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Posted by Icedog on 07-25-2004 04:41 AM:

Video is crap, but the audio is good.


Posted by AddNtoX on 07-25-2004 04:43 AM:

nice rls good picture nice color...good audio. way to go guys

Posted by lorddusty on 07-25-2004 04:44 AM:

Hmm, Don't think the vid source deserved svcd (and yes i read the nfo and sifted through the bs)... Anyways, it just looked blurry in general to me... audio was very nice though. Movie looks like crap to me but heh


Posted by brandon_ae on 07-25-2004 04:50 AM:

lol @ the groups they mentioned not givin a sh!t....

Posted by UltrA1 on 07-25-2004 04:51 AM:

best copy out..
7.1 video
7.6 audio
6.2 movie

Anyone with any complaints, contact:
[email protected]

Movie From Maven Priceless!!

*Broadband internet not included...

Posted by TEHVODKA on 07-25-2004 04:53 AM:

This release was a shout out to big Mystic the slippers.Overall great outfit by Halle Barry, Im sure big mystic agrees.The film was a penis. Ill give it a penisey 10/10/6?? ? ? With the Shenenigans of big mystic of course


Posted by vip3r on 07-25-2004 05:36 AM:

Wow .. love the audio, picture aint bad at all. Movie wasn't that great, but wasn't that bad - still sucked though


Posted by pjfan281 on 07-25-2004 05:37 AM:

well judging from sample svcd def didnt help quality at all.

6/8/why bother

Posted by Darkness on 07-25-2004 05:42 AM:

POT you bunch of cry babies

"may be our last" oh boo hoo...



Posted by PlopDaWg on 07-25-2004 05:46 AM:

picture is ish is alright was fuckin terrible 3 - the worst movie of 2004 by far.

most of the time its like watching spiderman in a dominatrix outfit with crappy effects

Posted by Fire_Sokar on 07-25-2004 05:55 AM:

Cry Babys? How would you like it if you were in a group, and another group went around started telling everyone they could who you were.

So STFU asshole

Posted by nzb-cop on 07-25-2004 05:57 AM:

pretty nice, good colors, good tunes and watchable.


Posted by Darkness on 07-25-2004 05:59 AM:

Originally posted by Fire_Sokar
Cry Babys? How would you like it if you were in a group, and another group went around started telling everyone they could who you were.

Oh thats a good reason to act rather childish I guess..

And I guess you dont really know what a " " means either.

Originally posted by Fire_Sokar
So STFU asshole

Ahh your intelligence is just too much for me.

Posted by razzy on 07-25-2004 06:04 AM:

Looks like shit
videocd , centropy please we are w8ing

Posted by Fire_Sokar on 07-25-2004 06:06 AM:

I dont see what there doing that can be associated to acting childish would you mind pointing it out? All I see is them trying to make less tension for themselves, There doing this for FUN and obviously this new groups is getting all hostile about the releaseing, aww boohoo POT wont let us steal there audio boohoo lets go tell everyone and there damn step mommy who they are.

BTW: childish is them leaking other grps nicknames to kill the comp - not childish is worried about going to court over doing something for fun which a childish grp gets their precious site axx

Posted by Rubberbandman on 07-25-2004 06:34 AM:

Keep up the good work!!

Video 6
Sound 7.5
Movie 3

Posted by deathr0w- on 07-25-2004 06:35 AM:

Great release from pot picture is very poor i will give it a 5 but audio 7

will download the centropy rls

Posted by bigd25x on 07-25-2004 06:52 AM:

know what you guys shut the fU$$ up, they do this shit for free, and everyoone bitch's at em, go pay for the damn movie like they say, you say we dont need em "Laugh" dont you remeber videocd was geting so pissed off at u btchs that they took there rls's off vcdquality for awhile!

Good job pot, keep it up, you need a dts decoder give meh a holla

video - 6 "not bad, not great"

audio - 71/2 pretty good

movie - shes' hott but movie suxs


Posted by heavyc on 07-25-2004 06:54 AM:

First off Movie is OK vid/audio but film is so-so. I liked it better when i watched the big sharon stone/halle berry fight scene with no sound and porno music instead. So 7/8/3

Now i gotta say some stuff about the nfo. First off props to POT for being the first with a rls of Fahrenheit 911, even if they didnt release the whole film (missing about 10 minutes towards the 1hr 15min mark) But about the people saying there releases were crap. They shouldnt take it seriously. People slam CAM's constantly, not realizing that Hey, this is a CAM not a DVDRIP. Alot of these people who complain still watch the cam and download some of the other releases of the same movie, I know, ive been guilty of downloading and burning between 3 and 4 diff versions of some releases. And the fact that POT is now rlsing TS movies is good for the scene. So Props to POT may you live to times indefinate

"It Could Be Worse ..... You Could Be On Fire."

