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Posted by on 10-12-2002 02:37 AM:

gr8 nfo

Posted by Asterisk on 10-12-2002 02:43 AM:

Stereo sound and it's in bin/cue format... how lucky can we get Pic is actually a bit better too. More salt rubbed into the wounds...


Posted by hooah_punk on 10-12-2002 02:45 AM:

Thanks TCF! V-CD's was ok, but everything you said your info was all true. Esp. the part where you say no group is exempt from the rules. Thnx guys.

Alex licks it.

Posted by VirginsDieLast on 10-12-2002 02:49 AM:

fair enough bin/cue - VidCD did apologise and its not THAT inconventient
fair enough stereo - but VidCDs [at least from sample] seems quality enough, especially for those who wait for DVD release until storing

but then again fuck it, this is better [from sample only just now], props for quality, competition is only good...

Posted by Bud-man on 10-12-2002 03:05 AM:

TCF rocks again!!...........slow start movie but if they release it its worth get ready for the upcoming holiday season

Posted by Asterisk on 10-12-2002 03:09 AM:

Good to see the mods are taking action against people voting 10/10/10 and 1/1/1 stating
'DO NOT VOTE 1/1/1 or 10/10/10 or your voting privileges will be revoked! this is your warning!'

There were about 6 votes like this and they've been removed but i noticed people are putting 2/2/n/a and stuff. lamers

Posted by Cory on 10-12-2002 03:56 AM:

Azrael, your dumb. You voted 2/2/? just because you are lame and their release was damned well worth a better than a 2. The other releases were nuked for not being in the iso format so maybe this one won't be nuked and will get around more.

Posted by ABlix0 on 10-12-2002 03:59 AM:

i'm grateful for this releaese, but they really shouldnt bash VideoCD as much as they did in their NFO..

people make mistakes..and i wouldnt redownload a release just so i'd get a nice bin/cue so bandwidth wasting was not necessery as VideoCD stated.

Posted by nokia on 10-12-2002 04:06 AM:

I'm sure they have some kind of prior feud with VideoCD or something. Maybe something not public but they bashed them in both nfo's so something is going on that we don't know. , I shouldn't be nosey anyway.

Posted by blacks on 10-12-2002 04:07 AM:

I think this is slightly unnecessary. But hey, since everyone says its better, go right ahead. Stereo is a valid point too.
And yes, stereo doesn't just mean having two audio channels.

Posted by JoshNya on 10-12-2002 04:19 AM:

I notice a light blue haze (almost white fog line) at the bottom on 1 or 2 scenes at the bottom of the picture, just above the bottom black bar on these 3-4 month early retail DVDs. I noticed them on:

Murder By Numbers
Van Wilder
Blade 2
Royal Tenenbaums
Super Troopers
and Lord of the Rings

I was thinking of taking screenshots of them all. But I wouldn't know what to do with em. hehe

Posted by HawkSE on 10-12-2002 06:11 AM:

Just got teh sample, rules or not, tis better...

Posted by Crazy_Jay on 10-12-2002 10:13 AM:

Great Job. NFO info not needed. Seemed to me their was to much justification like they felt they had to explain them selves, I hate that. Other wise good work keep it up.


Posted by KevN2002 on 10-12-2002 02:36 PM:

This version was not necessary after VideoCD's release.

Posted by nkotb_lover on 10-12-2002 08:56 PM:

okay. let's get something straight here. stereo means that the sound is being reproduced form TWO seperate channels, whether or not the channels contain different information. mono means that the sound is being reproduced from only ONE channel. it doesn't take a genius to understand that the terms stereo and mono refer to the number of channels and not the contents of them either, nokia.

sugar and spice is just a bluff,
you can tell me baby: what is that stuff?

Posted by Asterisk on 10-13-2002 12:19 AM:

nkotb_lover, the standard for vcd's is 2 channels, so in theory you don't actually get mono sound. What nokia is trying to say is that both channels (L+R) are exactly the same, ie from a mono source. VideoCD's SOURCE is mono and TCF's SOURCE is stereo. Thanks.

Posted by nokia on 10-13-2002 02:40 AM:

Er yea, sorry if I was a little confusing in my previous post. What I meant was exactly what Asterisk said, VideoCD's L+R has the same stream (or whatever you call it) and TCF's contains a seperate L stream and a seperate R stream producing true stereo audio. People get confused and think that it's not mono if it has audio coming out from L+R, but that's not true.

Posted by Redemption on 10-13-2002 03:48 AM:

Stereo means 2 seperate different channels, if a mono source is fed through a Dolby Surround decoder then all you get is center channel sound.

If i encode a DVD from DD5.1 448k sound to 128kMono, it will come out both speakers on a stereo system, that doesn't mean its stereo, i can tell a mono source right away, but a surround decoder helps too, and Power DVD's Dolby Pro-Logic2 mode can tell instantly.

Posted by Devnull on 10-14-2002 10:12 AM:

How does this compare to the subbed version?

Posted by Redemption on 10-14-2002 11:07 AM:

Better all round, better picture, much better sound, and no subs.

