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Posted by Mystic Slippe on 02-12-2003 05:22 PM:

Pretty damn good for a SCR and props on the ultra pre.

I like Dracula stuffs so ima get this!


Posted by VCD_MAD on 02-12-2003 05:25 PM:


this fuckin rocks
GREAT release UTi keep up the GOOD work .

and FUCK all of them dick that diss the other releases

UTi #1

so fuck the rest and STICK with the BEST UTi RULEZ

Posted by Leigh^ on 02-12-2003 05:25 PM:


w00t a decent dracula film to crap myself over
once again UTi, nice pre;, and nice quality
(we don't hold anything against you about DD (Well I don't) )

Looksied at sample..
Say a 8/8/?

Posted by parasiticgann on 02-12-2003 05:55 PM:

so is this gonna be released at the cinema?

Posted by Vrana on 02-12-2003 06:11 PM:

Sure it's nice quality but it's STV.

Posted by phoR20 on 02-12-2003 06:16 PM:


Posted by parasiticgann on 02-12-2003 06:24 PM:

Oh so its made for tv. what a shocker should have known when i saw Rutger Hauer as dracula in it, what a lame actor.

Posted by Vrana on 02-12-2003 06:26 PM:

Hitchhiker was a bomb movie!

Posted by Leigh^ on 02-12-2003 07:00 PM:

What the hell is wrong with you people?

Eh? jesus people, just because it's STV doesn't mean it's a bad film, sure, there are some truely dire films that are STV, but if you look closely you can find these little bits of gold..
Watch and think before you shoot your mouth off.

Posted by parasiticgann on 02-12-2003 07:06 PM:

Originally posted by Vrana
Hitchhiker was a bomb movie!

That was a disturbing movie. It scared me when i was a young kid

Posted by Mystic Slippe on 02-12-2003 07:36 PM:

Originally posted by parasiticgannon
[B]Oh so its made for tv....

HAHAHA You fucking pillock. STV = Straight To Video.

TVM = TV Movie.

Posted by slaz on 02-12-2003 07:47 PM:

lol nice one mystic!

I can only rate the sample on this movie but I was pretty impressed with what I saw... I am gonna go 8.5/8.5 on this.

Posted by parasiticgann on 02-12-2003 08:01 PM:

Originally posted by Mystic Slippers

HAHAHA You fucking pillock. STV = Straight To Video.

TVM = TV Movie.

First off. I made a mistake. Wow i'm sure you make 50 a day as well.

secondly. What the fuck is a PILLOCK? I took the liberty of looking Pillock up in the dictionary ang guess what its not a word. Wait or was calling someone a PILLOCK a mistake? HAHAHA

Posted by slaz on 02-12-2003 08:06 PM:

Originally posted by parasiticgannon

First off. I made a mistake. Wow i'm sure you make 50 a day as well.

secondly. What the fuck is a PILLOCK? I took the liberty of looking Pillock up in the dictionary ang guess what its not a word. Wait or was calling someone a PILLOCK a mistake? HAHAHA

Pillock = Idiot = You (parasiticgannon)

Posted by parasiticgann on 02-12-2003 08:10 PM:

Originally posted by slaz

Pillock = Idiot = You (parasiticgannon)

Hmmm, Idiot is in the dictionary, Pillock isn't. what is it slang? Ok why am i an idiot for making a mistake? explain? can you? I will love your explanation!!!

Posted by ganja_farma2k on 02-12-2003 08:13 PM:


Posted by parasiticgann on 02-12-2003 08:13 PM:

Originally posted by slaz
lol nice one mystic!

I can only rate the sample on this movie but I was pretty impressed with what I saw... I am gonna go 8.5/8.5 on this.

What the hell you PILLOCK an 8.5/8.5 whos the idiot?

Idiot = foolish = you (slaz)

Posted by slaz on 02-12-2003 08:20 PM:

=) well Im new to rating!

