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Posted by X69 on 02-28-2006 10:53 PM:











* Newbie questions? General questions unrelated to this release? Internet LOL's? Right here dudes


Posted by playon1 on 03-01-2006 01:03 AM:

is this real i aint hatin on ya hydro but it seems weird that noone commented on this rip if it is real nice way to shut up all ya critics damn haters always cryin bout some thing

just also wondering why no xvid release of this ?? any1

Posted by jedi25 on 03-01-2006 01:32 AM:

it is real, quality seems good...

nice clear pic and ok sound.

v 8
a 8
m 3

I thought the film was crap.

Posted by playon1 on 03-01-2006 02:44 AM:

Red face

thanx jedi wondering do hydro release xvids prefer xvid over svcd iotherwise will wait 4 a lame group 2 reenocde to xvid LOL

Posted by Striped on 03-01-2006 03:33 AM:

This dont look like dvd to me, looks about the same quality as Dick and jane scr

as dvdscr


Posted by krazy8 on 03-01-2006 05:53 AM:

looks like a dvdscr to me.... not the sharpest pic, but is nowhere near what some of the other sites are sayin (3rd gen vhs? no way) sound is nice and full, no problems with this release

video- 8
audio- 8
movie- 7

nice relase hydro! great NFO btw...

Posted by st3v13b on 03-01-2006 07:26 AM:

thanks hydro im impressed keep them coming and ditch those shitty cams not worth it with the stuff released these days
as for the rest of the tossers who comment on stuff in here,i think they were dropped on there head at birth.if you are a normal person who whats a good copy of this its very of flashs past twice for about a mili sec if that.might be more maybe 3 for the geeks in here if they are that bothered to quote me if im wrong.

8/ pic


as for 3 for the movie! he was definitly dropped on his head very good 8 all round

Posted by moe411 on 03-01-2006 08:25 AM:


there is a xvid of hostel

looks good
haven't finished d/ling hydro's yet..


Posted by darksun on 03-01-2006 08:26 AM:

to the idiots saying the pic is clear etc. stfu. open your eyes and u can see the pic is pretty poor quality, obviously this is a poorly encoded dvd screener OR a damn good vhs screener.
either way, it is probably the best source of this movie you can find online so far.

v-(6 if this is supposed to be a dvd) (9 if this is a vhs)

Posted by napalmfuzz on 03-01-2006 08:36 AM:

deff not a dvd scr.. it looks like a studio scr, has the reel beep at the beginning. and only has a quick flash of property of that flies up the screen at 100 miles an hour for a split second... if this was a dvd scr then someone put it on a vhs then dubbed the vhs then capped it


"Nothing says OBEY ME like a severed head on a fence post,"

Posted by crapper on 03-01-2006 06:41 PM:

nuked cuase its a non dvd source and thats a good nuke cuase its not dvd source..

the conversion is done crappy..

but over all

pic 8
sound 8
movie 7

not bad at all... so if u can find it get it..

its probable a leaked wp. or studio scr. it starts with a beep has a hidden mark and has no end credits..

so this isnt the final version..

just like kill bill this is a great release.. i guesse hydro found it somewhere on a newsgroup or p2p..

but thnxx for the release

hope someone would release a better converted version as workprint.

Posted by xtpd on 03-01-2006 10:28 PM:

from the sample

looks more like a telesync to me...

8/8/? sample for hydro made the movie look sick as hell(as in disgusting).


Posted by PlasmaWhore on 03-02-2006 01:25 AM:


Nice scene choice for the sample.

Posted by DEMENTA on 03-02-2006 01:37 AM:

I dont know what some of you are smoking, but how could a VHS look like that? For some reason everyone feels the need to talk shit about Hydro, yet they put out more stuff than anyone else , not to mention (whether bad quality or not) almost EVERY movie before any other group. This looks fine to me and im just glad to have a very nice copy after all the other rls' of this film Thx Hydro!

Video - 9.0

Audio - 9.0

Movie - 8.0

Here is a Screen Shot, u decide how bad it looks :P

I Do Not Exist Therefore I Am Above All!!

Posted by Ecp on 03-02-2006 02:05 AM:

Originally posted by darksun
to the idiots saying the pic is clear etc. stfu. open your eyes and u can see the pic is pretty poor quality, obviously this is a poorly encoded dvd screener OR a damn good vhs screener.
either way, it is probably the best source of this movie you can find online so far.

v-(6 if this is supposed to be a dvd) (9 if this is a vhs)

Darksuns's post.
Tact- 2
Complaining about nothing-10

Posted by 3bagsfull on 03-02-2006 03:10 AM:

The rip was good I thought.

Video 8
Audio 8
Movie 1

I hated the actual movie though, it was a stupid horror type of flick which could have been done much better.

The rip was very good though.

Thanks Hydro

Posted by Redemption198 on 03-02-2006 03:44 AM:

This might not be quite the quality we are used to on DVD Screeners, but have people forgot what VHS looks like.