But if youve already downloaded and watched the subbed version i dont really think you should get this, i only redownload for a DVD-Rip, i had the second disc of the subbed version, and decided against the first because of the sound.

Posted by mew on 10-14-2002 04:18 PM:

Unneeded dupe, got nuked on most sites too. Looks like TCF is doing everything they can to cover up the fact that VideoCD owned them on 3 screeners in a row. BTW this one got watermarks all over it too...

Posted by nokia on 10-14-2002 11:47 PM:

Originally posted by mew
Unneeded dupe, got nuked on most sites too. Looks like TCF is doing everything they can to cover up the fact that VideoCD owned them on 3 screeners in a row. BTW this one got watermarks all over it too...
Barely nuked anywhere except VideoCD affils, check again for yourself. VideoCD owned TCF on 1 screener which is K-19, a dvdrip owns a screener anyday so VideoCD got owned on that release. As for Serving Sara, I don't know if TCF had that but it was a weak movie anyways. Yes, TCF said it had watermarks (blurred out) they didn't deny it but it's definitely a seperate source, different colors and quality. If VideoCD's was really a 1st gen tape then it is one of the worse 1st gen tapes I've ever encountered. Mono + worse quality than TCF's

Posted by mew on 10-15-2002 04:13 AM:

Nuked on alot of eu non-VideoCD sites, ranked ones. Sound is maybe a bit worse than TCF but picture isnt, and mono sound is acceptable on a VCD, which is probably why the sites nuked TCF for unneeded proper. People cant release 10 screeners just because they are somewhat better than the earlier one when it was good enough for scene standards. And just because VideoCD won Serving Sara you come with some shitass excuse like "weak movie"? Please...

Posted by nokia on 10-15-2002 11:23 AM:

Originally posted by mew
Nuked on alot of eu non-VideoCD sites, ranked ones. Sound is maybe a bit worse than TCF but picture isnt, and mono sound is acceptable on a VCD, which is probably why the sites nuked TCF for unneeded proper. People cant release 10 screeners just because they are somewhat better than the earlier one when it was good enough for scene standards. And just because VideoCD won Serving Sara you come with some shitass excuse like "weak movie"? Please...
And your sarcastic great "movie" TCF in the master of diguises comment wasn't the same? you like to contradict yourself. Did VideoCD get owned on that? O wait, it's not available on hotel screener systems yet

Posted by mew on 10-15-2002 02:09 PM:

My remark doesnt diss the release, just the movie. And if we'll be ranking releases by the movie's quality like you suggest then serving sara sure owns master of disguise.

Posted by blacks on 10-15-2002 06:27 PM:

Most (actually all) of my sites nuked the VideoCD release even before TCF propered (packing mpg was the main reason...i dont really know what sites accept VCDs in mpg format)

So when TCF's proper came out, the sites that didnt nuked the VideoCD release before, decided to do so (stereo reason now).

I am not on millions of sites like some u guys, but based on ratio, VideoCD was nuked, not TCF.

On a side note, I feel that VideoCD should have hurried up with the repack(even though i doubt they can repack a stereo release) instead of dragging it along and allowing other groups a chance to proper. Once other groups propered it, there is no use whining about it since it is their fault you didnt do it right the first time and/or could be bothered to rush a repack.

Posted by mew on 10-16-2002 12:38 AM:

Originally posted by blacks
Most (actually all) of my sites nuked the VideoCD release even before TCF propered (packing mpg was the main reason...i dont really know what sites accept VCDs in mpg format)

So when TCF's proper came out, the sites that didnt nuked the VideoCD release before, decided to do so (stereo reason now).

I am not on millions of sites like some u guys, but based on ratio, VideoCD was nuked, not TCF.

On a side note, I feel that VideoCD should have hurried up with the repack(even though i doubt they can repack a stereo release) instead of dragging it along and allowing other groups a chance to proper. Once other groups propered it, there is no use whining about it since it is their fault you didnt do it right the first time and/or could be bothered to rush a repack.

Most ranked eu sites nuked TCF and not VideoCD, thats a fact. I dunno about US sites or unranked sites. Unranked sites tends to have less experienced nukers which results in nfonuking, they just read nfo and nuke by what they read without checking anything for themselves.

Posted by blacks on 10-16-2002 03:55 AM:

Originally posted by mew

Most ranked eu sites nuked TCF and not VideoCD, thats a fact. I dunno about US sites or unranked sites. Unranked sites tends to have less experienced nukers which results in nfonuking, they just read nfo and nuke by what they read without checking anything for themselves.

Theyare ranked yes. And the ratio i mentioned is all in EU/US/ASIA. (pretty widespread imo...and no, im not talking about 5 - 6 sites.)
I am quite surprised that your sites accept this.
I mean seriously, what ranked site accept mpgs for movie videocds?
It is a scenewide rule. Everyone knows that.
It is like releasing divx in cbr. Sure I can watch the movie, but its still a scene nuke. Even without a proper, it will get nuked to hell.
What kind of sites are yours? Unless you so happen to be on VideoCD affil sites which of cos will not nuke their own affils.