Posted by Debo on 07-25-2004 06:55 AM:

video is alright
sound is great


Posted by Panthro on 07-25-2004 07:06 AM:

POT ty for the releases good or bad they are free....*mental note* even if you don't like someone ...they still deserve RESPECT...

women who fly upside-down have crack up...

Posted by X8i on 07-25-2004 07:08 AM:

Eh, alright release. 6/8/? movie looks like shit, not gonna watch it. btw, can tell _someone_ is from pot. heh

Posted by UltrA1 on 07-25-2004 07:09 AM:

Ok as for the nfo,
I read it and will enlighten you........
Audio is missing for around 30 seconds at the begining only...
But is great no complaints.. 7.4
Video is not to dark or bright...6.8
Great copy for Leechers not to bitch about..
Movie: Halle Berry rocks..........
I'm seeing it for free thanks to POT
Where is a good Anchorman w/ dts ?

Posted by ghosty on 07-25-2004 07:11 AM:

POT always has interesting NFO's

video: 6
audio: 8
movie: 5

Posted by brr8760 on 07-25-2004 07:16 AM:

Sorry, I didn't read any whining or crying in their nfo. Bitching, sure. POT do like to bitch 'bout stuff. However, shit-canning the DTS because of a couple of auto-nuke, NON-groups like FLUID or MPi, THAT would be whining or crying. Punishing the humble leecher would be wrong. Let's hope they change their mind. I think POT has been getting some quality props of late. It would be a shame if it all.... went... away.

Edit: Picture quality is acceptable, little dark & blurred, but colorful enuff. Audio is excellent. Movie is so cheesy that I'm really enjoying it. A guilty pleasure? Certainly not as bad as the buzz. People just like to pounce sometimes...

November 2, 2004. America shoots itself in foot, re-elects Bush. Recovery to take decades. Stay tuned.

Posted by pHo on 07-25-2004 07:22 AM:

Originally posted by razzy
Looks like shit
videocd , centropy please we are w8ing

like fuck we are. least releases of this movie the better.


<Dwaggy> i caught you a delicious Bass
<The404> This is because you are an idiot

Posted by EViL-EWoK on 07-25-2004 07:34 AM:

Word Pot, say it as it is (referring to the nfo)

This movie is a good example of evil hollywood pimping the old comic to movie combo.
Milking for all its worth again hollywood.

Thanks pot for this release anyways. svcd makes it nice.
Even tho its a shit movie these guys release anyways


fuck i'd watch this movie just so i can
"blast it over the internet"

I Just Want to Be like Radiohead, And do something ingenious.

Posted by jp77 on 07-25-2004 08:55 AM:

video's not bad,audio decent.pot don't give up through time you get better and you have the potential to do so f**k what everybody has to do what you do best.suppling damn good release.



Posted by rockinrory on 07-25-2004 09:00 AM:

Once again, I would like to THANK POT for their time in releasing.... even if the movie sucks. At least they are still doing releases.... I think that everyone is so quick to bitch out a newer group... at one time centropy was new and not very good.... Same with videocd... Talent comes with practice! So keep up the good work boys! I look forward to your releases getting better and better!

Posted by akasmiler on 07-25-2004 09:52 AM:

How does trhis rate higher than the nox rls????

i rate this as 5/5/2 (yes the movie really is that bad)

and the nox rls as 7.5/6/2 (the movie is still bad even tho picture and sound are better)

Posted by Debo on 07-25-2004 10:18 AM:

Originally posted by akasmiler
How does trhis rate higher than the nox rls????

i rate this as 5/5/2 (yes the movie really is that bad)

and the nox rls as 7.5/6/2 (the movie is still bad even tho picture and sound are better)

ur an idiot


Posted by cowdog on 07-25-2004 11:06 AM:

Thot for POT
didnt see this release yet.
But in reference to ur nfo. I've had the pleasure of sampling a descent bit of ur other works. I would hope that nfo was just written in a bit of anger, angst, or heated moment.
You do matter to us leechers (although I do my best to share). You chose a hobbie that I think you want to aspire to be a group to be compared to.
Do your dogdamn finest. This Cowdog is a fan!

