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Posted by Zorcerer on 10-07-2003 07:40 PM:

ahh finally, havent bothered with ts`s and screener(s?) on this, really didnt think they could make a movie that would really be different than the first outing. Man was i surprised!

Video: 9/10 great pic on this!
Audio: 10/10 Quality is jummy, soundtrack is the best ever?
Movie: 9/10 Lets face it, a really deep and clever story was never the intension in this movie, the action-scenes, the girlies and the humour, by the other hand was, and my god they are all great! (especially the girls!)

Posted by Liquid Gib on 10-08-2003 03:36 AM:


Hey, when they don't speak english, is it supposed to have subtitles? Cuz I dont see any?

Posted by Zorcerer on 10-09-2003 07:22 AM:

donno, aint subtitles on this realese, i suppose you mean the parts where they speak mongolian (?), my tip is: ask a mongolian friend or something? :P

Posted by Liquid Gib on 10-10-2003 05:28 PM:

Originally posted by Zorcerer
donno, aint subtitles on this realese, i suppose you mean the parts where they speak mongolian (?), my tip is: ask a mongolian friend or something? :P

ya but is it supposd to have subs? Like if you buy the dvd or went to watch it in theatres, would you have seen the subs?

Posted by Zorcerer on 10-13-2003 04:38 PM:

really i dont know, i have just watched this version of this movie... But this realese is a DVDRip, and i think the subs arnt on the dvd either....

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