick it out in the silent scenes. (Especially if you watch with headphones) All the speech is understandable though, and the music comes through... mostly. Mono sound as well, though most TS and even R5 Line audio seems to be mono anymore.

Movie - ?: I had to stop watching because I couldn't tell what was going on half the time. I didn't even make it through the first disc. Seemed entertaining though, what little of it I saw.

Bottom line: Wait for an R5, an internal release, or a Proper from some group that actually knows how to post-process a video source. Watching this release is like trying to see the movie screen through a fishtank half-full of muddy water while drunk.

Posted by Horton on 07-18-2007 08:26 AM:

V. 3


I would say this is poor and to hold off for a nice russian or a 20th release. this is pure garbage through and through, major focus issues for one.

6 - pretty shit, bassless...

7- movie was good


Posted by BaczeK on 07-18-2007 11:19 AM:

Nuked (sides.cropped.HARD.try.again)

Posted by Mailman on 07-18-2007 12:09 PM:

I could've dealt with this, but is so badly cropped to the left. Sound is good, they would've been better to steal the French or German video and sync up their audio. I want to watch this, but I'm going to wait. The over left crop did it for me.


Posted by Cr-critic on 07-18-2007 12:19 PM:

yep slight better than canal release but still to dark
bleh i'll wait for a better release

Posted by resetman on 07-18-2007 01:14 PM:

video 6 (yes it is over cropped)
audio 8
movie ?
those of you that think a dvd rip of this will come in 3 month's think again......with this being released so late in the summer you probably won't see a dvd rip of this til christmas just in time for the holiday buying rush.......hopefully an r5 will come out before then

Posted by Ekno on 07-18-2007 01:22 PM:

This one has been nuked
Reason: overcropped_bad.angle

Posted by jicjak on 07-18-2007 01:57 PM:

Unfortunately d/l the whole thing instead of sample and rars to test quality. All comments pretty much accurate from what I did watch. Movie like this needs better quality to enjoy.


Posted by slapper on 07-18-2007 02:02 PM:

This flick is too hard to get a decent pic of.
I've seen it in cinema (movie sucked btw) and there's no camera which will do this justice.
The dark episodes are simply too dark to get a balanced output.
My suggestion is that if you want this, wait for TC/R5 rls.

This one is under par. Sound is kind of decent, not the best.
True about the angle, it's annoying. Also a bit too much cropped.
As stated: movie sucked.

Best of luck for a grp to get a watchable TS out though. Don't get caught!
If 20th would try this one, they must set the exposure to the max while their footage normally tend to be a bit on the dark side.

I saw a pre scr of it, apart from the metal detection, Warner Bros hired some monkeys with night googlers for that occasion.
It spoiled the whole lot for me. Not only being faced with a fully stacked cinema with kids eating popcorn out loud (pff..)
these monkeys were walking through cinema hall the whole time. It was like they were scanning for terrorists.
They simply don't want to get this in the open. Not sure about security measures at this time. In due time they will get losen up, I guess.

Posted by crudman on 07-18-2007 03:00 PM:

From the 1st cd, it does seem to have a lot of dark scenes, and the dark cam just doesn't cut it (the double images dont help either)

Originally posted by pjfan0281
what planet you on? dvd rips usually take anywhere from 2-3 months from theatre release. i would expect this in 3 months, but hope a nice tc comes along =)


Yeah, for crappy movies. Because they usually make MORE on dvd sales than the theatre release.

For big hits, they often take 6-8 months or longer. I'm not talking R5 crap.

Originally posted by slapper
I've seen it in cinema (movie sucked btw)
I saw a pre scr of it, apart from the metal detection, Warner Bros hired some monkeys with night googlers for that occasion.
It spoiled the whole lot for me. Not only being faced with a fully stacked cinema with kids eating popcorn out loud (pff..)
these monkeys were walking through cinema hall the whole time. It was like they were scanning for terrorists.
They simply don't want to get this in the open. Not sure about security measures at this time. In due time they will get losen up, I guess.

As for the movie sucking, IMDB voters disagree with you, but personally I think harry potter movies suck in general. However I'm bored enough to watch

At premiers or earlier screenings of big movies they've been doing that kinda stuff for a while now. Its not going to change. It might even get worse. There are detection technologies in the works that can detect cameras, and possibly jam them.
In normal releases, its rare for them to do things like that, although they may in some areas. Those little dots that flash on the screen, if a CAM records that (and I doubt many bother to remove them) tells them whereabouts they need to focus security.
Also, they've broken up a few cammers recently, so many are more cautious.
Speaking of being treated like terrorists, the USA theatre ppl now have the right to detain and interrogate anyone they like, and cannot be sued or prosecuted for doing so.
The 3 year jail time in USA doesn't make people anxious to go out and CAM either.