I thought the image and audio were really good, but not quite 9/10 quality so I gave it an 8.5/8.5.

Hehehe I guess im a pillock too! lol but I thought you could rate like that! guess not!

Posted by parasiticgann on 02-12-2003 08:22 PM:

Originally posted by slaz
=) well Im new to rating!

I thought the image and audio were really good, but not quite 9/10 quality so I gave it an 8.5/8.5.

Hehehe I guess im a pillock too! lol but I thought you could rate like that! guess not!

Its all good

Posted by ganja_farma2k on 02-12-2003 08:26 PM:

a nice rls gud wrk uti

Posted by slaz on 02-12-2003 08:27 PM:

lol ok I just figured out how to make votes on the site.... ok im dumb!

Submitted vote of 9/8


all fixed!

Posted by parasiticgann on 02-12-2003 08:50 PM:


you seem to be aight slaz, but mystic hasn't had one comeback yet. Maybe she's afraid? lol. its all good.

Posted by pHo on 02-12-2003 08:54 PM:

mystic is staff on this site, so you'd better be careful what you say.


<Dwaggy> i caught you a delicious Bass
<The404> This is because you are an idiot

Posted by SharkeysMachine on 02-12-2003 09:28 PM:

Originally posted by parasiticgannon
Rutger Hauer as dracula in it, what a lame actor.

Come on man, Rutger's not that bad. You've got the Bladerunner, and the Hitcher. He's even got his own little freaky website..

definitly good for a laugh..

Posted by ZooL on 02-12-2003 09:57 PM:

i love the flaming on this forum

pillock, a word i ain't heard in ages

Posted by Phantasmical on 02-12-2003 11:35 PM:

Man, Rutger Haeur is great obviously nobody remembers Blind fury!

Posted by SharkeysMachine on 02-13-2003 12:48 AM:

Blind Fury was killer, i forgot about that one. Blind with a samurai sword...doesn't get much better than that.

Posted by The CandyMan on 02-13-2003 11:48 AM:

Pillock, is that like maybe a baby pollock??

Getting this release now, wife loves dracula and vampire movies, so she asked (translation:demanded!) I get this. No problem, honey!


Posted by Leigh^ on 02-13-2003 01:15 PM:

Ooh Watch Out

Whoever disses my Mystic better watch out, or I'll be after your blood!

Posted by shamelessbill on 02-13-2003 02:04 PM:

Whats with everyone sitting on mystics dick??? For gods sake he can defend himself. Or he just chose to ignore the stupid pillocks response either way I see no reason for the big scary pHo to come around making threats. Hell pHo you talk shit all the time. Are you and mystic to leet to take it?? It wasn't even a flame for gods sake.
Go outside and get some air.

Posted by SeeDee on 02-13-2003 02:43 PM:


UTi going bad to worse. Bodged up subbed silvers to STV films.
Irrelevent of wether it nearly got a scn showing, it didn't.

I can't believe ppl are still cock smoking UTi on this Release... well actually its VCDQuality, so i can believe it

Happy cock smoking

Posted by pHo on 02-13-2003 05:55 PM:

Originally posted by shamelessbill
Hell pHo you talk shit all the time. Are you and mystic to leet to take it?? It wasn't even a flame for gods sake.
Go outside and get some air.

actually i was trying to end the futile fucking argument, but congratulations for continuing it anyway. and i talk shit, hell yeah. so does everyone. you've just proved you do.


<Dwaggy> i caught you a delicious Bass
<The404> This is because you are an idiot

Posted by The CandyMan on 02-13-2003 06:57 PM:

If I read the nfo on this release correctly, it looks like Uti is explaining and apologizing for the Daredevil fuck up.