Posted by pabelo on 07-25-2004 12:59 PM:


I miss VideoCD :'(


Posted by Leathal on 07-25-2004 01:49 PM:

How can POT even consider their releases to be good? I use to release music videos years ago so I know the difference between good and bad quality, and so far POT has released nothing but bad quality releases.

They mention in this release they had to silence the first part of the move to sync it with the rest, pfff, what kind of f$%ken bull$h%^t is that? If this was true then all the music videos on the net would have no sound for the first 2 or 3 seconds. DUH!

It would be nice to see POT not always trying to race for the finish line with their releases so that they don't screw it up. It makes no difference to me who comes out with it first, because I know whoever has the best quality picture and sound will be the one I will be watching.

POTs current release got 2/2/2 by my standards for a score!


Posted by Leathal on 07-25-2004 01:55 PM:

Originally posted by Panthro
POT ty for the releases good or bad they are free....*mental note* even if you don't like someone ...they still deserve RESPECT...

Would you download your favorite artists video if it was only 240x480 VCD and very blury if you knew someone else would release a better version of it? Sure it's free, but when you have other people who are capible of releasing the same video, or in this case movie, do quality not play a role for you?

It does for me, and I am sure it does for a lot of other people here too!


Posted by shane4050 on 07-25-2004 02:22 PM:

o come on video cd isn't that good pot is getting way better if u look at there newer releases then look at ne of there older release shit man they are way better.

Posted by Froggi on 07-25-2004 02:53 PM:

pot better then videocd? hmm...rofl nc

Vid: 5
Audio: 9
Movie: 1

Posted by holysmoke420 on 07-25-2004 02:55 PM:

getting movie now so i can see for myself just how bad it really is. Ijust had to comment on shane's message there. while POT is finally coming along with some better than average releases. dont think it's time to be comparing them to videocd. videocd has a long list of great releases. POT is still relatively starting out. of course so is shane4050.

Posted by firefighter on 07-25-2004 03:20 PM:

Originally posted by akasmiler
How does trhis rate higher than the nox rls????

i rate this as 5/5/2 (yes the movie really is that bad)

and the nox rls as 7.5/6/2 (the movie is still bad even tho picture and sound are better)

You gave POT (Direct audio) a 5 yet NOX hollow CAM a 6, man you need a hearing aid .... your also now my idiot of the day!

All the excitement of a trip to hell with none of the negitive side affects!

Posted by 404notfound on 07-25-2004 03:57 PM:

Ok. I've had enough of this. Lets set some rules.

1 NO REQUESTING (This is obvious. Ask and get banned)

2 NO SLAGGING OFF OTHER USERS. I am fucking sick to death of people slagging each other off. Stick to rating the quality and note any problems you feel with the release. SLAG OFF OTHER USERS AND I WILL BAN YOU!

3 I do not want to hear any shit about "Ooooh. Where's Centropy/Video CD" or "I'll wait for Centropy/VIDEO CD"

4 If you cant abide by the above rules. GET THE FUCK OUT. Nobody wants you here!


Posted by crapper on 07-25-2004 04:21 PM:

thnxx for makin it svcd..
the extra quality is needed if u actaully watch it..

the quality isnt amazing.. blurry and well dark.. so 5,5
i did like the cams picture over this one

as for the sound rather good 8

the movie

well i havent seen it ..
gonna see it in the cinema;s or well maybe an other groups release

thnx pot for an other release there fast and well for the needy.

i for one am gonna go for and other release or well the movies it self

Posted by The Fat One on 07-25-2004 05:10 PM:


i wonder who the 11 year old kid who writes POT's nfo's is.

Posted by Leathal on 07-25-2004 05:16 PM:

Originally posted by shane4050
o come on video cd isn't that good pot is getting way better if u look at there newer releases then look at ne of there older release shit man they are way better.


Look at their previous release, they released 4 different versions of it each one sucking more than the previous release. They are rushing their releases so they have to keep re-releasing the same old crap. If anyone wants to do it right, they should do it right the first time and not re-release their video 4 times!!


