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-- The Rundown *PROPER* - TELESYNC - FTF (
Very nice TS, based from sample.
Video - 7
Audio - 7 (finally direct sound)
Movie - ?
Video looks good, looks pixely, proberly cause its vcd, maybe svcd would of been better, but the sound lets it down, bad hiss, but i think i could deal with it, i will give it a few days incase there will be a better copy
Video 7
Audio 5
Voted 2/1 for some reasons, seems damn lot like a reencode, no way justifying a proper!!!! Video is still bright but maybe a slight less.. audio seems exactly the same with the same hiss.. Dont find it any improvement and am pretty sure they used the same source... Hence the incredible low scores...
Originally posted by DarkBeatz
Voted 2/1 for some reasons, seems damn lot like a reencode, no way justifying a proper!!!! Video is still bright but maybe a slight less.. audio seems exactly the same with the same hiss.. Dont find it any improvement and am pretty sure they used the same source... Hence the incredible low scores...
Video and sound is better not perfect but not a re-encode as someone stated above.It pisses me off that some people who have no idea what their talking about will say things like it's a re-encode.Enjoy the release if you don't like it don't download it.
Noticeable difference in the video. The other release looked better on my CRT monitor, but this one was definitely better on the TV screen. As for making it SVCD, I don't really think the source warranted 480x480 (as the TV display indicated).
Audio is kinda hissy but I have heard much worse.
i dont think so
this looks nothing like the previous rls
video and sound are better
vid is nice
audio is kinda hissy
Originally posted by deftones6
How are you rating the video and audio without actually having the movie????
not bad for FTF, not bad at all.
FTF usually makes much crappier rlzs. Did they get a new cammer or something. This is much better than Fighting Temptations. Good Work FTF.
Ok im not comparing a bunch of ftf releases to rate this one. Its just decent compared to any vcd's ive seen before.. nothing special. vid is really dull and flat. I've seen much better vcd's. Sound might be direct, can't tell completely as im previewing these on regular pc speakers. lol@ the tooth fairy analogy. sort of gay. waiting on a better release before i watch this.
Not bad. Especially for FTF!
Video: 7
Audio: 7
this is one of FTFs better releases
Just got done getting the file and checking the actual movie out on the ol' big widescreen tv.....and....drum roll please......Movie quality was actually pretty good. I was hesitant on getting this since it had real low marks. The only bad thing that i noticed was that the hiss was there...but not bad enough to not want to get it.
Video - 7
Audio - 7
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and a finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee
My first and only review. Unusually semi ok video for FTF. Normally I would give them a 2, I am not even sure why they bother releasing movies. But anyway the audio sucks balls.
video 7 audio 3
Why do all of you waste your lives posting reviews of the quality of every single release that comes out? Even kids movies, chick flicks and other shitty movies? Also why do you argue over reviews with people you don't know and never will. Get a damn life.
Originally posted by brr8760
If I don't download it, how can I enjoy the release? And if I don't enjoy the release, how can I NOT have downloaded it?? This thread is frustrating because I don't know who to believe.
I just watched the sample, saving the rest for friday night.
Video looked good; slight hiss, but clean audible dialog - good release to watch on opening night. Not great, but my standards are pretty low, cause I know I'll be drunk anyway.
Nice FTF,
I really enjoyed this ...and off the subject but...seems to me alot of the under-dawgs have been doing most of the rls'ing...the big dawgs seem to be behinde a tad, "still" waiting on a watchable copy of Cold Creek.and a few those releasing and keeping the new $hi+ on our drives..Thank You
If you aint payin..dont be bitchin' :P
Wow! Finally a decent release fro FTF. Well, half decent atleast. Its watchable!
Video is a little pixely/blocky during some movement, I'm not going to join the VCD/SVCD debate though. Audio has a *slight* SLIGHT hiss to it, but nothing overlty noticeable. This release is EASILY watchable. Worth the download.
not bad at all
just saw the sample good release from ftf(finally there is hope :0 ) sound a bit hissy and colours a bit washed out apart from that i give it a 7/6/??
Well what can i say, this has to be the best FTF release i've ever seen.
Colors washy, sound hissy but overall watchable.
Not bad.
7/5/?(Going to watch it later.)
Proper piece of shit
Video is pixilated bad during fight scenes....Audio still has hiss. Might not be a reencode but it is damn close or same source....Other release is much better IMO...I have burned both and watch the other FULL will stick with it....