[was to be included with the repacked *iNTERNAL* release of daredevil, which will now not be released]

It seems this release was pre'd early before details had been
finalised, and the pack was fucked. UTi supports the spread and
release of true home encodes, but we know the silver scene
will continue to exist anyway. We release our silv's internally so other groups can't fill the scene with junk anyone else can
pick up just as easily, and to fuel the need for more true sources and dedicated groups.

Maybe the other groups feel that speed is more important than
quality, but we choose to ignore the mass majority of silvers we get. If a silver is worth releasing in our honest opinion, it'll be internalled and anyone who truly wants it can request on their sites. As this was a big movie, we thought people would aappreciate it, rather than wait a few days of some newb
crew to release it wide and claim the awesome glory of imaging
a disc they'd bought.

We apologise for such a fuckup, beatings shall occur

Good to see that there was a good reason for such a bad release.


Posted by shamelessbill on 02-13-2003 07:53 PM:

Originally posted by pHo

actually i was trying to end the futile fucking argument, but congratulations for continuing it anyway. and i talk shit, hell yeah. so does everyone. you've just proved you do.

no doubt about the shit that flys. Just your the only one throwing threats out with the shit. or maybe they're one and the same

Posted by pHo on 02-13-2003 07:57 PM:

wow, i didn't even understand that. but if you're going to continue this, take it out of the damn movie thread, cos i'm just going to delete all the posts anyway.


<Dwaggy> i caught you a delicious Bass
<The404> This is because you are an idiot

Posted by Leigh^ on 02-13-2003 10:03 PM:

Suppose I'll say it again

Calm down gents, no need to be rude bill.

I watched the film, and I was very impressed, this is one of those rare films that make you really want to see more.

Posted by MediaRipper on 02-14-2003 02:38 AM:

Still isnt on my sites I might have to actually use a XDCC bot lol

Posted by Vtec on 02-14-2003 02:39 PM:

Originally posted by SeeDee

UTi going bad to worse. Bodged up subbed silvers to STV films.
Irrelevent of wether it nearly got a scn showing, it didn't.

I can't believe ppl are still cock smoking UTi on this Release... well actually its VCDQuality, so i can believe it

Happy cock smoking

A few bad apples doesn't mean that the group is going downhill, every group goes through it and most rebound from it. And one man's garbage is another man's gold, let us judge what we want to watch. We give credit where credit is due, and who are you to call us cock smokers. You got your lips around VideoS(C)eeDee's penix just as much.

Posted by blacks on 02-14-2003 03:03 PM:

Releasing is a group's choice. If they want to release CAMS, STV, etc, more power to them. As long as it is all labelled correctly.

Personally, I have never thought much of STV/CAM groups, but UTi isnt too bad. I still dont think they are in the class of TCF, but they are much better than most other groups out there that have a problem with telling the truth when it comes to labelling.

Posted by Emumax on 02-16-2003 04:12 PM:

This movie blows big chunks..

a friend of mine brought home the vhs screener of this god aweful movie the other day...

I was so hyped to watch it.. After the first 5 minutes, I understood why the movie was a STV..

The special effects in the movie are somewhat cool.. The Acting is dull.. This is one of those movies where you can tell what is going to happen before it happens..

Now I must give props to UTI for the release.. As Any release of all movies is a Good release... The reason... Someone will appreciate it enough to actually buy the damn thing, when it hits the retail market....

The movie ends with a tease, that there will be another episode...

From the way the movie came across to me; is the next installment to this series, will be in the form of a weekly TV show.. Dunno.. JMO....

Well.. That is my 2 cents about the movie...

My ratings for it are.. 8/7/3 <-- 3 is being almost too nice.. :P


Posted by kamokaze on 04-25-2003 09:31 PM:

well i warched it 3 times and i still couldnt find rutger haur anywhere..dracula was played by Stephen Billington so i think imdb got confused and were watching buffy the vampire slayer or summat....and pillock is a good old english word for a twat,burk,git,knobhead...take yer pick..we gave the world william shakespeare amd wordsworth pillock is ok by me

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