Posted by mew on 10-17-2002 04:20 AM:

Originally posted by blacks

Theyare ranked yes. And the ratio i mentioned is all in EU/US/ASIA. (pretty widespread imo...and no, im not talking about 5 - 6 sites.)
I am quite surprised that your sites accept this.
I mean seriously, what ranked site accept mpgs for movie videocds?
It is a scenewide rule. Everyone knows that.
It is like releasing divx in cbr. Sure I can watch the movie, but its still a scene nuke. Even without a proper, it will get nuked to hell.
What kind of sites are yours? Unless you so happen to be on VideoCD affil sites which of cos will not nuke their own affils.

I can mention at least one 3.0 eu site and a few 2.0+ who nuked tcf for dupe. Also I know the videocd was mpg, but you're exaggerating this. There was a fix released that could make it bin/cue in 5 min, just like any crackfix for isos or sync/badframe-fix for divx, and all those are accepted since its easy to use and little work, so why shouldn't this? Comparing it to CBR is just late, CBR cant be fixed and affects quality, this can be easily fixed and doesnt affect quality or viewing at all if you watch on your computer. Its a rule yes, but most siteops got brains to think with themselves so they see that 5 min of patching is better than waste more bandwidth on a useless repack.

Posted by blacks on 10-17-2002 09:11 AM:

Well, I am not lying and VideoCD was indeed nuked on all of my sites. Maybe my sites were the only ones that nuked that way, I dont know, I am just reporting it.

I would however like to point out that telling people where to find an imaging program in nfofix is hardly a fix imo. A view shared by most nukers on the sites I am on.

Posted by mew on 10-18-2002 12:14 PM:

Originally posted by blacks
Well, I am not lying and VideoCD was indeed nuked on all of my sites. Maybe my sites were the only ones that nuked that way, I dont know, I am just reporting it.

I would however like to point out that telling people where to find an imaging program in nfofix is hardly a fix imo. A view shared by most nukers on the sites I am on.

There was an iND fix released by GRiSO that contained vcdimager and a .bat file so all you had to do was to unpack and run the .bat, like most other fixes. And come on, every one can or can easily learn how to use vcdgear if they dont get the fix, it got a very straightforward interface a ten year old could understand.

Posted by flipp0r on 10-18-2002 03:03 PM:

Thumbs up

Video 7
Audio 7
Film Qual 8.5

Not a bad watch at all. It kept me up till 2am. I really wanted the 1.5 megatons to blow.
And you gotta wonder about a boat that leaks from the start of the movie }:-)

They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."

Posted by VCDz on 10-20-2002 07:36 AM:

Nice release VideoCD...

Worth the dwonload if you liked U-571. (Well, by now you might want to wait for a SVCD DVDRIP) .

Video: 8.5
Audio: 8
Movie: 6.5

Posted by blacks on 10-20-2002 02:25 PM:

Originally posted by mew

There was an iND fix released by GRiSO that contained vcdimager and a .bat file so all you had to do was to unpack and run the .bat, like most other fixes. And come on, every one can or can easily learn how to use vcdgear if they dont get the fix, it got a very straightforward interface a ten year old could understand.

That is not the point of it all. Do you agree that it is site rules that vcds have to be packed in mpg format?
If you say it is not scene/site rules, I think it is best you learn more about the scene before posting again. I am not trying to be offensive here.

Same theory as uploading the movie in mpg/dat/zip format instead of rars. Or mp3 groups releasing in rar/zip format. Or XXX groups deciding to rar it in 200meg rars. Or if game groups decided to tag their groupname in front of their release names instead of the back.
Do you know how retarded it would be if everyone in the scene chose what format they like to pack into?

Posted by mew on 10-22-2002 04:22 PM:

Originally posted by blacks

That is not the point of it all. Do you agree that it is site rules that vcds have to be packed in mpg format?
If you say it is not scene/site rules, I think it is best you learn more about the scene before posting again. I am not trying to be offensive here.

Same theory as uploading the movie in mpg/dat/zip format instead of rars. Or mp3 groups releasing in rar/zip format. Or XXX groups deciding to rar it in 200meg rars. Or if game groups decided to tag their groupname in front of their release names instead of the back.
Do you know how retarded it would be if everyone in the scene chose what format they like to pack into?

Those kind of mistakes you point to are worse and cant be fixed easily, and a more stupid mistake. Forgetting to do bin/cue is a mistake easily made, and easy to fix. Its not like they will continue to release in mpg format, just a one-time misfortune that people should be able to have oversight with.

Posted by blacks on 10-23-2002 02:02 PM:

Just answer the question, does it break the scene rules?

Posted by mrnoregard on 10-23-2002 06:27 PM:

Mew........ please STFU............ who are u trying to sell your bullshit to........... if a site nukes a release that is obviously better and is packaged correctly then thats a site we dont want to hear about anyways.............. gimme a fuckin break...............

If yo daytons got a lil' mo shine than the ones i got, ama get my nine and yo shit is mine.......

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