Video - 4 - Pixilated
Audio - 5 - Hiss - trebel adjustment cleans up some
Flix - 8
Good job ftf, this is the best release i've seen from you guys....Pics not bad, sound has slight hiss. Played fine on the standalone looked good on the tv. Movie was alot better than i thought it would be...
FTF is comeing along now
L A B _ R A T
Why do all of you waste your lives posting reviews of the quality of every single release that comes out? Even kids movies, chick flicks and other shitty movies? Also why do you argue over reviews with people you don't know and never will. Get a damn life.
best ftf rls?
best ftf releasE?? my butt-hole! FTF-Finding Nemo had to be their best rls in my opinion.
video was ok, looked fine on my TV.
audio licked nuts, but was understandable.
the wife hated this, so i've only seen the first disc. what i saw was ok at best.
Am I the only one missing the .rar file from the repack?
after watching the whole movie (not just the sample). I must say the audio is worse than I first thought, constant hiss and the video is a little bright, like most people were saying.
btw do you call kazaa, kazza, for a reason or are you none the wiser? I see numerous people do it.
A better FTF release. Too bad that the movie was a disappointment.
is the ending cut off in this movie? if so, how much of it is cut off ?
also i ran the audio through goldwave and ran a noise removal filter and the audio was VERY, VERY good.
video is very decent and very watchable, nothing groundbreaking but nothing really bad either.
Sound is a bit low so you have to turn you speakers up which in turn generates a hiss like I think someone else already said
Movie was great I really liked it, lots of action good character development great job by The Rock and Sean William Scott.
Good job FTF
I watched about 10 minutes of the first disc on my TV.. the video is not horrible.. but the audio hiss was too much to bear. Plus it looks like a funny movie.. i'll wait for a good release, or gasp.. go see it in the theater.
Just finished watching this one. It's slightly better then the average FTF release in my opinion.
Video: Colors are washed, with motion blur at times, and the video is pixelated during action scenes. There were a couple occasions where some people in the audience stepped in front of the camera, but they were very brief and did not take away from the film at all. The image quality is average for a TS (6)
Sound: Average for a TS as well, a little tinny and lacking bass. There are several times during disc one where you can hear a static sound that sounds like bad television reception or something (don't know what else to compare it to). (7)
Movie: Ok, honestly, I LOVED this movie! I'm not a big fan of The Rock (not really into wresteling) or Stiffler (or whatever his name is) but this was a VERY good movie, I was pleasently surprised. Easily one of the best action movies I have seen in a while. Christopher Walkin plays the bad guy role perfectly (as usual). I was throughly impressed. (9)
It does appear that there is a portion of the ending missing. It doesn't seem like a lot, but who knows... I'm going to go to the theatres and watch this tomorrow night, I will edit my post at that time and let everyone know exactly how much is missing.
- Blackdaze
Serious Niggaz Rule the World... Bitch...
First 5 minutes of movie is pixalated, and the last 5 minutes of movie is pixalated. Still watchable. Ending may be slightly cut off prematurely. Might want to wait for a better release, but this copy is still worth the download if you cant wait
video - 6
audio - 8
movie - 8
long time reader, first time poster
vid is too bright, but thats easily fixed by playin with brightness/contrast... audio is way too hissy, even screwing with equalizer doesnt fix it completely.... movie itself is better than it has a right to be, the end action sequence is pretty damn good, and rock is turning into a legit action star. All in all, worth the dld, but just barely.
I also noticed that the movie cut off a bit at the end... it was like "you're great man, you know we really should THE END"
but its not really all that concerning, I mean its hardly a plot driven flick
I never met a beer I didnt drink
i watched the first cd (:0) WTF!!! this movie is awsome... damn good acting from the rock...
the rls it self is ok... watchable but i hope for a better rls...
Nice.....good movie too
5/6/7 - Video is ok, bit pixely in places and some of the action sequences are hard to follow but didn't look too bad on my TV. Vid would have been a 6 but I'm knocking off a mark for the missing ending and theres a couple of moments where the camera seems to be re-align itself.
Sound, tinny (but I seem to find everything but screeners and rips tinny ) mostly audible though.
I was bracing myself for the worst with the movie but it was a damn sight better then expected. This role suited the Rock better then Scorpion King and SWS was his usual goofball self.
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