Posted by speedy11131 on 07-18-2007 03:21 PM:

Video [6]

Blurry, pinkish hue and dark to the point where you cant see very much. Also over cropped.

Audio [7]

Sounds fine to me...

Movie [N/A]

Hopefully the Russians will supply a nice TS source. Waiting on a watchable proper hopefully from PUKKA or 20th...

BTW: if anyone wants I can check when the R5 hits Russia. [I can read Russian ]

Posted by Iammyself on 07-18-2007 04:47 PM:

crap, i was expecting someone to get a good cap of this film up before now, obviously im wrong, I went to Imax to see this so i can tell its obviously cropped, but the bigger problem for me is the darkness, with this movie, its just unacceptable. The sound was ok, just plain dull though..

I loved this movie, I thought it was the best of the lot so far, based on how fun it was, but side by side against the book, it was possibly more raped than goblet of fire was, but i knew it would be so i didnt complain as much as i did with goblet...


Now to finish Deathly Hallows, about 1/2 through, what a, well, different book then id thought itd be!

Posted by RipBlippley on 07-18-2007 06:00 PM:


:: EDGY spoilers removed

Why pay?

Posted by pjfan0281 on 07-18-2007 06:04 PM:

Originally posted by crudman

Yeah, for crappy movies. Because they usually make MORE on dvd sales than the theatre release.

For big hits, they often take 6-8 months or longer. I'm not talking R5 crap.

please, learn to use the search button. if you did you would have found you are very wrong:

harry pottter and the sorcerors stone
cam - 11/14/01
dvd - 02/18/02

harry potter and the chamber of secrets
cam - 11/11/02
dvd - 02/07/03

harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban
cam - 06/04/04
dvd - 09/27/04 (9/25/04 fs)

harry potter and the goblet of fire
cam - 11/19/05
dvd - 02/11/06

notice something? each and every movie, 3 months from cam to dvd source. this includes one other summer release (for the guy who thinks it will be held off until christmas. or maybe he was thinking a retail release? i still bet on october...halloween perhaps

Posted by pjfan0281 on 07-18-2007 06:08 PM:

Originally posted by Iammyself

Now to finish Deathly Hallows, about 1/2 through, what a, well, different book then id thought itd be!

why not wait a few more days so you wont have to read the real one over again? or maybe you like fanfic....or maybe you convinced yourself that the copy you downloaded is real

Posted by MoNoXiDe on 07-18-2007 10:05 PM:


v-6 Dark and Cropped on the left.

a-6 Not bad.

m-? I've got high hopes.

Release is watchable in my opinion but just barely. Personally I am going to wait for a better release.



Posted by bernash on 07-18-2007 10:24 PM:

Originally posted by Mailman
I could've dealt with this, but is so badly cropped to the left. Sound is good, they would've been better to steal the French or German video and sync up their audio. I want to watch this, but I'm going to wait. The over left crop did it for me.


well i have been waiting for a person or group to do this, i downloaded the german cd1 for the quality (full screen!) and as usual excelent quality "the groups should take notice" german video is alsways good they don't do CRAP video.

just need a group to join there video with this audio and have a full screen pic with great sound...

the crop of this release is 1/3 of the left is gone and no one has learn't about auto focus yet, turn IT OFF!!! = blurred video

m-waiting for a full screen pic

Posted by crudman on 07-18-2007 10:44 PM:

Originally posted by bernash
well i have been waiting for a person or group to do this, i downloaded the german cd1 for the quality (full screen!) and as usual excelent quality "the groups should take notice" german video is alsways good they don't do CRAP video.

just need a group to join there video with this audio and have a full screen pic with great sound...

Interesting. Easiest way would be just to play them both at once and mute the sound on one. Thanks for the heads up

Posted by yukichigai on 07-19-2007 12:36 AM:

Originally posted by bernash
well i have been waiting for a person or group to do this, i downloaded the german cd1 for the quality (full screen!) and as usual excelent quality "the groups should take notice" german video is alsways good they don't do CRAP video.
It's the same source. Same left crop, same annoying blur. The only difference is that ViSUAL's video looks worse. I think they did do exactly what you described, except instead of just syncing the audio to the video they edited and recompressed the video. That would explain the massive amounts of macroblocks.

Hey, at least someone can proper for "recompressed video" now.