Posted by shane4050 on 07-25-2004 08:05 PM:

ya but most of there movies are watchable and im jut saying there geting better

Posted by shane4050 on 07-25-2004 08:05 PM:

sry i think were geting a lil off topic

Posted by Miller on 07-25-2004 08:07 PM:

like this rls. video is not bad could be a little better. audio is perfect, thanks to the DTS sound. missing audio in credits but thats for sync. shame that nukers have pissed pot off this much. i alway get the pot rls just becuase their fast would be shame if they diden't to the DTS sound anymore. as for this movie it sucks bad.


Straight out of karate Lessions, to register these hands as wepons!

Posted by Leathal on 07-25-2004 10:07 PM:

Originally posted by Miller
like this rls. video is not bad could be a little better. audio is perfect, thanks to the DTS sound. missing audio in credits but thats for sync. shame that nukers have pissed pot off this much. i alway get the pot rls just becuase their fast would be shame if they diden't to the DTS sound anymore. as for this movie it sucks bad.


Ah, well they are not adding any DTS audio to their releases, they might be mixing what they can get from the DTS sound track back into L/R Stereo. DTS made of many channels, L/R/C/BL/BR and BC if its DTS-ES 6.1.

Eye of Horus is the godfather of coverting pretty much anything to DTS. Check his guides to see what I mean. If POT was coverting Stereo to DTS it would take them quite a bit longer to release their movies, plus they would make a hissing sound if you played them in stereo mode which they don't.


Posted by Pingu on 07-25-2004 11:36 PM:


crappy movie, good sound though

"Always postpone meetings with time-wasting morons" -Dogbert

Posted by Wavebaby on 07-26-2004 03:55 AM:

Pot releases might not be top notch, but give them credit for being the first to release a movie.

My release rating: 6/9/5


Posted by BLUE-NEO on 07-26-2004 04:38 AM:

this is actually a pretty nice telesync and excellent sound. the jpeg and the sample doesn't do it any justice. I'm impressed...

7/8/3 movie was dry and boring.

Reality Is Only A State Of Mind...

Posted by [RaZoR] on 07-26-2004 02:11 PM:

audio is very good, video could be much better but still watchable.
well, i won't watch the whole movie anyway, probably shitty.


no idea

Posted by brut7 on 07-26-2004 03:15 PM:

Good work POT, thank you.
This is the best release at the moment.

Hale, Cats, Superhero action movies; love them all but as we know the movie could have been much better.


Posted by php on 07-27-2004 01:51 PM:

POT is so phucking arrogant, they seem to think they are the only group in the scene

video - 6. very good quality for a TS
audio - 6. it's good quality, even if audio is missing at the beginning of the movie. it's mentioned in the NFO, however, and it's no big deal.

movie itself - 3. it's incredible crap. I'd say the script was written by a rather clever script writer (even if not intelligent by any means), but the director screw it totally up, it's pure MTV aesthetics. Burton's Michelle Pfeifer-Catwoman made more sense than the Hally Berry-movie.

So if there's no real plot, we at least expect some cool action scenes, right? However, the movie is disappointing in this respect either. It's simply boring from every single point of view.

Btw, don't you hate it when characters use the internet in the movies? It's so weird - like in this one, Berry types "the cat in history" (without quotation marks) into the google search box. Ehh, hello, Miss Berry, do you actually know how google search works? Articles and preposition are filtered by google unless you set a + in front of them or put the whole phrase in quotation marks.

Besides, even my grandma would have thought of more specific keywords searching for the topic Berry searches for in the movie. Typing "cat woman" into the search box and miraculously finding everything she needs? My ass...

Posted by Bravo on 07-27-2004 08:22 PM:

C'mon people the video wasn't that bad and how can you give the sound such a low rating as it is about as clean as you can get? The was one "head" that popped up in this movie that most will probably not even notice and the movie itself wasn't as bad as everyone says. I think people jump on the bandwagon without even giving something a chance. Anyways but the best release, but still a good release and another step forward for pot(you're getting there). I will add one thing that did hurt the movie itself. The stupid soundtrack that made it look like it was a music video on some parts. I thought i was watching one of Jaylos new music vids or something.

Posted by rickhype on 07-28-2004 02:24 AM:

this release is not as bad as everyone is making it
pot always does a good jod releasing fast watchable rls
and has been honest about the quality in their nfo
as for the movie itself they could have put more into it
keep up the good work pot.


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