This might be slightly poor, but its far beyond VHS, maybe SVHS, but they are very much a rarity.

As a DVD Screener


As a VHS Screener


Posted by dontbegay on 03-02-2006 12:17 PM:

its a vhs, the blacks in some parts of the film are dark blue, almost metallic looking. no way is this a dvdscr.

anyone who thinks this is from dvd source needs their eyes fixing.

video - (5 for dvd / 9 for vhs)
audio - 8

Posted by scousethief on 03-02-2006 03:48 PM:

Well a decent horror movie for a change , i thought it was pretty good anyway. The copy i have is definately a dvd screener dunno wtf you lot are watching i think alot of you need to go back to the opticians and get your eyes sorted, vhs screener ? get real dumbass.

v 8#
a 8
m 8

thats my 2 cents dont agree ? i dont give a shit

Posted by noodles on 03-02-2006 06:47 PM:

Not a bad rls, lower than usual quality dvd.scr, but still very watchable, better than VHS. Perhaps a tad dark, but easily fixed.

Thanks HYdRO.



Posted by KrackZaa on 03-03-2006 02:47 AM:

aint no dvdscr, maybe a pdvd but i mean it looks like a poorly made tc, kinda blurry...

Dust myself up
and I scream at the sky
It's been so hard
but I can't let it die
Turn my head up,
looking at the stars
So many years,
I still wonder where you are?
Dust myself up
and I scream at the sky
Every day I ask myself why?
So much pain pouring
from inside
Above me I feel the spirit fly

Posted by danimal39 on 03-03-2006 08:06 AM:

8/8/7 thought it was decent

Posted by dontbegay on 03-03-2006 08:28 AM:

Originally posted by scousethief
Well a decent horror movie for a change , i thought it was pretty good anyway. The copy i have is definately a dvd screener dunno wtf you lot are watching i think alot of you need to go back to the opticians and get your eyes sorted, vhs screener ? get real dumbass.

v 8#
a 8
m 8

thats my 2 cents dont agree ? i dont give a shit

perhaps you can explain the 10 minutes of blank / grey screen at the end of cd2 as the tape runs to the end then eh ?


Posted by scousethief on 03-03-2006 11:17 AM:

perhaps you can explain the 10 minutes of blank / grey screen at the end of cd2 as the tape runs to the end then eh ?

i would if i had 10 minutes of blank screen but seeing as i dont i cant maybe your source is just shit move away from p2p

Posted by dontbegay on 03-03-2006 11:42 AM:


i would if i had 10 minutes of blank screen but seeing as i dont i cant maybe your source is just shit move away from p2p

i didnt get it from any kind of p2p / newsgroup / torrent site cos i dont use em

maybe its a glitch with vlc player that causes that at the end then.

either way, youre still retarded for thinking its a dvd source. look at it ffs. the black scenes are metallic blue. the edges are blurry. its a vhs.

Posted by scousethief on 03-03-2006 01:18 PM:

M8 im not gonna turn this into another 3 page long slagging off fest maybe your copy does have the problems you say but my doesnt neither does any of the copies the people in my group have. My standalone after watching again for the 3rd time has 1 screen like you say with blue on it , it last for 3 seconds , is where the last american guy is getting out and his jacket for whatever reason turns slightly metallic blue , now seeing as quite a bit of that part of the film is dark im going to say its a encodeing fuck up rather that a vhs screener otherwise the rest of the dark scenes would have the same effect and they dont.

Lets be adults and agree to disagree some people have problems some dont some people think a ts is a tc some can tell the difference ( no im not having a go at anybody)

not nuked on any of my 12 sites lol

Posted by dontbegay on 03-03-2006 02:06 PM:

Originally posted by scousethief
M8 im not gonna turn this into another 3 page long slagging off fest maybe your copy does have the problems you say but my doesnt neither does any of the copies the people in my group have. My standalone after watching again for the 3rd time has 1 screen like you say with blue on it , it last for 3 seconds , is where the last american guy is getting out and his jacket for whatever reason turns slightly metallic blue , now seeing as quite a bit of that part of the film is dark im going to say its a encodeing fuck up rather that a vhs screener otherwise the rest of the dark scenes would have the same effect and they dont.

Lets be adults and agree to disagree some people have problems some dont some people think a ts is a tc some can tell the difference ( no im not having a go at anybody)


alright we'll leave it at that.

NUKED: not.from.a.dvd.source

Posted by bcool2k on 03-04-2006 12:08 AM:

Definitely NOT from dvd source and NUKED on all my sites, except for pre sites of course but that aside its pretty damn good quality for how long this film has been out. Its definitley NOT a TS or TC .. A dubbed vhs workprint would be my best guess. and there is definitely albeit very quickly a vertical scrolling PROPERTY of LIONS GATE which last i knew theatre films didnt have. Regardless its worth a dl .. As for my source. I got it off one of my HyDro pre sites. After viewing all 3 i would rate them best to worst: SVCD,XViD,DVDR but xvid could easily have been touched up to look as good as SVCD . DVDR was waaaay too blocky.