Posted by Fhwendel on 07-19-2007 01:15 AM:

Originally posted by yukichigai
Hey, at least someone can proper for "recompressed video" now.

Harry.Potter.and.The.Order.of.The.Phoenix.DIRFIX.PROPER.TS.XViD-JJxx is already out for more than half a day

Posted by zero129 on 07-19-2007 04:31 AM:

Originally posted by Fhwendel
Harry.Potter.and.The.Order.of.The.Phoenix.DIRFIX.PROPER.TS.XViD-JJxx is already out for more than half a day

Yeah and it's still badly chopped top and bottom, and it has worse audio then the Visual release, but atleast it has the left side and the video is a bit better then the Visual release...
Anyway the is a German release out for a few days now that seems to have the full video and in better quality then the english ones released so far maybe it's the same one Bernash was talking about.
I downloaded but that german one and the Visual release and tried to insert the audio from the Visual release in with the German one but it never works.
I can get it to sync perfect at the start of the movie, but by the time it gets to around 10 minutes into it it starts going out of sync.
Both releases are 25fps but
it still must be that the german release is not really 25fps, as that's the only thing i can think of as to why it would do that.

Posted by BigBadBart on 07-19-2007 04:35 AM:

Harry Potter 5 - Ouch!

Yukichigai - Yeh thanx - I totally get it!!!

V = ? It sucks and I can't be arsed

A = 5 Suprised you rated the 2ch mono so high, I'dve give it 5 at most (but that's running it through 'AKG' Bins so it's more noticeable)

M = 5 Just for being an average sequal, but it's still a good movie and very well made and it demmands a big audience

P.S. check out "Shooter.2007.(25fr-Pal.Xvid+Mp3)(2h00'39).Xvid-Diamond-Tim" (P2P)
If you sus it then we're on the same level and i'll tell you how to Ntsc-2-Pal properly


Posted by Iammyself on 07-20-2007 04:47 AM:

you who told me the end, you must need to recognize the end doesnt make a book... the substance does... this is 2 anyone who leaked HP7 stuff...


Posted by yukichigai on 07-20-2007 06:05 AM:

Re: Harry Potter 5 - Ouch!

Originally posted by BigBadBart
A = 5 Suprised you rated the 2ch mono so high, I'dve give it 5 at most (but that's running it through 'AKG' Bins so it's more noticeable)
While it's technically 2 channel as far as the playback is concerned, the audio has been encoded to mp3 joint stereo. J-stereo allows for individual mp3 frames to change between stereo and mono within the same file; so long as you use a decent encoder (LAME works) it will encode a 2ch mono source as mono internally, rather than two identical left and right tracks that waste bandwidth. From a technical standpoint ViSUAL did the right thing on the audio. A few years ago I probably would have rated it lower for being mono, but a few years ago it was way easier to get stereo sound. Nowadays direct audio usually comes from the hearing impaired audio jacks some theaters offer, or from local fm transmissions at drive-ins. Both of those sources are usually downmixed to mono anymore because... well because people tend to record them for piracy purposes. :P

Incidentally, I have since found that german source bernash was talking about. From what I understood of the german nfo it appears to be transcoded from a previous german VCD release.

Let's just back up and examine that again...

The german video source that outdoes this video is transcoded from a VCD. That's how crappy this video is: a resized copy of a resized copy of a cam looks better than what ViSUAL has offered with this release.

Posted by BigBadBart on 07-20-2007 04:56 PM:

Audio stuff

Yukichigai - Yeh thanx - I totally get it!!!

So it's not very good then?

P.S. Lame's pretty good if you can get it to work. Most encoders don't have any problems with newer software, Unfortunately the older programs I use for greater stabillity leaves me stuck with 'Xing' though there's not a lot of difference, but then again I'm not a big fan of Mp3 on movie audio and I think the Vbr root just sucks, besides Fraunhofer only designed Mp3 for Music audio as it's greatest lossey compression feature is to dump about 40% of the audio spectrum thus when used in movie audio a lot of the ambient sounds are lost leaving a reduced volume effect in the higher frequency dialogue spectrum, and most programmers just can't be arsed to fully decompress to .wav to allow better multi track ballance anyway.

Oops now I'm rambling - I think my medication must have worn off - sorry!


Posted by crudman on 07-21-2007 06:16 PM:

Still no better release than this? I can't bring myself to watch this, its pretty blah from checking a few spots on the cds.

Originally posted by pjfan0281
why not wait a few more days so you wont have to read the real one over again? or maybe you like fanfic....or maybe you convinced yourself that the copy you downloaded is real

Turns out it WAS real.

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