Video:8 Slightly faded colors and blurred. After End Credits begin to roll the Sound keeps going but pic goes black for awhile then turns white even on my tv so it aint just VLC

Audio:8 Very good considering the Source was NOT a 1st gen copy

Movie: 7 A decent horror movie better than Wolf Creek, NOt as interesting as Saw 2 a bit slow getting started ,but overall a gory good time!!

Posted by bcool2k on 03-04-2006 12:10 AM:

Originally posted by Ecp
Darksuns's post.
Tact- 2
Complaining about nothing-10

Nice post bro. How about u stick to rating the release:

8/8/7 See full Post for more details!!

Posted by napalmfuzz on 03-04-2006 01:03 AM:

i like it when people say "my copy doesnt" hahaha. makes me giggle. at first glance i thought this might have been a poor tc. after viewing the quick ass property off flashing. its most likely a studio scr. which is essentially a tc. so its definately been on vhs at some point


"Nothing says OBEY ME like a severed head on a fence post,"

Posted by dontbegay on 03-04-2006 01:42 AM:

oh yeah i forgot to mention the first half hour or so is outa sync by about 200ms as well. noticeable but not beyond the point of watching. this applies to the DVDR as well, duno about the divx havent watched it thru and thru.

Posted by scousethief on 03-04-2006 02:21 PM:

Agree to differ but could be a tc ? best tc ive ever seen vhs screener ? definately the best widescreen vhs screener ive seen . I downloaded all 3 versions of this just to make sure i wasnt making a mistake but apart from the 1 tiny encodeing error ive already mentioned nothing is amiss 3 times the property of appears and the dvdr is fine on my 32 inch tv

I downloaded it i watched it i liked it

my opinion dont like it ? tough ,go read a book educate yourself you might learn something

glad i made you giggle napalm movies play different in different software and dvd players. And as for being a poor tc ? do you actually know what a tc is ? something tells me you dont or you got fucked up eyes

Posted by sdotty313 on 03-04-2006 07:07 PM:

v-8.5 slight hazy effect
a-9-clear and booming

Posted by napalmfuzz on 03-05-2006 12:56 AM:

Originally posted by scousethief
glad i made you giggle napalm movies play different in different software and dvd players. And as for being a poor tc ? do you actually know what a tc is ? something tells me you dont or you got fucked up eyes

considering i've been doing this since you were sperm.. yeah i do, do you know what a dvd is? not this thats for damn sure. its obvious to the naked eye that its not a 1st gen dvd source. if you watch it on a half way decent television its damn obvious. contant ghosting, all blacks are blue, hell the main characters hair looks blue even. and lets not even mention the reel beep at the beginning before the screen gems logo.. and how about the 2-3 straight minutes of a blank grey screen after the movie.. i dont know why we're arguing about it its not like hydro have their own sources theyre just another silver group so who cares anyway.. deff not dvd though


"Nothing says OBEY ME like a severed head on a fence post,"

Posted by darksun on 03-05-2006 02:12 AM:

Originally posted by Ecp
Darksuns's post.
Tact- 2
Complaining about nothing-10

noobs like you should be banned. wtf did i say over everyone else for you to warrant the cause to start a flamewar with me? i am not the only one who thinks this is NOT a dvd source. i at least gave an opinion on the actual movie and rated it accordingly. just because you obviously do not like me i must pressume i have pissed you off in the past for speaking my mind, well i am sorry if you do not like hearing what i have to say. try contributing to the community for once ya noobtard.

Posted by Fat Bob on 03-05-2006 12:16 PM:

As stated, this is not from a DVD source, l'd be inclined to say VHS, and not first generation either. There's a little bit of blurring in the picture throughout and the colours are a little bit soft, as several people have said, a lot of the blacks appear blue also. That said, this is still a good widescreen copy of a brand new movie so I'm not complaining.

Audio is nice and clear.

The movie itself was OK, not enough gore and too much story line IMO, loads of boobies to keep you interested though.


Posted by dontbegay on 03-05-2006 07:17 PM:

Originally posted by napalmfuzz
considering i've been doing this since you were sperm.. yeah i do, do you know what a dvd is? not this thats for damn sure. its obvious to the naked eye that its not a 1st gen dvd source. if you watch it on a half way decent television its damn obvious. contant ghosting, all blacks are blue, hell the main characters hair looks blue even. and lets not even mention the reel beep at the beginning before the screen gems logo.. and how about the 2-3 straight minutes of a blank grey screen after the movie.. i dont know why we're arguing about it its not like hydro have their own sources theyre just another silver group so who cares anyway.. deff not dvd though

so its not a vlc player bug after all.

i noticed the dvdr has the grey / black screen at the end as well.

Posted by poker on 03-06-2006 10:37 PM:

props, thanks hydro


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